Just as Bai Yi turned his head and walked a few steps, he suddenly realized that the situation here is different from usual. If the snow keeps falling, the traces of this place will be wiped away by the snow in a short time. He immediately turned back and moved some stones. High up, make a mark there.

The three of them returned to the cave, and saw that Tang Sancheng and Xiao Ning were able to get up and move around, their complexions recovered a lot, Qixie was using stones to roast dry food on the fire, and the kettle was hung on it, the water was already boiling, white Yi sent the soil shoveled by Luoyang to Tang Sancheng. Tang Sancheng smelled it and licked it again, his complexion immediately changed.

Seeing Tang Sancheng's reaction, Bai Yi was a little proud: "How is it?"

"There is cinnabar in the soil." Tang Sancheng said: "You have found it, but this tomb is dangerous. According to Taoism, this cinnabar is used to drive away ghosts and avoid evil spirits. Moreover, there is red in the soil. We are carrying blood in the soil." , there must be a taboo in this tomb."

Bai Yi shook his head: "You're right, but you're not right either."

"What do you mean?" Tang San was a little confused.

"Generally, for example, ancient tombs with fire roofs, acid roofs, or cinnabar roofs are red when poked out with a Luoyang shovel. Especially acid roofs, if the earth color is like fresh blood, there must be a lot of cinnabar in them. Ancient tombs have Such a structure means that the standards are very high, and the people buried in this underground palace are either rich or noble." Bai Yi said.

Tang Sancheng sighed: "Cinnabar is used to exorcise evil spirits. The use of cinnabar in the soil layer of the ancient tomb must be to block certain things in the tomb. The ancient tomb that is capped with this method must have some changes in the corpse."

"You're right, but we have black donkey hoofs, and corpse transformation is nothing more than rice dumplings. It's not like we haven't seen rice dumplings before, and you have a soul bottle, so what are you afraid of?" Bai Yi couldn't listen to anything. , came to Changbai Mountain, did not have a good time to show off, now he finally had a chance, he made up his mind, no matter how dangerous it was, Lei Zi was obviously on Bai Yi's side, Lei Zi took a look at Tang Sancheng One glance: "Tang Sancheng, you are not afraid, are you?"

Tang Sancheng really couldn't stand the excitement: "Damn, I dare to touch the eagle's beak, do you think I'm afraid of death? It doesn't matter if I die alone, I'm worried about the big guy, he finally came in, I can't lose my life here?"

Lei Zi stopped talking, he didn't know what was going on with him, he wouldn't talk like that to Tang Sancheng, after all Tang Sancheng had saved his life, he looked at Bai Yi: "You are the boss , tell me what to do."

Bai Yi said that this matter is simple, so he followed the simplest method, voting, and the minority obeyed the majority. At this moment, it was obviously three to three. The eyes of the three people on this side were all on Tang Sancheng. Gritting his teeth: "I know a little about Taoism, yes, I will accompany you down!"

Now the coffin is settled, the decision is made, and it is set to start tomorrow morning. Seeing that they have been emphasizing that there are black donkey hooves to prevent big zongzi, Tang Sancheng slowly put his heart back into his stomach, with one heart He just wanted to recover his strength, so that he wouldn't drag everyone down when he went down tomorrow. In the evening, he and Xiao Ning shared another ginseng.

Early the next morning, the snow that had fallen all night suddenly stopped. A group of people went out and saw that the mountain peaks not far away were wrapped in mist. Among them, countless white lights appeared, and against the white snow on the top of the mountain, the mountain scenery was very beautiful, and the chill was not much weakened by the sun's appearance. Everyone carried their backpacks, silently, under the leadership of Bai Yi, Go to the place where the cinnabar was shoveled yesterday.

Thanks to the marks made by Bai Yi, I successfully found the place where the cinnabar was probed yesterday. When it arrived, Lei Zi took the lead in digging. Only then did I know how great Liu Zhixi's improved Luoyang shovel was, because after three meters of excavation, the ground was covered with ice, which was very hard, and it was not easy to beat it down. Lei Zi glanced at Xiao Ning: "Big sister , I now know how powerful you are, yesterday you fought alone, bull."

Xiao Ning has already walked over with tools: "Let me do it."

Several big men looked at each other, and immediately backed away honestly. Xiao Ning was just recovering from a serious illness, but it did not affect her fighting power. The same tool, but the ice layer in front of Xiao Ning, was immediately vulnerable to a single blow. The process was much faster, and the bottom was reached immediately. Bai Yi waved his hand: "Wait, don't dig now! Hurry up and move to both sides!"

"What's going on?" Lei Zi was working hard, looking up at Bai Yi in surprise.

A few words came out of Bai Yi's mouth: "This is Liuliding!"

Lei Zi called his mother, and hurriedly pulled Qi Xie to squeeze towards the side, and at the same time dug towards the side, trying to dodge far away, Xiao Ning didn't understand, so he asked Bai Yi what was going on, Bai Yi explained, The security of the tomb is very good. The place they dug now has a very thin layer of glazed tiles underneath. If it is correct, as long as the external force of this layer reaches a certain level, the roof will definitely break, and the tomb below must be It's hollow, and everyone has to fall.

"Then what should we do? If we can't dig down, our efforts will be in vain." After finally reaching the top of the underground palace, but meeting this glazed tile, Xiao Ning was very frustrated.

"Don't be afraid, there are other ways." Bai Yi said: "Isn't it just to make the people fall down, we just break it, and then use the rope to go down, we living people can't be urinated to death, right?" ?”

It happened that Tang Sancheng and Liu Zhixi above were looking down, Bai Yi signaled them to drop the rope, first pull Xiao Ning and the others up, and stay below alone, lying on the edge of the wall, the less people stay here The better, who knows how much weight this glazed roof can bear?

When everyone else went up, Bai Yi also tied a rope around his waist, and asked the people above to pull him up. Then he picked up a few big stones and threw them down from the robbery hole. The stones fell directly to the glazed roof. On the way, only a "bang" was heard, and the top fell down with a clatter, and it took seven or eight seconds before the sound of landing was heard.

Xiao Ning was afraid after a while: "Just now with so many of us standing there, the glazed roof is still unbroken, it's really inconceivable."

"Just now we were scattered, and the gravity was not enough. If we were all crowded together, it would be hard to say. The stone fell from a high place, the gravity was even greater, and it was concentrated again. This glazed roof will definitely not be able to hold it." It's broken, but it will take some trouble to get it back down.

Liu Zhixi showed off at this time. His improved Luoyang shovel was fully unfolded, and it could be more than 20 meters long. He stretched it backwards with the Luoyang shovel. When it reached fifteen or sixteen meters, he shook the Luoyang shovel at the end. : "Look, isn't this just a ready-made ladder?"

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