Tang Sancheng saw that Bai Yi's complexion was not good, so he realized it, and took the lead to crawl towards the light. When he climbed out of the passage five meters away, Tang Sancheng found that this place was not a well-built stone tomb, but a purely natural cave , this place should undoubtedly be the mountain of Xiling. The difference from the cave where the dragons sat just now is that there are obvious water drops on the wall sliding down the stone wall, but there is no accumulated water on the ground, and it is unknown where the water will eventually flow. But what surprised Tang Sancheng was that there was still a pile of fire in the center of the cave, just after it was extinguished, he could still feel the residual heat when he put his hand on it.

This time, Tang Sancheng was choking enough, he immediately turned around and called: "Bai Yi, there are really people here!"

Bai Yi and the others were getting out of the cave, and when they heard Tang Sancheng's words, they hurriedly crawled out. When they saw the pile of fire food, they sighed: "We are still a step too late."

Later, Liu Zhixi helped Xiao Ning out, his face was a little ugly, and he looked at Xiao Ning again, his eyes were half-opened and half-closed, as if he was about to fall asleep, Bai Yi said to Xiao Ning: "Xiao Ning, you must not fall asleep. Although the temperature inside is a little better than outside, but with your current situation, it can't beat it at all, Tang Sancheng, hurry up, light the fire again."

Seeing Xiao Ning like this, Tang Sancheng was so anxious that he immediately lay down on the ground and started blowing to rekindle the fire, but the more anxious he was, the more trouble he caused, Qixie let him get out of the way, as expected of Qixie who has lived in the mountains for so many years Xie, after he went up, he ignited the fire again within a few moments. Bai Yi asked Xiao Ning to sit by the fire, and found the blanket in his backpack to wrap her up. Lei Zi and the others also found their own blankets. Xiao Ning's forehead became hotter and hotter. Bai Yi took out the medicines in his bag. There were so many anti-inflammatory medicines and wound medicines, but there was no antipyretic medicine. Bai Yi was a little annoyed and scattered the medicines. Everywhere.

"Don't worry, I can make it through." At this moment, Xiao Ning was still laughing, and everyone felt even more uncomfortable when she was like this, Tang Sancheng clenched his fists and his heart.

Qi Xie, who had been watching Tang Sancheng's reaction, came over suddenly, called Tang San aside, whispered a few words, and Tang Sancheng's brows relaxed, with an unbelievable look, Qi Xie made a gesture at him. Making a silent movement, taking advantage of everyone surrounding Xiao Ning, he led Tang Sancheng to the side of a big rock, behind that big rock, there was a small hole for one person to enter and exit, Qi Xie said : "From here, you can go straight to the eagle's mouth. As long as you pick a piece of wild ginseng, Xiao Ning will be saved."

Tang Sancheng looked at the hole, then at himself and Qixie, Qixie couldn't get through the size of the hole, Qixie said: "If I used to be able to get through, but now I'm bigger than before, I'm afraid There is no way to get through, and Bai Yi and the others will definitely not agree to this risky move, so you can figure it out yourself."

"I'll go!" Tang Sancheng said: "For Xiao Ning, I'm going all out."

Tang Sancheng was afraid that Bai Yi would find out and stop him, so he squatted down and prepared to crawl over. He was stuck there with too much clothes on. He gritted his teeth and took off the thickest cotton coat, and then he was able to slip through. Looking at Tang Sancheng Sancheng disappeared into the small passage, Qixie sighed, and returned to the sight of others, seeing Qixie came back with a strange expression, Bai Yi asked him: "Where's Tang Sancheng?"

As soon as Qixie told about Tang Sancheng getting out there to pick wild ginseng, Bai Yi immediately cursed, the eagle's beak was very steep, even if Qixie went up there, it might not be able to accomplish anything, but Tang Sancheng actually didn't say anything, Isn't this... Xiao Ning was a little confused at first, he vaguely heard that Tang San was going to take risks by himself, he looked a little anxious, and when he closed his eyes, he passed out, which made everyone confused all of a sudden. At a loss.

After finally calming down, Liu Zhixi asked, "Is Tang Sancheng going to be all right?"

Bai Yi asked Qixie to take him to the place where Tang Sancheng left, saw the small hole and Tang Sancheng's padded jacket on the ground, Bai Yi picked up the clothes and took off this layer, Tang Sancheng went outside, even if he was not dead, he would take off the layer It's crazy, Bai Yi really can't figure out Qixie, he is the person who cares about Tang Sancheng the most, why let Tang Sancheng go into danger?

Qi Xie tightly closed his lips, without saying a word, just looking at Xiao Ning, Bai Yi understood that this was Qi Xie's matchmaking between Tang Sancheng and Xiao Ning, if Tang Sancheng could really come back with wild ginseng, this woman's heart would be broken. Even if it is made of iron, I am afraid it will melt, but the risk is too great...

Besides, as soon as Tang Sancheng climbed out according to the path pointed by Qixie, he saw heavy snow flying in front of him. When he went out of the cave, he found a small platform for one person to stand on. On the platform was the eagle beak looking down. , the wild ginseng is just under the eagle's beak, and now I have to walk up to the eagle's beak to have a chance to reach the wild ginseng.

As soon as Tang Sancheng gritted his teeth, his body was exposed to the flying snow, the blood all over his body was almost frozen, the wind shot at him like hidden weapons one after another, there was no pain in his whole body, Tang Sancheng looked down, this Below the small platform is the abyss. If he takes a wrong step, he will fall to pieces. Tang Sancheng's hands are tightly grasping the protruding stones in front of him. Because of the snow, it is wet and slippery. Tang Sancheng's eyes Once closed, and then began to climb up...

God seems to be joking with Tang Sancheng, the snow is getting bigger and bigger, and it keeps falling down with the wind, Tang Sancheng secretly scolds the god in his heart, he dare not be careless with his hands and feet, he wants to climb from the current place to the eagle. The position of the mouth is at least 300 meters. This [-] meters is no different from the plank road of life and death. Every step is startling. Every time Tang Sancheng climbed one meter, he would stop and shake off the snow on his head. Although the snow on his head was not heavy, it was like a heavy weight on top of his head, making Tang Sancheng breathless, and the snow on his face pierced into his skin like a sharp knife, Tang Sancheng kept thinking in his heart: "It's okay, hurry up!" It's here, it's almost there..."

It was indeed almost there, the eagle's beak was in front of his eyes, and the touch of the curve was within reach, Tang Sancheng was excited, the coldness on his body was reduced a bit, and the stiff hands also gained a bit of strength, finally they touched the top of his head At the top of the mountain, I couldn't climb it anyway. At this moment, a force seemed to descend from the sky. Someone pulled Tang Sancheng's hands along the trend, and brought Tang Sancheng's body to the top of the mountain. Tang Sancheng was covered by that force Lidai lay down there, and when he raised his head and could see clearly in front of his eyes, he saw a row of footprints on the snow, and was terrified intentionally, and suddenly thought of the pair of official boots that were missing...

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