When resting on the road, Bai Yi took out those silver needles and tried it with the mechanism box that Qixie just got. Convenience, everyone sat in the snow to rest for a while, panting for breath and continued walking towards Xiling.

After finally arriving at the foot of the mountain in Xiling, when everyone looked up, they saw the "Eagle Beak" facing them. Everyone seemed to be the prey under the Eagle Beak, and the "Eagle Beak" was still covered with thick snow , as soon as everyone explained, there were pieces of snow falling down and hitting the ground, with a "boom", Liu Zhixi, a scholar in the world, knew his weakness when he came here. At this moment, he covered his head and said, "Mom!" Oh, don't drop this, it'll blow my brains out."

Liu Zhixi was very quiet along the way, and Lei Zi knew that it was because of the relationship between Xiao Ning and Tang Sancheng that Liu Zhixi's mood had not been very good, and the experience of "resurrecting from the dead" in the group of dragons just calmed down his mood Come down, think about it, life and death are like this, what can feelings be?The "emotional injury" suffered by Liu Zhixi healed instantly, and he started talking more. Hearing him say this, Bai Yi was really worried. Xue Beng had become a thorn in his heart now, and he greeted everyone immediately Seeing how to go up the mountain, everyone walked around the Xiling for a long time, trying to find a way up the mountain, but the mountain was very steep, and it was difficult to start from anywhere. Bai Yi wondered whether the Xiling would be the same as All the dragons sit like one, there are some internal organs, you can go up, that will save trouble, and you don't have to suffer this pain in the ice and snow.

Bai Yi pulled Qixie aside, and secretly asked him how his people went up the mountain. Qixie smiled wryly. Like him, his people were very athletic, and they lived in this snow mountain for many years. The snow mountain is naturally not difficult. Looking at the people in front of them, Tang Sancheng, Xiao Ning and Liu Zhixi, half of them are as skilled as horses. Sancheng stepped on the snow under his feet and suddenly said something.

"Emperor Yongzheng once said: the area where the universe gathers beauty, the place where yin and yang meet, the sand and water in the dragon's cave, there is no beauty, the situation is rational, the auspiciousness is prepared, the mountain water method is well-organized, and it is the soil of auspiciousness." Tang Dynasty After Sancheng finished speaking, he stomped the snow under his feet: "The feng shui of Yingzui Mountain is even better than that of Qunlongzuo just now!!"

Bai Yi was a little surprised. The three mountains connected to each other just now belonged to Zhilong. Tang Sancheng suddenly said that the geomantic omen of this mountain was better than that of the group of dragons just now. What.

Tang Sancheng said: "Because this mountain is short, I didn't see it when I was in the town. Now that I got closer, I realized that the direction of the eagle's beak is facing the three branched dragons. The eagle's beak is sharp and cuts in the direction of the dragon's head. , this mountain blocks the dragon energy of the group of dragons, and absorbs the dragon energy of the northern dragon veins. In addition, there are no other small hills around the mountain. With the aura of heaven and earth, the mountain itself already has aura, and it has absorbed the dragon aura of the three branch dragons, and it has become a treasure land of geomantic omen. Wonderful."

This Tang Sancheng, what time is this, he is still playing Wenya here, Lei Zi spat on the ground, the saliva froze as soon as it fell into the snow, Lei Zi didn't dare to spit anymore, lest he spit out to pay back Before leaving his lips, he was frozen to the edge of his mouth, and he said, "According to you, we are here to try our luck and dig a robbery hole directly?"

"Digging can be done, but you can't rely on luck." Tang Sancheng was also freezing, hiding his hands in leather gloves, and kept rubbing them to keep warm: "It must be done once, or we will be exhausted. , will freeze to death."

Xiao Ning thought Tang Sancheng spoke too slowly: "Tang Sancheng, can't you finish speaking in one breath? What are you going to do!"

"Give me some time." Tang Sancheng kept steaming from his mouth, "Let me look for it again, I'll look again, and look again." Tang Sancheng looked like an ant on the edge of a hot pot, very anxious , the sooner you find the location of the underground palace, the sooner you won't have to suffer this crime, Tang Sancheng's pressure suddenly increased a lot.

He looked at the direction, and walked half a circle along the West Ridge, constantly changing his fingers, Bai Yi and the others only knew a thing or two about feng shui, so they couldn't tell what moves Tang Sancheng was playing.

For a full quarter of an hour, everyone kept walking around to make their bodies warmer. Xiao Ning even jumped up in the snow directly. No one quarreled with Tang Sancheng. But he kept praying for him to find the location of the underground palace as soon as possible. Maybe it was everyone's wishes that touched the Snow Spirit God. Tang Sancheng suddenly ran towards everyone excitedly. He waved his hands, and his appearance was a bit ridiculous. He fell down in the snow with a "plop", Qixie rushed over and lifted him up, Tang Sancheng's head and face were covered with snowflakes, he looked like an old man, but everyone couldn't laugh, they just looked forward to it Looking at Tang Sancheng...

Tang Sancheng took a breath: "I found it."

Lei Zi and Liu Zhixi bumped into each other excitedly, Liu Zhixi was not as strong as Lei Zi, his whole body was knocked down in the snow, Lei Zi turned around to hug Xiao Ning, Xiao Ning glared at him, and moved away , Lei Zi touched his head, then flew over and punched Tang Sancheng: "Tang Sancheng, you old boy saved our lives, tell me, where do we start?"

Tang Sancheng took everyone to the side of Xiling, pointed to a place more than ten meters away from the mountain, and said that he would start digging from there. He looked very confident. Xiao Ning was a master at digging holes, and he was also the first to dig. The one who started to move, although she was a girl, showed a different courage at this time. She took off her gloves, took out the tools in her backpack and started.

In this place, moving can make the body warmer. Realizing this, everyone scrambled to start. Xiao Ning is indeed a master. Her digging speed is so fast that Lei Zi is ashamed. He stopped Coming down, he said out of breath, "My dear, is this girl winded up?"

Xiao Ning didn't say a word. In fact, women's bodies are yin, and they are more afraid of the cold than men. Xiao Ning's body has long been unable to bear it. Coupled with the altitude sickness, Xiao Ning forced herself to walk all the way. She didn't want to I have become everyone's burden, now that after drilling the hole and entering the underground palace, it should be a lot calmer. With this belief, Xiao Ning's potential exploded.

Under the leadership of Xiao Ning, the downward passage was more than ten meters long, and everyone gathered in the dug hole to block the wind, and with the constant activities, everyone felt much warmer. Xiao Ning's pick touched a heavy object, she let out a sigh of relief, dropped the tool in her hand, and sat down on the mud...

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