Shi Wenbo's research on the Yu Dynasty made Qixie terrified. He was delighted that some people still recognized the existence of the Yu Dynasty, but on the other hand, he was afraid of being found out about his tribe's hiding place. He had to warn his compatriots. Bai Yi did this under his nose.

When Qixie knocked off a piece of that strange stone, he threw a black pebble into the crack beside the stone. The crack leads to here. When the black pebble falls, the leader will know that there is an outsider Trailing intrusion was originally designed to prevent people who went shopping from being targeted. Qixie knew that the people of his tribe were kind-hearted and would never kill him, so he dared to issue a warning.

As for the pond, the secret passage under the pond discovered by Bai Yi is also a mechanism connected to this place. Qixie's clansman took a lot of effort to connect with it. It can be said that the three mountains have been exhausted. The road into the mountain is very steep, and the villagers are afraid of this place. All these factors make this place a realistic version of paradise.

"I'm not wrong, you deliberately led us to find the stone pillar leading to the top, and let us go to a foggy place, so that your clansmen can attack, didn't you?" Bai Yi said.

Qi Xie nodded in agreement: "You don't need to worry about Xiao Ning's safety, they are in a very safe place now."

"En." Tang Sancheng absolutely believed Qi Xie's words.

"When Tang Sancheng was touching the mechanism on the stone wall, you knew there were spikes, so you called him to stop, but you should know where the mechanism is, why did you hurt your hand? Was it just a show for us?" As soon as Luo Tian's words came out, Qi Xie was stunned: "I didn't think that way at all. I was worried that it was true that [-]% of my injuries were true, but the reason why I was injured was because the mechanism was active and would be moved every once in a while. Once, the location of the agency was different from when I went out."

Bai Yi used the heart of a villain to measure the belly of a gentleman, and he cupped his hands at Qixie: "I misunderstood you, Qixie, I'm sorry, but I still don't understand one thing, what is the mystery of that long passage Why, when Tang Sancheng and I woke up, we were already outside, and on another mountain?"

Qi Xie shook her head: "I can't say anything about this matter anymore. This matter is about the lives of my fellow clansmen, so let it be a secret forever."

Bai Yi accepted it frankly: "I can understand. It is a great honor for me to come here and tell us your identity. With a companion like you, what can I say?"

Qixie smiled and said nothing, Tang Sancheng thought of the words of the guide Lu Shan at this time: "By the way, the villagers outside said that some of their villagers came into the mountain, one came in, and one disappeared. Did you do it?"

The leader shook his head: "This matter has nothing to do with us. They all disappeared in Xiling. Our people never go to Xiling. Outsiders often go there to look for wild ginseng, so they are easy to be found."

West Ridge?Bai Yi said, "Where is Xiling?"

"I know." Qi Xie said, "Do you suspect that it has something to do with Yin people?"

"That's right, my teacher said that there are yin people haunting Changbai Mountain. This Xiling sounds a bit evil, and I want to go and have a look." Bai Yi said: "Our doubts have been resolved, and now it's my turn to become Tang San. .”

Bai Yi told the story of himself and Tang Sancheng in one breath, very coherent, the unusual encounter between these two people fascinated the leader, after listening, he said in astonishment: "I didn't expect that besides us, there would be others like us. You are such a miraculous person, that Gu is really miraculous, but this brother's blood is different, will he be like us, affected by some unknown force and change the trajectory of his life?"

"We are also inquiring about this point." Bai Yi said: "We have disturbed for a long time, but we don't know if it will affect the people? It's time for us to leave." People need to know, especially when they know so many secrets of people , but also know how to advance and retreat. Bai Yi's move made the leader very fond of him. He nodded and said: "When you return to the cave, I will send them back."

"About the matter here, we will never mention it to a third person. We will always keep it a secret and hope that the leader will trust us. This is the only reward we can give for the leader's openness." Bai Yi said solemnly.

"Of course I trust you, let me give you a ride." The leader turned to Qixie again: "Qixie, be careful outside."

Qixie took the lead: "I see, leader."

Several people walked out here, the three Qixie clansmen who came to rescue were standing outside, they were going to blindfold them as usual, Tang Sancheng and Bai Yi have long been used to the feeling of being blindfolded, there is no difference, Let them fiddle with it, and when it's over, they are led to walk on the way they came, and they tossed like that again, and I don't know how long it took, Qixie said: "It's okay."

Tang Sancheng and Bai Yi couldn't wait to tear off the blindfolds on their faces, and found that the three of them had returned to the original cave. The few people who were taken away, together with Shi Wenbo who was knocked unconscious by Bai Yi, were lying on the ground in disorder. Tang Sancheng shook them awake one by one, when shaking that Feng Shui master, a comic book fell out from his body, Tang Sancheng didn't pay attention at first, glanced at it, his eyes widened immediately, he picked it up When I saw it, I was speechless immediately. It turned out that this is a small book with Fengshui as the main story. The story in it happened to be related to Changbai Mountain. There was also a mention about the group of dragons sitting in it. The Fengshui master read it This little book came out to act as "everyone", Tang Sancheng was a little annoyed, he was the last person to see such a bluffing person, so he immediately put the little book on himself, and he was a little bit annoyed. I should really question this Feng Shui master.

After everyone woke up, it was like a dream. After waking up, the teapot lid sat there without making a sound, and he didn't see the original hostility at all. Shi Wenbo kept shouting dizziness, but Xiao Ning was strong. Now that she has seen too many strange things, her ability to resist attacks is getting stronger and stronger. Lei Zi and Liu Zhixi kept pestering Bai Yi to ask how they came back here, and what happened after that, and Bai Yi messed up. Made up some words, said it vividly, and fooled several people.

At this time, Tang Sancheng walked up to the Feng Shui master: "Liu Suanzi, are you missing something?"

That Liu Suanzi touched his body and widened his eyes: "My..."

He only spoke halfway and couldn't continue, Tang Sancheng took out the comic book and raised it in his hand: "Here are your textbooks!"

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