He Baosheng turned around, and Bai Yi suddenly realized that He Baosheng's trousers were unusually long, covering his shoes. Bai Yi laughed in his heart that he was too sensitive now, always thinking about those footprints, even seeing his own Master, it is inevitable to be suspicious.

He Baosheng seemed to have eyes on the back of his head, he suddenly stretched out his feet: "Why, I want to see if I am a ghost or not, look, you are always staring at my feet, I will show you if I can take it out gone?"

Bai Yi took a step back in fright: "Master... Teacher."

"Don't call me that, just call me old man He." He Baosheng said with his hands behind his back: "I met you when I first came to Changbai Mountain. We are really destined. How about it? There is no problem with your feet. I haven't seen you for a while, little brother." Brother, why are you interested in other people's feet?"

Bai Yi was extremely embarrassed. Master was still the same, always refusing to let people go down the steps, and he liked to bluff people. He put on a smile and said, "Mr. He, don't blame me for being rude, but a lot of things happened after we came to Changbai Mountain. , so I have to be careful, I'm too sensitive." Who let this person in front of him be his master who opened the door, Bai Yi could only follow He Baosheng's temper.

"I wonder if you would mind telling me?" He Baosheng asked.

Bai Yi told these things in detail without any hesitation. There was a trace of doubt in Bai Yi's heart, but unfortunately it disappeared immediately. He Baosheng said after listening, "I do know one thing, it may be The source of your doubts."

"Oh, what is it?" Bai Yi suddenly became energetic.

"Earth tire." He Baosheng said: "In this Changbai Mountain, hundreds of millions of years of heaven and earth spiritual energy have been gathered. Here, in addition to geomantic treasures and good geomantic situations, various things can be derived. This earth tire is One of them."

"Earth tires?" It was the first time Bai Yi heard such a statement: "What's the origin of this kind of thing?"

"The creatures conceived between the sky and the earth, the sky is the father, the earth is the mother, just like the grandson monkey." He Baosheng said: "They are born here, grow up here, they come and go here freely, this is their world, but They can't live without here. This is different from the grandson monkeys. How their xinxing grows is unknown. Is it evil or good? Everything depends on fate. They can live or die. In short, it is The most difficult thing in the world to determine,

Bai Yi was confused when he heard it, but he vaguely knew that there was such a thing as a ground tire: "Mr. He, have you seen a ground tire?"

"Ten years ago, I was on Xiling, and I saw one." He Baosheng said, "Oh, what a coincidence, this is not Xiling, it is here, it is frozen in the ice and snow, and it has not yet formed. , I don’t know what’s going on now?”

Seeing that He Baosheng was serious, Bai Yi raised his heart: "Mr. He, you are serious. What kind of place is this in Xiling?"

"Of course." He Baosheng was a little unhappy: "Little brother, I'm over 100 years old, can I lie to you? This earth must lie on the dragon's breath, it's not true, you can ask your Brothers who understand Fengshui will be successful? Well, I’ll stop here, I’ll save you from calling me nonsense, things between heaven and earth cannot be understood with ordinary thinking.”

Bai Yi had a strange feeling, he and He Baosheng were talking in a very loud voice here, but they didn't react at all, Qi Xie, Qi Xie didn't even move, Bai Yi turned his head again, only to see the wind floating outside. It was snowing, He Baosheng disappeared, Bai Yi rushed to the entrance of the cave, looked into the snow, where could he see half a person?

"Mr. He!!" Bai Yi yelled, and Qi Xie's voice came from behind him: "Bai Yi, it's so late, why are you up?" Qi Xie looked at the entrance of the cave, "It's strange, why was this stone moved away?" ?”

Bai Yi seemed not to have heard Qi Xie's words, so he shook Lei Zi awake: "Lei Zi, go and smell the cave entrance to see if there is a smell of dry smoke?"

Lei Zi slept so soundly just now, but was suddenly pushed awake, feeling a little dizzy, he rubbed his eyes: "Smell, smell what?"

Bai Yi didn't have time to explain, so he directly pushed Lei Zi outside, the temperature outside must be lower than inside the cave, this cold, Lei Zi woke up, his nose twitched, and he smelled the choking smell of smoke: "It really does. It smells like I've smelled it somewhere before."

What happened just now is real. Master, he really came here. His footwork is really like what Tang Sancheng said, a little too fast. This old man has not met him for half a century, and the changes are too great. Bai Yi Looking at the stones at the entrance of the cave, he couldn't have moved them all by himself, right?Compared with this, the matter of the ground tire is also worth investigating.

Everyone refilled the hole, sat around the fire, and listened to Bai Yi's talk about what happened just now, they all found it incredible, especially Qixie, this was the first time someone approached him, but he didn't notice it. This kind of situation can only explain one thing, the other party's internal strength is better than his own, but which ordinary person can be better than Qixie, he has more than 400 years of cultivation, Bai Yi and Qixie looked at each other, and they both knew it. This He Baosheng is very unusual, there must be something unusual about him.

When Bai Yi talked about the earth tires, Lei Zi took a deep breath: "Is there really a real version of Sun Monkey?"

But Tang Sancheng fell into deep thought: "The old man is right, if the ground tire is really on the dragon's breath to survive, then the eagle's beak is indeed a good place, remember what I said? "

Bai Yi remembered that Tang Sancheng had indeed had some opinions about the eagle's beak on the West Ridge - "The direction of the eagle's mouth is towards the three branched dragons. The eagle's beak is sharp and cuts towards the dragon's head. This mountain It blocked the dragon energy of the group of dragons and absorbed the dragon energy of the northern dragon vein. In addition, there are no other small hills around the mountain, which are exposed and surrounded by vitality. Spiritual energy, this mountain itself already has spiritual energy, and it has absorbed the dragon energy of the three branch dragons, and now it has become a treasure land of geomantic omen."

Tang Sancheng now said again: "Dragon energy gathered on the eagle's beak, if there was a ground embryo before, then affected by the dragon energy, it is entirely possible for the earth to come back to life. When I went to the eagle's beak to collect ginseng, someone pulled me away. Well, the man left only a row of footprints, and then disappeared on the eagle's beak. I know the terrain on the eagle's beak most clearly. Except for the road where I went down, ordinary people can climb up and down. It's a dead end, where you go and die, if ordinary people can't do it, so..."

Everyone understood the implication of his words, Xiao Ning took a breath: "You mean to say that the person who gave you a hand at that time was - Di Titus?"

Bai Yi shook his head: "Not only tires, but live tires."

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