After Bai Yi blocked the entrance of the cave, he felt a lot more at ease. He sat beside the fire, trying to dry off the cold sweat on his body, and said bluntly, after seeing the row of footprints on the snow, his soul was blown away!He doesn't believe in ghosts and gods, but in this icy and snowy land, all kinds of strange things can appear, like those headless blood rice dumplings, all of which pop out, what kind of "thing" is this one that only leaves footprints?

Tang Sancheng and Xiao Ning's bodies have almost recovered, sitting alone on one side at this time, the two of them looked at each other sideways from time to time, then turned their heads away, looking at the fire boredly, Qi Xie slowly leaned against the fire , didn't say a word, I don't know what he was thinking, only Liu Zhixi and Lei Zi were laughing and playing there, looking very relaxed.

Suddenly there was the howling of the wind outside, Tang Sancheng was startled, and raised his head: "It seems that the snow will not stop, the wind is getting stronger and stronger."

Bai Yi thought of He Baosheng's words about the presence of Yin people in Changbai Mountain, and felt a little lost. This trip to Changbai Mountain always felt that many things were not in his imagination. Now that he thinks about it, the matter of Yin people in Changbai Mountain is also I don't know where Master heard it from, and I don't know how true it is. I just had too much hope at the beginning, and now I am so worried about gains and losses.

Besides, Lei Zi and Liu Zhixi suddenly put their heads together to discuss something, and when it was over, they ran to the other side of the cave. The two of them jumped into the pool of blood just now, and their clothes were already soaked in blood. Although it is dried now, it is sticky and very uncomfortable. Coupled with the stench, it is even more uncomfortable. The two people moved their positions, changed their clothes, got some snow water to wash the clothes, and the two sat down. Roasting those clothes beside the fire, Lei Zi and Liu Zhixi had a sense of congeniality, Lei Zi told Liu Zhixi a lot of things about his previous fights, but it was a bit exciting, Liu Zhixi listened with relish.

Lei Zi's fighting career is always inseparable from explosives. Liu Zhixi asked him: "Lei Zi, why do you like to use explosives so much? It's very dangerous. If you don't control the amount, you may even lose your life." Lost."

"This is the most exciting place." Lei Zi said: "In our line of work, death is a matter of time. Instead of dying silently in the underground palace like those mediocre tomb robbers, I can at least die while I die." It would be nice to make some noise before, and ascend to the west sky amidst the sound of farewell."

Lei Zi's words sounded heroic, but to Bai Yi's ears, they were very desolate. Tang Sancheng's heart throbbed when he thought of the possible blood worms in Lei Zi's body: "Lei Zi, live well."

Lei Zi glanced at Tang Sancheng: "That's right, it's better to live than to die. I won't bomb my own head with explosives unless it is absolutely necessary." Lei Zi pointed to his head: " No matter how bad it is, it’s still kind of useful now.”

As the sky gradually darkened, Qixie silently prepared hot water and dry food for everyone. Everyone sat around and ate warmly, and gradually relaxed. After eating, everyone fell asleep drowsily. In the past, it may be because the entrance of the cave was blocked, and everyone felt at ease.

Bai Yi was no exception. He was in a daze when he felt a voice rang out, and his whole body trembled. Bai Yi's head suddenly fell, and he immediately understood that the voice just now was like Fu Yu's. I miss her so much. After the avalanche, I always think of her. This does not mean that I have not thought about her before, but it is buried deep in my heart. He has always had a persistent belief in his heart. It is true that the longevity Gu on his body, the first half of his life that he and Fu Yu missed, can be made up for with the rest of his life, so that he can have no regrets for life.

However, things were not as simple as he expected. The endless crises and factors beyond his control made him feel like a fog. Bai Yi felt that he was not as confident as before, and the sense of crisis suddenly came. Fu Yu, Bai Yi looked at the other sleeping people, and murmured in his heart, he suddenly felt a chill, the fire in the fire was still burning brightly, he looked up, and the stone at the entrance of the cave - disappeared !

The stones that had blocked the entrance of the cave were lying quietly on one side, as if they had never been moved. The chill on Bai Yi's body became even worse, but this time, it didn't come from From the body, but from the heart!It's impossible for these people in the cave to do this thing, it was originally for keeping warm, isn't it?

Bai Yi unconsciously walked towards the entrance of the cave. He didn't wake up the others. When Bai Yi approached the entrance of the cave, he suddenly felt that something was wrong. What about evil?Qixie should not have any reaction, as usual, he had already opened his eyes at this time, when Bai Yi turned his head, Qixie was leaning against a big rock and sleeping very soundly...

Bai Yi became a little dazed, but he couldn't control himself and walked towards the entrance of the cave. Although it was already dark outside, but because of the white snow, the visibility was very high. Bai Yi's first reaction was to check if there were any footprints on the snow, which was unexpected. No, Bai Yi exhaled, the breath permeated in the cold air, very eye-catching, he was about to turn around and go in, but saw a shadow beside the hole, Bai Yi took out his gun: "Who? "

"Little brother, it's been a long time, why are you so rude when we meet?" The voice was very clear.

When Bai Yi heard this voice, he was startled: "Master... Master, it's you."

The owner of this voice is Bai Yi's master, He Baosheng, who has lived for more than 100 years and is still very strong. He Baosheng is wearing a thick cotton coat, squatting at the entrance of the cave, huddled into a small ball, afraid that Bai Yi will approach, He would recognize himself, only a few steps away, and said: "Teacher, it's cold outside, let's go into the cave and talk about it."

He Baosheng was not polite, he put away the things in his hand, it turned out that he was smoking dry tobacco, the smell reminded Bai Yi of the old days, He Baosheng walked into the cave, saw the sleeping people, and let out a "yo" : "You are still young after all, once you arrive in the snow mountain, you will feel very sleepy. You are still energetic, little brother."

Bai Yi always felt a little awkward when he heard his master keep calling him little brother, so he could only vaguely agree: "Master, why are you here in Changbai Mountain?"

He Baosheng suddenly smiled: "Little brother, although I am old, you can't look down on me. I am also a colleague with you anyway. There are treasures everywhere in Changbai Mountain. I can't miss it."

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