The people of the Yu Dynasty never felt that their life trajectories were different. It was like giants living in a world of giants. They thought that everyone was as tall as them, but if one day an ordinary person broke into their world, That ordinary person will undoubtedly become the most eye-catching one. On the contrary, once the giant leaves the world of giants, he will also become a different kind in the world of ordinary people. He will be targeted and rejected! !It seems to be the law since ancient times that the minority obeys the majority.

The people of the Yu Dynasty are peaceful. Although they are as fast as lightning, they are only used for hunting. This is an important reason for their downfall - they don't know how to kill, but what makes them suffer is the secret disclosure. The people of the Yu Dynasty They lived in their own dynasty for more than 1000 years, until the appearance of the tribe called Xia, everything was broken, and they fell into a cognitive dilemma. It turned out that they belonged to a different kind, because most of the people in other tribes If you live to be 30 years old, you will live a long life. Xia's tribe vowed to destroy these monsters. When the war came, the Yu Dynasty people who did not know how to kill were defeated. Although they could live long, they could not withstand the assassination of sharp weapons. , blood gushed out in an instant, and lives were taken away one by one.

The leader at that time was not the old birthday star. The old leader looked at the remaining two hundred people, ordered to save the last bit of blood, and fled into Changbai Mountain. Because the three mountains are connected to each other, they are very hidden. They settled down here. , and built their own secret dynasty, but they are not completely isolated from the outside world. Every once in a while, they will send people out to buy food, and at the same time, listen to the situation outside.

Under the investigation, the Xia Dynasty was destroyed, the Shang Dynasty came, followed by the Zhou Dynasty, and the annual rings kept turning, but people in each dynasty did not live as long as they did. They have become aliens, which determines that they cannot be born again, and can only live in this mountain.

The leader is the second leader. Before he became the leader, he was also in charge of shopping. He had a strange appearance. When the people saw him, he somehow became the prototype of the birthday star. Even the leader never thought of it. Hearing this, Tang Sancheng was dumbfounded: "Are only leader candidates allowed to go out to purchase? Then Qixie..."

"After my death, he will be in charge of this place and become the new leader." The leader said, "Qixie is the best in his generation, and everyone elected him without any objection."

Tang Sancheng lowered his head, seeing him like this, the leader smiled, and his eyebrows trembled: "You don't need to worry about this, my body is still strong enough, there should be no problem in a hundred years."

Qixie sighed: "The leader..."

"We are the same as ordinary people. We are born, aged, sick and died, but at a slower rate, so you should have this awareness long ago. One day, I will go too." The leader said.

Bai Yi was very interested in the pools and passages in the cave when he first entered the mountain, so he asked the leader for clarification. The leader really knew everything. If the people of Yu Dynasty were like this, no wonder they would have been defeated at the beginning. Skill, war should be a piece of cake...

It turned out that the cave was when the survivors of the Yu Dynasty worshiped the moon on the fifteenth day of each month. The incense stone was originally their holy stone. It is said that the holy stone fell from the moon. Bai Yi felt that according to what they said, the stone fell from the sky. The scene of the stone should be a meteorite, because it fell at night, and the scene at that time looked like it fell from the moon. The position of the fragrance stone is just so that the moonlight can shine in through the small hole in the stone. , the moonlight can fill the entire cave, as bright as day, and the scene is very strange. On the fifteenth of every month, everyone is bathed in the moonlight, and they firmly believe that they can gain strength from the moonlight.

"Wait a minute, leader, how long have you persisted in this tradition?" Bai Yi felt that something came to his mind, and he could connect back and forth to figure it out with just a few clues.

"As long as I can remember, we have had this ceremony. Before the dynasty was destroyed, the holy stone was also placed in a fixed position. The whole people bathed in the moonlight on the [-]th of every month, and it never stopped." The leader saw that Bai Yi's face was very unusual. : "Did you think of something?"

"I'm wondering if your unusually slow way of life is related to that stone. Meteorites are unstarred objects that fell in the universe. It may have affected your life style." Bai Yi said: "Moonlight and There may also be some kind of relationship between these stones, it is entirely possible that the stones have an unusual effect under the moonlight, and it is this effect that allows you to live longer."

What Bai Yi said was very bold. Even though the leader lived for more than 4000 years, it took him some time to digest it. After thinking about it, he felt that Bai Yi's analysis was very reasonable: "After thinking about it, this possibility The biggest thing is that the doubts that bothered me so much have been solved.”

"It's a pity, Qixie, you have lived for so long and have been living in this Changbai Mountain. Otherwise, you would be a living history dictionary, and you can know everything that happened in this history." Tang Sancheng suddenly said regretfully.

Bai Yi said in his heart, then any fight is not a problem, but there is no need to mention these, they are isolated from the world purely to protect themselves, they don't have so many selfish desires, no wonder Qixie can be loyal to Tang Sancheng so far Yes, this is the characteristic of their family.

"I don't know what's the matter with the passage in that pool, does that fog always exist in four seasons?" Bai Yi has always been curious about the dense fog after going up, and what happened underwater, the water looks like boiling water It was scorching hot, but it was cool after going down, and when their people sneaked in, everything is unknown.

"Let Qixie tell you about this." The leader glanced at Qixie.

Qixie first sighed: "Originally we came here to fight against and find Yin people, but by such a coincidence, the professor of history came to look for the survivors of the Yu Dynasty. How could I let him find this place? , Our peaceful life is about to be completely broken, I have been outside for so many years, and I know how cruel it is to deal with aliens, I don’t want my kindred to be sent to the Medical Research Institute for in vivo research!!”

Qi Xie's words made Bai Yi chill. That's right, once Shi Wenbo announces the discovery of the survivors of the Yu clan, it will definitely cause a big turmoil. It is definitely not as easy as updating the history of the Chinese nation, but it will trigger a medical crisis. Discussion and research on the Internet, when the time comes, the lives of these 200 people will be completely broken! !

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