The so-called going in does not mean simply taking a step forward, or opening a certain door. After Qixie finished saying that, Bai Yi and Tang Sancheng's bodies flew into the air, and Tang Sancheng heard creaking There was a sound of yah, and then there was a "bang", and Qixie said, "I'm going to take off your blindfolds now, I hope you can keep calm and don't make loud noises."

Tang Sancheng and Bai Yi nodded in agreement, the blindfold in front of them was taken off, Tang Sancheng and Bai Yi shook their heads in unison, and blinked several times, Tang Sancheng suddenly covered his mouth, this is him The only thing I can do, otherwise it would be too difficult to control my exclamation!

What appeared in front of their eyes was a double-layered palace carved out of ivory. It was originally a double-layered cave with stone steps dug up and down for easy access. The gray-brown stones were covered with stalactites. The moonlight can absorb the brilliance of the moon, but the stalactites with the luster of the moonlight all emit a dazzling brilliance. There are many small caves in the caves on the upper and lower floors. They are believed to be used for living, and all of them are decorated with stalactites without exception. However, here is like a white world, the beauty, the source of the beautiful light, are the three night pearls on the top of the cave!They emit light so that there is no distinction between night and day.

It was very quiet inside, and it was the first time for Tang Sancheng to see the Ye Mingzhu. He raised his head and didn't let it fall down for a long time. Qi Xieqi saw that he was fascinated by it, and said: "There are 36 celestial gangs in the world, and 72 earth demons below. One hundred and eight heavens and earth. The pearl of the night picks up and conceives the bright light of the sun, moon and stars in the sky, the moistness of the wind, rain, and dew in the space, the beauty of the mountains, rivers and trees on the earth, and the auspiciousness of the spirit, spirit, soul and spirit of the world. Therefore, the brilliance of the night pearl also has 36 colors, 72 clouds, and [-] lights, which will last forever."

"Although the beautiful scenery of Penglai is good, it can't compare to this place." Bai Yi said with a sigh: "The scenery on the top of the mountain is unique, but the price of seeing the beautiful scenery is too high." Bai Yi said looking at the bloody hands. Looking around: "Strange, Qixie, where are those four people just now?"

Tang Sancheng was unresponsive, he only looked at the situation in front of him: "Really, those people are gone."

Someone coughed, Tang Sancheng was startled, and followed the sound, it turned out that the four people had been standing beside them, but they were wearing long robes, covered from head to toe, and covered their faces, only showing a pair of eyes Because the caves are all decorated with white stalactites, they seemed to be integrated with the cave just now, making it difficult to see clearly, but their eyes, Bai Yi took a special look at them, and they were the same as the faint green light emitting in the dark night just now. The light is different, and now he has black eyebrows and black eyes, no different from himself.

"Qi Xie, who is this?" Bai Yi looked at the standing postures of the four people. One stood in the middle and faced forward, and the other three stood behind him. The one standing in front must be the leader.

"Leader." Qixie said: "As for the others, don't ask. Basically, those who live here have no first and last names, and only one last name has been handed down."

Only one last name?Bai Yi thought of the stone tablets on both sides of the entrance, those stone tablets that made the local mountain people dare not enter, there was only one character on them, and the characters on them were hieroglyphics, some of which Bai Yi could understand, those were surnames, could it be the same as Does it matter here too?

Qixie seemed to know what Bai Yi was thinking: "Those steles are left by my people. All the family clans who came to Changbai that year, one clan and one stele, these were placed there 60 years ago."

Hearing Qi Xie say "I Chao", everything became clearer, Bai Yi said: "You are indeed a descendant of the Yu Dynasty, no wonder you have been hiding it since you came here."

Hearing Bai Yi's words, the leader sighed: "Both of you, since we've come here, we have nothing to hide." The leader took his hands out of his sleeves. The hands of the dead branches clapped together, making a crisp sound.

Following the sound, many people in white robes came out from those small holes. Like these three people, they all wrapped their bodies tightly, only showing a pair of eyes. The reason is that men and women cannot be seen, but there are old people and young children. The old man has a hunched waist, and the young children are short in stature. You can tell at a glance that there are suddenly more than two hundred people in the cave on the upper and lower floors! !

"These are all the remnants of our dynasty. What you just said is correct. We are descendants of the Yu dynasty. After being destroyed by Xia, we fled to Changbai Mountain in order to avoid losing our bloodlines and keep our bloodlines." The leader said. Said.

Bai Yi thought of Shi Wenbo. If he was standing here now, he would be insane. The point of view he insisted on is true. It's a pity that he is still lying in that endless passage, and he doesn't know Is he awake now?

Maybe it's because no outsider has ever been here before, and the eyes of these two hundred people were all on Bai Yi and Tang Sancheng, making the two of them uncomfortable, and Tang Sancheng stood awkwardly at Qixie. Behind them, these people didn't make a sound, even when they were walking, their footsteps were extremely light. It seems that the legend that they walk like flying is true. Qixie's fast feet are not only due to his cultivation, but also There is a blood relationship, and the descendants of this line of Yu Dynasty are as agile as swallows.

The leader clapped his hands again: "Let's all go back."

With an order, the more than two hundred people all shrank back, but within five seconds, Tang Sancheng felt a little strange: "Is it like this usually? They don't want to come out?"

"No, usually there is no difference between people here and people outside. Everyone will grind food together, work together, and chat, but today..." Qi Xie paused: "Because outsiders invaded, the situation is different .”

The outsider refers to them and Shi Wenbo. When mentioning this, Tang Sancheng grabbed Qixie's arm: "Then, Xiao Ning and the others were also captured by your companions. Where are they now? Are they all right?" He turned to the leader again: "Leader, we have no malicious intentions, and we didn't come here to hurt you, please let our friends go!!"

The leader waved his hand: "There is no need to mention this matter again. When you leave, you will naturally meet them."

This meant that Xiao Ning and the others were fine, Tang Sancheng breathed a sigh of relief, but Bai Yi thought about something else, how did these people know that outsiders had invaded?To get the news so quickly, unless Qixie had already delivered the news in the cave, these people would make plans and take action, but when did Qixie start delivering the news to his compatriots?

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