The color of the seven tree trunks all turned grayish white, blood dripped all over the ground, Tang Sancheng stood up, and saw a blood-colored dragon flying out from the center of the seven trees in a trance, he blinked, but saw something Nothing at all, he was startled, and heard a "flutter" sound in his ears, and then turned his head, and the three bloody rice dumplings that had been motionless had bursts of black air coming out of their bodies, and their headless bodies disappeared little by little until Completely disappeared in front of everyone.

There was also a rumbling sound in the blood pool, Tang Sancheng walked over to take a look, those human heads in the blood pool, to be exact, seven heads also melted, disappeared into the blood pool together with those hairs, gone The hair, the blood in the pool of blood flowed into that hole again...

"Damn, it's bleeding again, is it okay?" Lei Zi put his hands on his waist and looked at the blood in the blood pool: "So there are only seven people, and the blood in this pool is not only from seven people."

Tang Sancheng answered irrelevantly: "The bureau has been broken, it's useless to let it go, what a pity..."

"It's a pity." Bai Yi said: "The Manchus are gone. It must have been invalidated a long time ago. Now that it's broken, it won't affect the overall situation."

Tang San thought about it on purpose, but the descendants of Jurchen are still there, thinking about it, the game has been broken, it is useless to say these things, besides, in the confrontation with Xue Zong just now, either you die or I die, I can't control so much .Besides, when the tomb was cast, cinnabar was mixed in. It should be afraid of evil things invading. As everyone knows, there are evil things in this tomb. Fortunately, the cinnabar trapped them here. Otherwise, these blood corpses would go out and do whatever they want. .

The seven-star formation was broken, and the six breathed a sigh of relief. Then Bai Yi settled down to look at the layout of the tomb. Apart from the tomb where the seven-star formation was located, there was a passage leading out from behind the tree. The six people After tidying up, they headed there. Lei Zi and Liu Zhixi were covered in blood, but there was nothing to change into the thick padded jackets outside. They could only continue walking forward covered in blood. Compared with Liu Zhixi, Lei Zi was worse. His nose smelled everything very clearly, and the stench from his body went straight into his nose, and he couldn't stop it, so he could only bear it.

As soon as Bai Yi walked into the tomb passage, he realized that something was wrong. This is not a tomb passage, but a burglar's hole. The burglars are very amateurs, so they should be little thieves, but how could little thieves come here? Burglary in the snow mountain?When Bai Yi felt confused, Lei Zi complained: "Damn, why is this smell getting stronger and stronger."

Lei Zi's nose twitched: "Bai Yi, the smell in this is stronger than my body."

Qixie took out a flashlight and took a picture inside, and vaguely saw two people lying inside, lying on both sides of the cave, lifeless, their clothes looked a bit like Lu Shan who led them into the mountain. Similarly, when Qixie told what he saw, Bai Yi felt that they might be mountain people who went to the mountains to collect ginseng. They didn't know how they got here. They probably came here to hide from the wind and snow, but they ended up dying here. I think it's a good thing they didn't come in, and if they did, they wouldn't even be able to catch a whole body.

On the contrary, Xiao Ning thought of another point. These mountain people don't know how to dig thieves' holes. It seems that they accidentally fell here and wanted to find a way out, so they made holes here. Where would they fall from? Well, judging from when they came down just now, the Luoyang shovel reached a depth of 15 meters. If they fell directly, they would die immediately, right?But they can still punch holes with some strength, which is worth studying.

Bai Yi agreed with Xiao Ning's words, and decided to go in and have a look. As soon as he got in, he stepped on a hard object. He lowered his head and saw that it was Dading Tongbao. Cast, Qianwen imitation thin gold script has Xiaoping, folded in two.There is iron money.The two-fold big coin has a small amount of casting, and its color is gray and white. It is said that its money material contains slightly silver.The shape is concise, the appearance is generous, and the word imitates "thin gold". The price is very high in the antique market. Bai Yi pointed the flashlight forward, and this passage is full of scattered Dading Tongbao!

Lei Zi was the happiest seeing this, and this is the fun of fighting back. He was shocked just now, but now he is overjoyed, his mood fluctuates up and down, and he is very excited. Dingtong Baolai, roughly counted, there are 160 pieces, and they are heavy in the backpack. Lei Zi kept talking about the big hair, the big hair, Liu Zhixi laughed at Lei Zi's secularism, which really annoyed Lei Zi , he asked Liu Zhixi, you are not secular, why are you following me to fight against you?Is it a cramp?

Liu Zhixi said solemnly that he was inventing and researching, and Lei Zi sneered: "I didn't see you go to the Academy of Sciences to do research, and you gave us the research tools for fighting. You are really great."

Seeing that the two of them were bickering here, Bai Yi said in a muffled voice, "Okay, okay, just after surviving a catastrophe, you got carried away with complacency, remember what I told you?"

"Be careful sailing for thousands of years." Liu Zhixi replied honestly.

That's right, Lei Zi touched his head and stopped. Everyone went into the hole and approached the two corpses. Bai Yi took a closer look, and suddenly his face changed: "Qi Xie, these two corpses The corpse should be burned, it will turn into zongzi after death without being stiff."

It turns out that in addition to the theory of the red sand day and the flying sand, there is another theory, that is, people who hold their breath before death can die but not stiff after death, and evolve into zombies, that is, zongzi. The corpse of the mountain man has been looking for some time, but his face is blue and black, but his nails are very long and sharp. Wonderful, we need to dispose of these two corpses before they are completely ossified. Qixie nodded, took out his lighter, and asked Lei Zi for wine. After passing Jiajing Mausoleum, everyone knew that Lei Zi always carried a bottle of wine with him. , Lei Zi took it out with a sad face: "I haven't had time to drink it yet!"

Liu Zhixi snatched it away for him: "When is it time, when it's time to make a move, come on, Qixie!"

Qixie poured wine on the two corpses, motioned everyone to go forward first, then lit the corpses, and then crawled forward, followed behind the large army, the two corpses were burning, Tang Sancheng turned his head, Seeing a dead body raised its hand in the firelight, I was horrified and crawled forward even faster! !

The hand was finally put down in the firelight, Tang Sancheng relaxed his heart, the six people crawled in the hole made by the mountain people, went straight forward, and saw another tomb room, after entering, Bai Yi finally I know how these two mountain people fell here by mistake!

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