A complete set of official uniforms is missing the pair of official boots, but there are things to wear on the head and clothes to wear on the body, except for the pair of official boots. When the emperor rewards him, it is impossible not to give A pair of official boots?Bai Yi felt that since entering this tomb, his heart has always been ups and downs. There are not many deadly traps in this tomb, and there are no shocking monsters. Compared with the ones he experienced before, this place seems a lot more ordinary , but... what is this big stone pressing down on my heart?

It's just that a pair of official boots are missing. In other people's minds, this is not an important matter. Lei Zi has already clamored to go out. Apart from this kneeling stone statue, there is nothing here. This unsuspecting tomb is a bit I'm sorry I was shocked when I came here, it took so much effort, but just like that, disappointment permeated the hearts of everyone.

Bai Yi felt that maybe it was not easy to come all the way, which made him have too high expectations for this place. The greater the expectations, the greater the disappointment. This is often the case. He thinks it's better to relax. Now Xiao Ning is suffering from a high fever. Go out and find a cave to keep warm, taking care of Xiao Ning is the most important thing.

After making up his mind, Bai Yi led everyone out of this tomb. Suddenly, there was a dull crashing sound from the wall between the two tombs, as if someone was knocking on the wall with a heavy object. Tang Sancheng's ears immediately stuck Going up, he heard some movement over there. The sound was not pure, but mixed with various movements, and he couldn't understand it a little bit. "There must be someone walking over there. I heard footsteps." Tang Sancheng said with certainty.

Thinking of the pair of official boots that were missing just now, everyone's scalps felt numb, as if they saw such a scene: a man with long braids and wearing a white skirt, with a pair of official boots under his feet, was standing on the edge of the wall. Walking behind, holding a chess piece in his hand...

Xiao Ning hugged his head and shouted: "It's really enough, it must be my hallucination."

This cry made everyone understand that the so-called horror is not the environment, not the external force, the scariest thing is emanating from the heart, everyone is controlled by him, Tang Sancheng slapped himself hard on the face: "It's okay, it's just that there is no one in the coffin!"

Lei Zi was a little dissatisfied with Tang Sancheng: "Didn't you just say there were people inside?"

"It's true, I heard footsteps, and this person feels the same as Qixie, he is a man of cultivation, the footsteps are very light, and his body seems to be floating..." Tang Sancheng did not dare to go down Having said that, the eyes of everyone looking at themselves are not very friendly. What does it mean that the body seems to be floating? Is there such a person?No, I've only heard that there are such... ghosts.

It was still Bai Yi who said: "Since there is movement inside, it means that there is still something. We only have three ways now. We can either go out along the original road and find a place where we can live, or we can stay here, spend the night here, and return tomorrow." , the third one..." Bai Yi looked at the wall: "Maybe we can go in and see if it looks like...there is someone like what Tang Sancheng said."

Silent, this is a situation that Bai Yi did not imagine, he thought that everyone would express their opinions, discussing a lot, so lively, everyone chose to remain silent at the same time, and this let Bai Yi know the emotion in his heart, it turns out that everyone has it, everyone Everyone felt that there was a gloomy place here, even Qixie was no exception, Bai Yi sighed: "Let me be the master, I want to see what's going on here, I want to go inside that wall and have a look. After all, if you don’t want to go, just stay here and wait.”

Everyone thought of the missing pair of official boots and the sound of walking back and forth, and shook their heads, expressing that they wanted to go in together, even the weak Xiao Ning was no exception, Bai Yi gave a wink, Tang Sancheng lay on the wall Listening to the movement inside, while groping up and down the wall with his hands, and then knocking non-stop, Tang Sancheng turned his head and said to Xiao Ning: "Xiao Ning, I will borrow your hole-drilling tool."

Tang Sancheng took Xiao Ning's usual pickaxe, and drew square marks on the wall. When the drawing was finished, he pointed to the blocks he had drawn and said: "I didn't find the mechanism, but the voice inside these is relatively clear. , it seems that the wall is uneven in thickness, and these pieces are obviously thinner, so we can try to make a hole in it."

Lei Zi spat into the palm of his hand: "That's easy, let me pierce through them and see who is playing tricks over there."

Xiao Ning usually does this job, but Xiao Ning expended a lot of energy in order to get the big guy down as soon as possible, and he has a fever, now Lei Zi is assigned a heavy responsibility, Qi Xie and Bai Yi are not idle, When everyone was busy there, Tang Sancheng saw the stone statue in the tomb on the right. There was no door in these two tombs, so the scene inside could be seen at a glance. He saw something flashing on the shoulder of the stone statue, and he walked over , carefully looked at the right shoulder of the stone statue, and found that there was a round button-shaped thing on the shoulder. He stretched out his hand and pressed it, but it didn't move at all. It was actually able to move. He heard a scream from outside, and when he looked back, there was a hole in the middle of the wall, which was exactly the position he had drawn!

Tang Sancheng danced and ran out, accepting everyone's eyes. He told everyone his discovery, Liu Zhixi said angrily: "It would be great if you found out earlier, you almost didn't scare us to death."

When everyone was digging a hole there, the whole wall suddenly vibrated. Bai Yi's first thought was that the tomb was about to collapse, and they dug in the wrong place. As a result, the place they were digging suddenly stretched to the left, revealing a hole Come on, everyone's hearts soar up and down again, the ups and downs of mood almost make people faint.

Tang Sancheng giggled and said: "Thanks to my good eyesight, it's fine if you don't praise me, you all blame me, you are all white-eyed wolves."

Lei Zi made a gesture to hit Tang Sancheng, Tang Sancheng put his hands on his head: "Let's go in quickly, don't teach that person to run away." Tang Sancheng killed someone in the other side.

Hearing what he said, everyone became a little impatient, and went into the hole. After passing through the hole, there was a very narrow passage, about five meters away, and then everyone vaguely saw some light, and it was light again. Yi smiled wryly. It was a very happy thing to see the light in the underground palace, but the light always appeared before them, so it was a bit gloomy.

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