Qixie was caught off guard when the teapot lid asked this question, and he was worried about how to answer, when Bai Yi opened his eyes, it turned out that he had not fallen asleep, listening to the conversation between the two, Bai Yi said: "We are explorers, Where is the danger going?"

The corner of the teapot cover's mouth curled up into a smile, a little cold, it seemed that he didn't believe this statement, he said softly: "This statement is only believed by my brother-in-law, but meeting you is also a miracle Now, although I don't understand these experiences, I find them very interesting, maybe I won't experience them again in the future, it doesn't matter who you are."

Bai Yi really didn't expect that even the state of mind would be different after the teapot lid was enlightened. He yawned and said noncommittally, "Okay, it's getting late, go to bed early."

The night passed so silently, the cave immediately became quiet, Tang Sancheng opened his eyes, he looked at the incense stone on the top, if the moon was right there at this time, there would really be moonlight pouring down, Is it all over the cave?It's a pity that today is not the [-]th day, it's because I can't see it anymore, Tang Sancheng fell asleep dizzily after thinking about it...

When everyone woke up in the morning, they were stunned by the situation outside the cave. The entrance of the cave was covered with snow. It seemed that another heavy snow fell at night, covering all the peaks and even the branches. With a thick layer, the branches couldn't withstand the gravity of the falling snow, and with a plop, they bounced all the snow to the ground. The mountain was full of this sound. Tang Sancheng hadn't seen such a snow scene for a long time, and he was a little excited for a while. Stretch out and push aside the snow blocking the entrance of the cave: "Wow, what is this called?"

"Wrapped in silver." Bai Yi said, Shi Wenbo nodded again and again: "That's right, it's a world wrapped in silver now."

The snow did not continue to fall, it has stopped now, and Xiling will continue to go down. According to the current situation, the journey will be much slower than yesterday. Bai Yi immediately asked everyone to pack up their things and prepare to go. Everyone put on their clothes. Thick hats covered the ears and covered the mouth, leaving only a pair of eyes exposed. In order to minimize the burden, everyone threw out the extra things in the backpack and tried to pack as lightly as possible.

After doing this, Bai Yi put the lighter and flint on his chest. In the ice and snow, if he couldn't make a fire to keep warm, everyone's life would be ruined here. If there is a fire, he can get snow water Drink it after boiling. The drinking water that everyone brought with them is long gone, and the fire must be kept. As for the dry food, except for Tang Sancheng, everyone else is using it carefully.Bai Yi had to emphasize to Tang Sancheng again that dry food must be used carefully, otherwise everyone would not give him a bite. To be exact, it was not an emphasis, but a threat.

Bai Yi and his party were ready, and Bai Yi walked up to Shi Wenbo: "Professor Shi, we are going to continue to march inward. You are here, so please take care of yourself. If you want to retreat, you must first check the situation and understand the weather conditions before proceeding." Go out, the deep stream outside, you must be careful, once you fall, you will be powerless."

Shi Wenbo was very grateful for Bai Yi's explanation: "Thank you, you should be careful."

The teapot cover looked at them, and suddenly took out something from his arms and handed it to Qixie: "Brother, we are destined to meet you. I was ignorant before, so I will treat this thing as a gift to you." You must accept the meeting gift."

It was an object wrapped in cloth, Qixie opened it, a little surprised, this is a mechanism box that can launch hidden weapons, why is there such a thing on the teapot lid?The teapot lid said: "When I was practicing martial arts in a martial arts school, a teacher gave it to me. According to him, if you put silver needles or something in it, you can shoot and kill people like invisible. Of course, I gave it to you." You, just let you see if it is useful, there seems to be a lot of mysteries in this world of ice and snow, it would be best if it is used."

It was rare that the lid of the teapot suddenly opened, and his temperament changed greatly. Qi Xie happily put it away: "Thank you very much."

Bai Yi thought that those silver needles pulled out from the tail of the tiger beetle would come in handy now. The Feng Shui master kept silent, with his hands tucked into his sleeves, looking pitiful, and everyone ignored him. He, Bai Yi led the others out of the cave and headed towards Xiling.

It seems that the distance to Xiling is not far away, but actually it takes about half a day to get there. From a distance, the mountain looks like an eagle's beak. Everyone stepped into the snow and couldn't pull it out for a long time. Qixie walked in the front and led the way, holding a very long branch in his hand and poking it down to the left and right, in case there was a deep puddle or a deep water stream that suddenly appeared, and everyone stepped into it by mistake. On the seemingly peaceful snow, in fact It's dangerous everywhere, Bai Yi looked up at the sky, the silence now made him feel a little palpitation, he was very worried about the second avalanche coming, once he survived the catastrophe, if it happens again, he doesn't know what the result will be.

Fortunately, half of the journey has been done without incident, but the snow has fallen heavily, making it even more difficult for everyone to travel. Bai Yi quickened his pace to catch up with Qixie, and asked him about Xiling things to come.

Qixie said one thing, which made Bai Yi very concerned, that is, when Qixie hadn't left the mountain, he often heard people from his tribe say that someone appeared in Xiling, but it didn't look like someone who came into the mountain from outside, because there had long been There are no people in sight. Since the rumors spread, and because of the terrain, there are almost no people who come in. The days when the figure appeared are all cloudy moons, that is, the odd-numbered months of the lunar calendar, and they always appear in Xiling. That is, the reason why some people went to Xiling to collect wild ginseng was because wild ginseng is easier to grow in Xiling, especially the place on the top of the mountain that looks like an eagle's mouth. The terrain is the most dangerous, but there are the most wild ginseng. Many people know that Difficult to advance, in fact, the people of the Yu clan have gone to pick it a few times, but later they saw people haunting Xiling, and they were afraid of being discovered by outsiders, so they dared not go again.

This wild ginseng Baiyi is very familiar. Wild ginseng generally grows in the original alpine forest at an altitude of 3000 meters. It has existed for thousands of years.Due to changes in the natural environment and continuous excavation by humans, wild ginseng has become less and less. Baiyi's import and export company receives countless supply requests for wild ginseng every year, but the supply is often in short supply. The natural wild ginseng grown in Changbai Mountain It is a treasure among wild ginseng.It absorbs the nectar of heaven and earth, absorbs the essence of the sun and the moon, and obtains the aura of nature.Historically, it was a royal tribute, exclusive to the royal family.

Bai Yi heard that there were wild ginseng there, so he also became interested. This wild ginseng is no worse than a bright weapon. He also heard that there are people haunting Xiling. Can people be the Yin people that Master said?Didn't it say that there are Yin people haunting Changbai Mountain?

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