The reason why it is called a glimmer of life is because Xue Beng's power is hard to resist, whether he can be saved or not is another matter. Bai Yi suddenly calmed down and wanted to live to meet Fu Yu! !Borrowing that force, Bai Yi mobilized his whole body upwards, following that force to continue upwards, the three of them seemed to have a heart-to-heart connection, Tang Sancheng and Qi Xie also began to exert force upwards, wanting to compete with this force of nature! !

The force on the other side of the three ropes was much stronger, and taking advantage of the upward force of the three, a miracle appeared!The bodies of the three were walking upwards in the falling snow flakes. Tang Sancheng felt so excited and couldn't help crying out. Bai Yi wanted to scold him, but it was too cold to prevent the snow from falling into his mouth, choking him so much. Only to temporarily suppress the scolding...

The bodies of the three people suddenly entered a warm space, it was pitch black, Tang Sancheng opened his eyes tentatively, and when he found no discomfort, he widened his eyes completely, but unfortunately he couldn't see anything, he hurriedly looked for a flashlight , touched the backpack, it was still there, it seemed that Qixie hadn't forgotten to put the flashlight in it after making him and Bai Yi faint, he took out the flashlight, and was about to open it when he pressed one hand on the upper flashlight, It's Qixie: "Don't open it."

Qixie's voice trembled a little, Tang Sancheng heard it, Qixie was nervous, his hand holding the flashlight even trembled slightly, and his heartbeat also accelerated, wait, Tang Sancheng listened carefully, now there are seven Heartbeat, besides the three of them, there are four people here, Tang Sancheng blurted out: "Lei Zi, Xiao Ning, Liu Zhixi!!"

"It's not them." Bai Yi was still more sensitive than Tang Sancheng, he sensed that the atmosphere here was unusual, his body was a little chilly, Bai Yi put his hands on his chest, trying to warm himself up.

Someone threw something over and threw it into the arms of the three people in the dark. It was fur, and the soft hair could still be touched by touching it with the hands. The three people wrapped their bodies tightly with the fur, and their bodies finally felt better. The faces of the three people were all hot. Snow could melt into water, or it could become a sharp weapon for killing people.

The seven people stood in the dark, and suddenly there was no sound except for the beating of their hearts. After a long time, a voice came from the shadows: "You are back."

"Yes." Qixie said.

"You shouldn't bring outsiders in, you know the rules here." The person who spoke seemed to be the leader of these four people, and his voice was very dignified.

"It was a surprise, I can't explain it in words, they are trustworthy."

The voice was silent for a long time before saying, "If they weren't willing to live and die with you, we wouldn't even save them."

Bai Yi was taken aback, it seemed that his life was really hanging by a thread just now, if the three of them had any renunciation, he and Tang Sancheng would have already...

Qixie knelt down suddenly, Tang Sancheng heard the sound of his knees landing: "Leader, please let them enter the border."

"Qixie never kneels down." The voice sighed: "You kneel down and beg me for these two outsiders. It seems that your friendship with them is better than that of our compatriots?"

compatriots?There seemed to be a flash of light in Bai Yi's heart, he had caught some clues, his heart was beating violently, he had to cover his chest with his hands, because he knew that Tang Sancheng must be able to hear his psychological changes, he They are too restless. You must not make a sound at this time. Now is an important time for them to enter the national border.

Bai Yi's guess was correct, Tang Sancheng had already heard his heartbeat, he didn't understand why Bai Yi was so agitated all of a sudden, normally, he would have asked questions a long time ago, but at this time, Tang Sancheng always felt that this place was occupied by someone. Surrounded by a strange atmosphere, it suppressed his heart and made him dare not speak easily. Because of this, the thing that made Bai Yi fearful did not happen.

The person who was called the leader by Qixie said: "You have been going out for so many years, and you challenge me when you come back, Qixie, do you know what the consequences will be if you do this?"

"I know, but I brought an important person here, he can answer the doubts and incomprehensions of the leader for so many years." Qixie said: "Don't the leader want to know?"

"Qixie will also play tricks, it seems that the world has really changed." The voice let out a long sigh, and finally, he said helplessly: "Perhaps since I ordered to save you, I have to destroy you step by step. Break the rules you set."

"Leader..." Qixie's voice was very excited.

"Take them in."

Qixie walked towards Bai Yi and Tang Sancheng: "Follow me now, don't ask why, don't turn on the flashlight, follow me, when you get to the place, you will know everything, but as a price, I need to disclose your secrets , on this point, I will now ask for your consent."

Tang Sancheng and Bai Yi glanced at each other, even though they could only see each other's outline in the dark, they nodded at the same time, and replied in unison: "Yes."

"Now, follow me." After Qixie finished speaking, he grabbed them with both hands and walked forward. Bai Yi and Tang Sancheng's footsteps were a little chaotic. Four people, walking in the dark, completely unaffected, just like walking in daylight every day, go straight, turn left, go straight, turn right, and then go all the way down, this road, they must have walked no less than It takes a hundred times to walk so proficiently. Under the leadership of Qixie, Tang Sancheng and Bai Yi also slowly found the rhythm of progress, and they were not too embarrassed along the way.

Bai Yi calculated the distance he had traveled in his mind, counted his steps silently, and found that counting from the space where he was rescued, he had walked a total of more than 300 steps, and each step he took was about 800 centimeters. Get up, have walked nearly 500 meters, and walked forward about [-] meters, Qixie stopped, and the four people who were walking in front turned around, the leader said: "It's better to cover their eyes. "

Hearing the leader's words, two people who had been standing beside him without saying a word came over and blindfolded Bai Yi and Tang Sancheng. Their movements were quick and they found their eyes very accurately. When they approached, Bai Yi found that their eyes were emitting a very faint green light in the dark, just like cats. After blindfolding their eyes, the two quickly retreated behind the leader. Qixie led them After walking ten steps forward, he asked, "We are going in now."

Bai Yi and Tang Sancheng's heart tightened, and they took a deep breath.

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