The three-color gold refers to the use of gold of different colors to make gold foil and then make gold wire.On the same piece of clothing, the patterns of different parts, either woven or embroidered, allow three different shades of gold to be mixed and juxtaposed, or reddish or white, and different golds show subtle color differences on the patterns. Gold refers to gold, platinum and rose gold.

Bai Yi said: "The official uniform made of three-color gold is still new. It should be made by family members after death, but in my opinion, another possibility is more likely, that is, it was given by the emperor. A Although the first-class bodyguard is a third-rank official, but he is not a great figure in the court, but he is so favored by the emperor, this person should have something special, Lei Zi, put away this official uniform."

The jade pillow, the official uniform and the saber Lei Zi were all carried behind his back, and now Lei Zi's mood improved a lot: "Damn, it's been a long time since I've been down, and I finally got something, but this is an empty coffin. What a pity for the gloomy wood."

Liu Zhixi touched his glasses, and said timidly, "Otherwise, you can carry them back and keep them for future use?"

"Fuck your mother." Lei Zi gave Liu Zhixi a stir-fried chestnut: "Bring it back to your mother."

Liu Zhixi stuck out his tongue and didn't dare to say anything more, but this was purely a joke. It's so difficult for one person to carry a backpack in this icy and snowy world, and carrying a coffin would be fatal. Bai Yi saw that the tomb was very simple, so he led everyone to the other side of the tomb. As soon as he walked in, Bai Yi was startled. There was a person kneeling inside, and his hand touched the throwing knife at his waist. When he got closer, he secretly scolded himself for being too sensitive. This is just a stone statue.

This stone statue faces everyone with its back. He knelt on the ground with his head drooping slightly. He was wearing the clothes of a bodyguard with a sword across his waist. When he walked to the front and looked, there was a striking picture in front of him. The chessboard, the chess on it has come to an end, and the other side who is holding the chess has already lost. Looking at the guard's face, his eyes are slightly closed, and he looks very indifferent. Xiao Ning looked at the stone carved chessboard, Said: "This guard is about to win. Seeing him like this, the person playing chess with him must be an unusual person. You see, he is kneeling and playing chess with the opponent."

These words reminded Bai Yi. He vaguely thought of a folk legend, but he still needed some proof. He looked at the stone statue and looked at its waist. There was a token on the front with "First Class "Guard" four characters, because the back cannot be flipped, only a word that can be vaguely seen engraved on it, Bai Yi said: "I know who he is!"

Tang Sancheng was speechless: "Do you even know who this stone statue is?"

"You don't understand this, right? I'm drawing inferences from one instance. Based on the combination of the chessboard, the characters on the token, and what Xiao Ning said, I didn't say this. You probably don't know that Emperor Kangxi He is a chess fan, and because of his chess fan, he once let a guard die in vain!"

It turned out that once, Kangxi led his entourage to go hunting in Mulan paddock near Chengde, and became addicted to chess for a while, so he played chess with a minister and won three games in a row.Before Kangxi's game flourished, he found a guard with a high level of chess skills named Na Renfu to play against him.

Na Renfu's chess skills are really strong, he forgot for a moment that he was playing chess with the emperor, and quickly captured the opponent's rook after entering the middle game.The old eunuch Guo Jigong, who was watching the chess game next to him, saw that the emperor's game was doomed, so he said wisely, "Your majesty, there are fierce tigers at the foot of the mountain, please hurry up and hunt them."

Kangxi was very happy when he heard it, and said to Na Renfu: "You wait here, and we will continue the game when I come back from hunting tigers." Then he got on his horse and ran down the mountain with his bow.Where is there any tiger at the foot of the mountain, the followers only found a sika deer.Kangxi likes to hunt. He is an old hunter. He knows from experience that if there are deer, there will be no tigers. It must be that Guo Jigong was delusional and mistook the deer for a tiger.In fact, Guo Jigong was not mistaken, the emperor and Na Renfu were fighting on the chessboard, if there was a deer at the foot of the mountain, he would definitely not go down the mountain, so he deliberately called it a tiger, in order to arouse the interest of the emperor and lure him down the mountain.

Now that they are fully armed and down the mountain, the deer will also be hunted.The deer was good at running, urged the horse to chase after him, and overturned several mountains before Kangxi shot the deer to death.It took a few more days to catch up, and he returned to the original place when he remembered the game of chess with Na Renfu.Seeing that Renfu was still kneeling beside the chessboard, he was already starving to death.

When Kangxi left Narenfu and went down the mountain to hunt, he once told him to "wait". The emperor's words "golden words" are "imperial decrees". If you drink it, you will be starved to death.A strong thought of loyalty to the emperor ruined an innocent life!

After hearing this, everyone felt chills down their spines. This idea of ​​loyalty to the emperor is really fatal, and this kind of benevolence is really a pity. He actually sent a sentence just because of the two words of the emperor's old son, but he is also sincere enough to be with you. The emperor didn't know how to give way when he played chess, and the old eunuch did the same. For the sake of the emperor's face, he lied and killed Na Renfu.

Tang Sancheng said: "The antler chair we came down just now couldn't be made of the deer that Kangxi killed, right? That Renfu died because of that deer, and the emperor let that deer accompany his funeral. ?”

"Anything is possible." Qi Xie said.

Bai Yi felt that Tang Sancheng's words were very reasonable and completely understandable, so the one who should be lying in the gloomy wooden coffin was this first-class bodyguard Na Renfu who died in vain?Where did the corpse go? The coffin just now was very clean, not even a trace of the smell that a decayed corpse should have. Xiao Ning said: "Could it be that the person didn't die at all, and came to the tomb to escape by pretending to be dead?" ?”

"This is definitely impossible. Can he deceive the old emperor?" Lei Zi said, "If he hadn't died, the old emperor wouldn't have made so many moves, and everything here wouldn't exist at all."

Bai Yi walked around the stone statue several times, and finally stopped there, staring at the stone statue fascinated. When it was over, he suddenly slapped himself on the chest vigorously: "Why don't you think I didn't think of it?"

Tang Sancheng thought that Bai Yi was in trouble: "What's wrong with you?"

"Think about it, is there anything missing from the official uniform just now?" Bai Yi asked.

"Less..." Lei Zi has some experience in fighting, and after Bai Yi mentioned it, he also felt that something was wrong, but he just couldn't remember it for a while, and saw Bai Yi's eyes facing the stone statue At the foot of the stone statue, Lei Zi also looked there. After seeing it, he suddenly realized, and pointed at the foot of the stone statue with a finger: "I see, a pair of boots are missing, official boots, right!!"

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