Tang Sancheng asked everyone to take out all the sharp tools and cut at these trunks. Everyone did as Tang Sancheng said, even took out the knives for peeling fruit, and slashed at the trunks. Qixie, who is familiar with nature, can't be named, and he has never seen it in Changbai Mountain. The sharp weapon cut through the trunk, and there was a fishy smell from the trunk, which was consistent with the smell in the pond.

Lei Zi smelled it first, who gave him a dog's nose: "It's weird, why does this tree smell like blood?"

"These trees are nourished by the water in the blood pond." The knife in Tang Sancheng's hand slashed deeper, and blood flowed out of it, gurgling non-stop, and fell to the ground, scattered on Tang Sancheng. At the foot of his feet: "If my guess is correct, the seven-star array is nourished by blood. The head is in the pool, and the body is on the tree. They all protect the seven-star array with blood. The blood goes from the pool to the ground and enters the tree. The blood corpse is on the tree, and the neck is connected to the trunk. The blood enters the blood corpse from the trunk, and the blood and energy circulate, and it becomes a living dead like a blood corpse. Now we block the blood in the blood pool, and then the trunk Let the blood out of it, cut off its vitality, and kill it from the root."

"This will definitely work?" Lei Zi was a little skeptical, although Tang Sancheng's words sounded decent, but he always felt uneasy.

Tang Sancheng glanced leisurely at Lei Zi, then shook his head: "I don't know."

Lei Zi resisted the urge to scold his mother, now his body smelled of blood, which was consistent with the smell of the tree, which made him very unhappy. Looking at Liu Zhixi again, he had a bitter face all the time, his nose and eyes were wrinkled together, Probably because now recalling the scene in the pool of blood, his stomach was churning, and Liu Zhixi resentfully drew his knife on the tree trunk, as if to vent his anger.

"Idiot Liu, I'll get used to it in the future." Seeing him like this, Lei Zi couldn't help but said, "I think you, Brother Lei, were trapped in a tomb. In order not to freeze to death, I still lay in a coffin and slept with the dead. For one night, this little difficulty is nothing, you were a great hero just now, you are the hero who saved everyone from the fire and water."

After sleeping with the dead for one night, Bai Yi smiled in his heart. He had done this kind of thing countless times. He kept silent and let Lei Zi go to comfort Liu Zhixi to his heart's content. They were all carved by a knife, just like a person being cut, the blood flowed out. After finishing these things, everyone sat down on the ground softly, and Tang Sancheng looked at the blood in the tree little by little. He rushed out, staring straight at his eyes, as if something would go wrong if he didn't look at it. Seeing his serious appearance, everyone was more confident. Looking at the remaining three blood dumplings, they are still Keep it the same, nothing has changed, the only thing they can do now is wait.

Bai Yi said: "After a person dies, Jianzhou Nuzhen stops the funeral at home, kills a cow as a sacrifice, and chooses to bury it in a sunny place three days later. During the burial, it is customary to bury the clothes worn by the deceased and ride a horse. It is to remove the flesh after killing and bury the skin. Jurchens in Haixi are popular in tree burial, choose a big tree to put the corpse on top, and hang the buried horse hide, tail and feet, as well as bows and arrows used in life, etc. on the tree. Burial customs of Jurchen tribes in the East China Sea Relatively primitive, in addition to tree burials, after the death of Kuwu’s parents, they go to the intestines and stomach, expose the corpses to dryness, and carry the corpses of their parents on their backs when they go in and out. There are also Qiliemi men and women who die of old age. They have to cut their stomachs open and put their corpses on a tree. For those who drowned, they use a harpoon to spear their corpses, wrap them in seal skin and bury them, indicating that they can become seals; those who are bitten by bears and tigers, The corpse is naked and looks like a tiger or bear, and then someone shoots the corpse with an arrow, and then buries it together with the arrow, so that the corpse is shot with an arrow, indicating that the dead can become a bear or a tiger."

"The burial customs of the Jurchen family are really fucking strange." Lei Zi spat on the ground: "No wonder these headless corpses are hanging on the tree, but this tree is a bit strange, it can be nourished by blood, I don't know What species."

"This seven-star game is connected end to end, with the head and body as the first and the last, and nourished with blood. This game is really too cruel." Tang Sancheng said: "These seven blood corpses are also seven for the Jurchen clan. The warrior is dead, and there is no body left, all for the future generations of Yanfu."

"What's the use of that?" Liu Zhixi, who had always been weak, said, "The Manchu Dynasty didn't last for many years."

"Could it be related to their change of Jurchen to be full?" Xiao Ning said: "The purpose of offering sacrifices to the Feng Shui Bureau is to protect the blood, right? Tang Sancheng?"

Tang Sancheng nodded: "Of course, after a person dies, he has to choose a geomantic treasure land. Who is buried in the geomantic treasure land, whose descendants can prolong their blessings. If these seven are really Jurchen people, they will naturally prolong their blessings to the Jurchen descendants. .”

The Jin Dynasty was a short-lived dynasty. From 1115 to 1234, there were a total of ten emperors in more than 100 years. If calculated on average, there would be one emperor in ten years.Since Jurchen was under the control of Great Khitan for a long time, when Wanyan Aguda established the country, regarding the meaning of the word "Daliao" in the Khitan language, he took "gold" as the meaning of the word "Daliao" in the Khitan language. It is the name of the country to show against the "Daliao".

As a vassal of the Liao Dynasty, Jurchen not only pays a large amount of gold, silver and jewelry to him every year, but also surrenders a large amount of hunting birds of prey to Liao's silver medal angel - Haidongqing. In order to catch the best birds, he had to go to Attack the tribes that are originally of the same family.It can be seen that it was very difficult for the Jin Dynasty to survive in the cracks at that time, so that the final collapse had some elements of grievances in it.

To say that they will try their best to rise up, it is not without motivation, Bai Yi explained, Tang Sancheng said: "The Jurchen tribe would use Fengshui array to change the fate of future generations, it is inconceivable, and this method is really too appalling gone."

"Are you trying to say that, like Jiajing Mausoleum, this is also guided by experts?" Bai Yi heard Tang Sancheng's implication.

Tang Sancheng didn't have this idea at first, but just said it casually, now that Bai Yi understood a little bit, he himself felt strange and inexplicable: "Bai Yi, don't talk nonsense, how can there be so many experts?"

"Although the Jurchens are a minority, their ancestors have lived and lived in the vast areas of the Songhua River and the Heilongjiang River Basin for generations. The so-called white mountains and black waters have many races. The Jurchen ancestors with a long history can be traced back to Shun and Yu During the Shang and Zhou dynasties, during this process, they may have left behind some ancient methods." Bai Yi looked at Tang Sancheng: "I think you think too much."

Tang Sancheng opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but Xiao Ning said: "Look!"

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