Lei Zi knocked on the Luoyang shovel and let out a sound, because the Luoyang shovel was made of fine steel and was very hard. Liu Zhixi showed his skills this time and was very excited. He clamored to be the first to go down. Luoyang shoveled up and slid down slowly, and after a while he was no longer seen. The second one to go down was Bai Yi. After all, Liu Zhixi lacked actual combat experience.

Bai Yi slid down the rigid pole, vaguely heard what Liu Zhixi was saying below, and he thought something was wrong in his heart, there are some "things" in this palace that cannot talk to it, otherwise it will make people lose their sanity, Bai Yi Yi speeded up, passed through the completely cracked glass roof, and slid to the bottom. Sure enough, there was still a full ten meters high from the glazed roof to the ground of the tomb. If a person fell, he would surely die!

This kind of mechanism is very insidious and is often used by Jinren. Bai Yi has heard it from his master before, and today is the first time he has experienced its power. There is also an upgraded version of the glazed roof. The roof is first laid with a layer of extremely thin glazed tiles. There are bags of Xiyu dragon oil on the tile, and then there is a layer of glazed tiles on top, and then there is a mound of soil. As long as there is an external force entering, the top will break when touched. Burn them all together with the funerary objects, so that those who fight back will get nothing. This kind of mechanism is of the type of death with a stone, which is not common.

When Bai Yi reached the bottom, he saw Liu Zhixi muttering to himself, followed Liu Zhixi's gaze, and his heart tightened. Liu Zhixi was standing in front of a big pool, which blocked his way, and the water inside was red, scarlet Yes, the surface condensed and turned into ice, but the bottom was shimmering, as if something was flickering inside.

Seeing Bai Yi coming down, Liu Zhixi said, "Brother Bai, look, this pool looks like it's filled with blood, it's disgusting."

Bai Yi walked over slowly, took a closer look, and there was a bloody smell coming from inside, very strong: "The color of this blood is rather dark, I don't know if it is human blood or animal blood, Lei Zi, look, the following The blood seems to be still flowing."

While the two were discussing, the others came over one by one. Liu Zhixi put away the Luoyang shovel little by little, and put it in his backpack.

Xiao Ning frowned when he smelled the bloody smell coming towards his face. Everyone saw that the pool of blood was blocking the center, and they had to step on it if they wanted to pass it. Bai Yi suggested to try it first, found a small stone and threw it down, there was a thin layer on it, the stone passed through quickly, everyone took a breath, it would be troublesome now.

Tang Sancheng also heard some unusual movements, he said: "This voice... Bai Yi, this stone can still move after falling, it seems that the blood in this blood pool is flowing, and it flows very fast, it can Drive the stone."

Bai Yi looked at the shimmering light below. It seemed that the blood was flowing in the tomb. To allow the liquid to flow, there must be a slope. There must be a sloped canal in this tomb to allow the blood to flow. The water in the pool can flow, and this alone is exhausting thought. With so much blood, I don’t know how many cattle and sheep have been slaughtered. From another perspective, there is blood in this tomb, which is a big taboo. He saw With a glance at Leizi, Leizi was vigilant, and he had already put the prepared pair of black donkey hooves in the best place to carry his backpack. Just in case, Tang Sancheng also prepared the soul bottle. The question now is how to get over this blood pool , to the main tomb.

Liu Zhixi chuckled, seeing him like this, Lei Zi asked him if he had a good solution, Lei Zi patted himself on the chest: "Of course, with me here, what are you worried about? We have ready-made tools."

Everyone didn't understand what it meant, so Lei Zi pointed to the scattered stones on the ground and said, "You know the story of the crow drinking water, right?"

Except for Qixie, no one has heard of the story of the crow drinking water, but everyone will never see this from Qixie's face. He stood there calmly, as if he had heard the story before. Ning understood: "You want us to throw stones down to build a bridge we can walk across?"

"Yes." Liu Zhixi said, "Big stones can't be taken away from the pool of blood."

This is indeed a good way. Everyone will do what they say, try to find the largest stones and throw them down. The stones are just floating on the surface of the water. After some tossing, everyone stepped on the stones and walked over. Looking down, the blood was flowing under his feet. Bai Yi observed the direction of the blood pool. The principle of this blood pool should be the same as that of a fountain. The principle is the conservation of momentum. From a large radius pipe to a small radius pipe, a speed change occurs , rushed to the direction away from the ground, thereby driving the flow of liquid. There was no power device in ancient times, and this principle should be achieved by the change of terrain.

Bai Yi jumped to the ground, turned his head and lay down to look at the pool of blood. There seemed to be some small bugs swimming in the blood below. When Bai Yi blinked his eyes and looked again, he couldn't see them anymore. march forward.

After walking a few steps, Bai Yi turned around and lay down on the edge of the pool of blood again. This time he could see clearly that those bug-like things turned out to be - hair! !

The hair was mixed in the blood, floating up and down, strands of black strands, floating in the water, Bai Yi's heart swayed, he reached down to grab the strand of hair and lifted it, with the blood splashing upwards, a head was picked up!

The head of this person can no longer tell the difference between male and female, and his face is black like death. Where there should be a pair of eyes, there are now two black holes. Because of long-term soaking in blood, the flesh on his face has long since rotted away, revealing There are white bones inside, but the hair is still there, but the strange thing is that there is no hair on the top and sides of the skull, only the hair on the back of the skull is still there. Holding the skull, Bai Yi suddenly realized Come over: "This is the skull of the Jurchens. The Jurchens men shaved off the top of the skull and the hair on both sides, left the hair behind the skull, braided it into a braid, and hung it on the back of the house."

Lei Zi continued: "It seems that this tomb is the tomb of a Jin man."

Tang Sancheng was a little puzzled: "This Changbai Mountain is the holy mountain of the Manchus, how could there be a golden man's tomb in it?"

Bai Yi explained that the Manchu people were actually the Jurchen clan in ancient times, an ancient ethnic group that lived in the Northeast of China in ancient China. It was called "Heishui Mohe" in the 6th and 7th centuries AD, and it was renamed Jurchen in the 9th century AD.Until the beginning of the 17th century, the Jurchen Manchu tribe in Jianzhou gradually became stronger, and its leader Nurhaci established the Houjin regime. By the time of his son Huang Taiji, the Jurchen tribes had been basically unified, and an edict was issued to change the Jurchen family name to Manchuria. The term Jurchen was discontinued. No matter whether it is full or Jurchen, it is actually the same thing.

"The golden tomb is better than the Qing tomb." Lei Zi was eager to fight, and was about to do a big job.

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