Looking at the row of footprints, Tang Sancheng slapped himself to make himself more focused, now only Xiao Ning's life is the most important, the others are ignored, ignored!Tang San stood up slightly tremblingly, standing on the hawk's beak, looking down, he immediately had the feeling of being above the clouds, the space above the hawk's beak was not bigger than the small platform below, the left and right were volleying, After taking two steps forward, Tang Sancheng's body trembled, and he was so frightened that he immediately lay down and began to crawl forward!

Tang Sancheng's body crawled slowly in the snow, reaching the extreme end at a turtle's speed, and he was about to fall any further. Tang Sancheng stood beside him, stretched out half of his body and looked down, the hawk-beaked Sure enough, there were a few wild ginseng plants growing in Wangouli, where the snow could not bury them, they poked their heads and swayed at Tang Sancheng, Tang Sancheng stretched out his arms, but the difference was an inch, Tang Sancheng gave an annoyed look Pounding his fist on the stone, he cried out in pain, only then did he see his hand, not only was it scratched by the stone, it was blue and purple from the cold, and the snow was mixed with ice, Tang Sancheng didn't dare to look at him. Exhale from my own hand, it will hurt more, mother, long-term pain is better than short-term pain, go all out...

Sitting in the snow, Tang Sancheng untied the rope around his waist. This was tied around his waist when he had an idea, and now it finally came in handy. He tied the rope to the biggest rock nearby, He tied a knot, and the other end was tied around his waist. He took a breath and didn't dare to wipe his nose. Now his nose was filled with snot, and when he wiped it, it was full of icicles. At the beginning, Tang Sancheng just carefully put down a pair At last, when he closed his eyes and moved his buttocks, his whole body hung down, but his hands were still holding on to the rock. If someone looked at this scene from a distance, it would be that there was a person on the eagle's beak. People have become food in the eagle's beak.

Tang Sancheng carefully moved his body to the place where there were ginseng, let go of his hands, not daring to look down, swung his body towards that side, grabbed three ginseng with one hand, and quickly stuffed them on his chest , regardless of whether it is cold or not, anyway, he is already icy, Tang Sancheng saw that this trick was useful, he shook it twice, and grabbed several of them, and then he stopped, suddenly felt He fell down, and when he looked up, he saw through the snow curtain that the rope had been torn. Tang Sancheng called out to his mother, and quickly stuffed the ginseng in his hand into his clothes, and grabbed the rope with both hands. The rope was climbing upwards, but his eyes were fixed on the rope. He was afraid that the rope would be completely torn as soon as he exerted force.

Normally this rope would not break so easily, but this rope was soaked by Tang Sancheng's sweat just now, once it was taken out, it immediately froze, and once it was stressed again, the rope would not be able to bear it, Tang Sancheng knew The time has come for you to close your life, thinking in your heart that you can't just die like this, of course, you don't know if you will die if you fall like this, with your immortal body, if you really die, you have several regrets One reason is that the person who has the same blue blood as himself has not been found yet, and the other reason is that Xiao Ning is still waiting for him to save his life. Shut up, I don't know where the strength came from, jumped upwards, one hand grabbed the rock, and with a strong push, the whole body also went up, Tang Sancheng hugged the rock tied with the rope, and he hadn't let out a breath yet. When I came, I heard a "collapse", and the rope was cut from the middle!

The timing was just right, Tang Sancheng thought of something, took out a ginseng from his clothes, and didn't care about the mud, he broke off a piece and stuffed it into his mouth, this ginseng was also extremely cold, after eating it, Teeth were about to fall off from the cold, Tang Sancheng covered his mouth, squeaked, or bit the ginseng into pieces, and swallowed it forcefully, not sure if it was a psychological effect, Tang Sancheng felt a lot of energy in his body, and went back in a hurry .

When he went down, he saw a row of footprints that had appeared on the ground were covered by snow again. This row of footprints went all the way to the end of the eagle's beak, and there was no way ahead. The person was either not a person, or directly After falling down, Tang Sancheng didn't dare to procrastinate any longer, and hurriedly went down the original path, eager to return to the cave. The difficulty and caution of this journey can't be expressed in words. When Tang Sancheng returned to that small platform, it was already He was about to collapse. When he crawled into the small hole and took a few steps forward, he felt a wave of hot air rushing towards him. He almost fainted because of the contrast. At this moment, he stretched out his hands and pulled Take his hand and drag him into the hole! !

"Quickly, wrap him in a blanket and carry him to the fire!!" Qixie yelled and hugged Tang Sancheng, and threw him by the fire. Bai Yi had already boiled the hot water. He took the snow and burned it, regardless of whether it was clean or not, and poured it down to Tang Sancheng in one breath. Seeing Tang Sancheng's teeth clenched, his complexion white and dying, Bai Yi finally couldn't help but yell at Qixie One voice: "Qixie, your mother did a good job!"

Qi Xie clenched his teeth, and didn't say a word, even though Bai Yi complained about him, he just kept rubbing Tang Sancheng's body, making his body warm up as soon as possible, Tang Sancheng gained some strength after all this tossing , pointing to his chest: "Here, quickly... give it to Xiao Ning."

In front of Xiao Ning, Bai Yi could only scold Tang Sancheng in his heart for being a bad guy who valued sex and despised friends, but he still touched his chest and pulled out those wild ginseng, Xiao Ning had already woken up Turning around, seeing Tang San becoming himself like this, sadness came from his eyes, and two lines of tears flowed down unstoppably, more tears than that of sister Lin, everyone is a man , I don’t know how to persuade her, and besides, the reason for her tears is because of Tang Sancheng... Seeing Xiao Ning like this, Lei Zi whispered in Liu Zhixi’s ear: “Brother, you are completely finished. It's over, Tang Sancheng wins completely."

Liu Zhixi sighed, and glared at Lei Zi again: "When is it, are you still talking about this?"

Bai Yi washed Tang Sancheng's leftover wild ginseng and asked Xiao Ning to swallow it, Xiao Ning was crying and chewing, Tang Sancheng said wrinkledly: "Why are you crying, I'm not dead yet .”

Now, Xiao Ning cried even more fiercely.

Tang Sancheng finally regained some strength after half an hour, Bai Yi took out those ginseng, and the two of them shared and ate each one, so that everyone could save their strength, and Bai Yi put away the rest, thinking of saving it for Tang Sancheng used it to repair his body. Seeing that Tang Sancheng kept his hands on the inside to prevent everyone from seeing him, he knew that his hand was injured. The blood was congealed just now. Now when he was heated, his distinctive blood flowed out. Tang Sancheng This was to hide the wound from others to see, so he immediately cast a look at Qixie, and the two of them set up a cover for Tang Sancheng.

At this moment, Tang Sancheng said: "I encountered a strange thing up there."

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