Liu Suanzi's legs suddenly went limp, and he collapsed on the ground. He didn't know whether he was exhausted from tossing around, or he was scared because he was afraid of being exposed. Shi Wenbo was still a little unclear about the situation, and asked, "What's going on?"

Tang Sancheng handed the villain book in his hand to Shi Wenbo, Shi Wenbo turned a few pages, his face was a little pale, the eyes of a scholar cannot be rubbed with sand, now Liu Suanzi has become a speck in Shi Wenbo's eyes When it was sandy, Shi Wenbo threw the comic books on the ground, and walked away silently.

Bai Yi originally thought that the teapot lid would jump over to make this liar look good, but in the end, he just looked back and lowered his head in a dispirited manner, not knowing what he was thinking.

Lei Zi said: "There is some evil here, Bai Yi, we won't just withdraw like this, will we?"

Bai Yi said: "It's not here, it's Xiling. Let's go to Xiling in a while."

"Why is it Xiling? How do you know there is evil there?" Bai Yi forgot that Lei Zi was already an experienced fighter, Lei Zi immediately noticed the loopholes in Bai Yi's words, and Bai Yi secretly groaned in his heart. , but the words spoken are like water poured out, which can no longer be taken back.

Fortunately, Tang Sancheng made up a lie about Naxiling: "This group of dragons sits, and the three dragons meet each other. Naxiling and these three dragons are closely related, and they are more or less dragon-like. I chatted with Lu Shan." He once said that a villager went to Xiling to collect wild ginseng and disappeared, so I think there must be something there."

Besides, Lei Zi is addicted to fighting. After following Bai Yi, he experienced a lot of strange things. When he came here, he was knocked down before the ghost tomb came down. His heart was full of anger There is nowhere to post it, now that I heard that Xiling was affected by the dragon's aura, and that the fight has fallen again, I became excited for a while, and I didn't care about the loopholes in Bai Yi's words, and I was so excited that I wanted to set off immediately.

Besides, Liu Suanzi was a little dismayed when his true face was exposed, and Shi Wenbo was also a little confused. He came to find evidence of Yu Chao's existence, but now he found nothing. Naturally, he was not reconciled. As for the teapot lid, it is also unpredictable now. What was he thinking and how should these three people deal with it made Bai Yi difficult.

Bai Yi decided to strike first, and took the initiative to discuss this matter with Shi Wenbo. Shi Wenbo didn't intend to leave here. He felt that there must be something wrong here. Wen Bo didn't give up on this place, and left him here to continue searching, while he took people to Xiling.

At this time, the night was already dark, and it was snowy outside, the group could only light a fire, and they had to stay in this cave for another night. After going through this series of torture, Xiao Ning was physically exhausted, so she sat next to Tang Sancheng , suddenly said: "Tang Sancheng, if one day I die, do you know what to give me?"

Xiao Ning looked at Tang Sancheng's face, and suddenly touched it with his hand: "What's wrong with your face."

This is what happened in the avalanche, in fact it's not just Tang Sancheng, both Qixie and Bai Yi have scars on their faces, one by one linear scars, when Tang Sancheng was touched by Xiao Ning, his face hurt a little, and he was afraid of overflowing The blood came, in fact, the wound had already congealed at this time, and there was no bleeding from the beginning, Tang Sancheng turned his head away, this action made Xiao Ning feel a little resentful: "You hate me so much, forget it."

"No." Seeing that Bai Yi didn't reprimand him, Tang Sancheng guessed that nothing serious happened to his face, so he hurriedly coaxed Xiao Ning: "Okay, what are you talking about?"

"I thought of something when I lost consciousness today." Xiao Ning said: "I don't know if everyone thinks of the most important people and things when they feel that they are about to die. At that moment, I first thought of It's my dad, and..."

Tang Sancheng's expression brightened, his intuition told him that what Xiao Ning wanted to talk about was him, it was him, Tang Sancheng!

"Ye Mingzhu." Hearing these three words, Tang San looked like a deflated balloon, and his body was getting weaker and weaker. Xiao Ning patted him: "I was thinking, it's not good to be burned even after death. I can't keep the whole body. After a lifetime, there will only be a handful of ashes left. It's so boring. You say burial, there are so many bugs in the ground, I will be bitten by bugs, and if I don't do it well, I will become Zombie, I must not do this, if there is a night pearl, put one in my mouth, so that my body will not melt, no insects will bite, it will not rot, and I will not be afraid of the dark, that would be great."

It's a pity that Tang Sancheng thought of the night pearl in the cave of the Yu clan. Xiao Ning didn't see it this time, and he couldn't let her see it. Looking at Xiao Ning's face that became more and more clean under the firelight, Tang Sancheng gritted his teeth and said : "Don't worry, bugs will never bite a cute girl like you."

Lei Zi squirted the water out of his mouth with a pounce, and when it was over, he wiped his mouth: "My god, Tang Sancheng, this is your love story, my darling, almost didn't make me laugh Death, Xiao Ning, come, come to me, I can say this kind of thing more than him, come here!!"

Xiao Ning just felt it, when Lei Zi interrupted him, he became annoyed towards Lei Zi: "Fuck you, get out of here."

"Yo, Xiao Ning has become a tigress now." Lei Zi became even more enthusiastic. In this weather and situation, it is really fun to have a girl who can be used as a joke. Lei Zi's persistence Rao made Bai Yi frowned: "Okay, Lei Zi, get a good night's sleep. You have to go on your way tomorrow. It's not easy to go on the road in the snow. You need to conserve your energy."

Only then did Lei Zi shut his mouth, and everyone sat around the fire, and soon fell into a deep sleep. Qi Xie suddenly opened his eyes, and he saw the teapot lid staring at him: "Why don't you sleep?"

The teapot cover shook his head: "Tomorrow I will go out to the mountains, and I will go to practice martial arts again. Only after I met you, did I realize that all my previous time was wasted, and I want to start all over again!!"

It turned out that after the teapot lid was suppressed by Qixie, he was unconsciously fainted in the pool above. These two things dealt a great blow to him. After he became the national martial arts champion, He is in a high mood and thinks he is invincible. Now his self-confidence has been completely shattered, which gives him an urge to practice martial arts again.

Seeing that he was very firm, Qi Xie couldn't say anything: "Don't you still want to protect your brother-in-law?"

"Him?" The voice of the teapot lid was much softer: "I know him too well. After you leave, he will stay here for more than three hours at most before he can't stand it. Otherwise, why would my sister ask me to come and look for him?" As for him, he just knows he can’t do it! He’s just suitable for doing research, and this kind of practical work is not suitable for him at all. ?”

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