Bai Yi shook his head, denying Lei Zi's statement. During the Jin Dynasty, the current situation was turbulent, and several of the largest natural disasters in ancient Chinese history also occurred during this period. The national power was weak, and the scale of the mausoleums of princes and nobles was not as luxurious as before. On the contrary, in the Qing Dynasty, especially during the Kangxi and Qianlong periods, the country's economy and productivity were greatly restored, and the architectural style of the mausoleum was changed.Drawing on the anti-theft experience of the previous dynasties, the structure of the underground palace tombs in the Qing Dynasty was extremely strong, and it was the most difficult to start.

Hearing what Bai Yi said, Lei Zi felt a little depressed. Yesterday he found out that cinnabar was used in the tomb soil, and he thought it was very tricky, but he didn't expect that there was another layer inside. Could it be that, as Tang Sancheng said, this cinnabar was really for What gods and gods and six gods are there in this tomb?

At this moment, Xiao Ning's eyes were sharp, and he saw hair fluttering under the bottom of the pool. Lei Zi stretched out his upper body, reached down with his hand, pulled it, and another head was lifted up. Looking at the shape of this head, it was the same as that of Bai Yi just now. The head was found to be average, and the top of the skull and the hair on both sides were shaved, leaving only the hair on the back of the skull. This discovery was terrible. There were many heads covered in the pool of blood. Bai Yi only felt a little disgusted: "It seems This pool is used for blood sacrifices, and these are the blood of living people."

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, Bai Yi knew a little about this Jurchen tribe, the first ancestor of the Jurchen tribe, Wanyan Hanpu, was a member of the Sumo Mohe tribe, and had an older brother, Agudi, and a younger brother, Baohuoli.During the Zhenguan period of the Tang Dynasty, Hanpu, who was over 60 years old, ran away from his former residence in Koryo due to the separation of the Sumo Mohe clan.His elder brother believed in Buddhism and stayed in Korea, so Baohuo Li followed him out.When they reached the Wanyan Department, it happened that people were fighting with each other for property, and Hanpu intervened to calm the situation.As a reward, Wanyan Department gave him a green bull.In order to gain a firm foothold here, he used this green ox as a dowry gift and married the daughter of a 60-year-old woman in Wanyan Department. After marriage, he gave birth to two boys and one girl. He and his children took it for granted He has become a person of the Wanyan Department.

This ethnic group does not seem to have the custom of sacrificing living people. They usually kill cattle as sacrifices, and choose to bury them in the sun three days later.During the burial, there is a trend of burying the deceased with the clothes worn by the deceased and on a horse. The horse is buried with its flesh and its skin is buried. The horse is buried with the dead, not the living person. The people in the pool of blood died a little strangely.

Lei Zi threw the heads back into the pool of blood, and clapped his hands when he was done, "Looking at the amount of blood, I'm afraid there are more than that. How many people's blood is needed to fill this pool."

Bai Yi looked at the blood on Lei Zi's hand and told him to wipe it off and leave quickly. Don't stay here. The group of people temporarily put aside the matter of the blood pool and walked forward. There was no obstacle in front of the blood pool. But saw the tree.

Seeing trees in the tomb is not a strange thing. Speaking of it, this is the third time Tang Sancheng has seen trees in the tomb, but he has never seen so many trees in the tomb, and now it is presented in front of everyone There is a tree in total, from the glass to the ground of the tomb, it is ten meters high. These trees grow all the way to the top, and they are very huge. The trunks of these trees are red, and the leaves are very rare, and they are also red , These seven trees are arranged in the shape of the Big Dipper, and these seven trees appear in front of everyone's eyes, which is very abrupt.

"Tang Sancheng, is there any explanation for this?" Liu Zhixi opened his mouth wide, and he asked suspiciously, Tang Sancheng didn't answer right away, Liu Zhixi turned to look at Tang Sancheng, only to see a serious expression on Tang Sancheng's face, he pushed To Tang Sancheng: "Tang Sancheng, you talk!!"

"These seven trees are arranged according to the arrangement of the Big Dipper, and present a handle, which often points to the heart of heaven. The seven trees found the handle in this geomantic treasure, and then used the seven stars to rob the future. Qi is used by me to achieve the undefeated situation of Sanyuan, this is the robbery of the Big Dipper, and what is robbed is the dragon energy here, and it is the energy of fate!" Tang Sancheng breathed a sigh of relief: "If this situation is successful, future generations can Step up to the sky!"

"Later generations?" Bai Yi was thoughtful: "Could it be that the prosperity of the Jurchen descendants, that is, the Manchu people, has something to do with the Seven Star Bureau?"

"It can be said like this." Tang Sancheng said: "This is also the reason why cinnabar is used here to prevent it. It is very difficult to achieve the seven-star game. As long as there is a change in the star point, the overall situation will not be achieved. The history of later generations will change. If If my guess is correct, each of the seven trees has a corpse hanging from the top, they should all be headless corpses, and the owners of these corpses should be key figures from the Jurchen clan..."

Before Tang Sancheng finished speaking, he suddenly took a step back: "Bai Yi, be careful, something is about to come down from the tree!"

Lei Zi reacted quickly, and immediately took the black donkey's hoof in his hands, one on the left and one on the left, protecting Xiao Ning and the others behind him, Bai Yi took out his gun, held it with his right hand, put his left hand on his waist, and placed it on the flying Several people "swish" down from the knife and the tree, no, they can't be called human beings anymore, they only have human bodies, very swollen and blood-colored, with clothes made of mink fur on their bodies, necks There is a black-red hole on the top, and black-red liquid is bubbling outward...

Lei Zi yelled: "Oops, it's blood zongzi!"

Bai Yi fired a shot at one of them, "bang", the bullet shot directly into the "person"'s heart, the bullet penetrated its skin membrane and muscle, and penetrated into the internal organs, a black-red liquid gushed out, but it Their actions were not affected, and they rushed straight towards them. Their claws were very sharp. Bai Yi fired bullets at them and said, "Don't be hurt by their claws, or you will be infected with corpse gas. Trouble!"

Tang Sancheng took out the soul bottle, sprinkled the blood vine powder inside towards them, rushed to the three in front, was sprinkled by the blood vine, bursts of black smoke rose from his body, his body twisted in pain, Bai Yi saw this, Three shots were fired at each of these three, and the blood vines entered the body through the wound, accelerating their disillusionment, and the three headless blood rice dumplings turned into a puff of smoke and disappeared!

"Tang Sancheng, save me!" Xiao Ning let out a scream, Tang Sancheng looked to the side, Xiao Ning was pressed by a blood rice dumpling, a pair of claws were grabbing towards Xiao Ning's eyes, these blood rice dumplings had no heads, But the feeling is very strong, from the sound of their footsteps they can judge their position, the more Xiao Ning struggles, the stronger the strength of those sharp claws, at this moment, Xiao Ning's hands are desperately pressing on those claws, It's just that the blood dumpling is on the top, and she is on the bottom, so she can't use any strength at all, Xiao Ning can't hold it anymore...

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