Just when Tang San was excited to become Qixie's An Ran, the snow monster that was still dodging bullets just now also came down, its body rolled and fell into the snow, at first it merged with the snow, then it stretched out The body revealed a pair of bean eyes, staring at Tang Sancheng and Qixie, then turned around and walked towards the ice coffin on the other side...

The snow monster left a long series of footprints in the snow. Seeing the footprints, everyone took a deep breath, especially Tang Sancheng. He was very familiar with the footprints. This snow monster was indeed the one who saved him back then. "Man", Tang Sancheng chased after him, and when he was two meters away from the snow monster, the snow monster suddenly turned his head and met Tang Sancheng's eyes.

Tang Sancheng saw the snow monster's front face, it looked like a baby with a pale face, its hands and feet were extremely short, and it had no neck, if the wind and snow were heavy, it would be normal if it walked in the snow and couldn't see its figure Yes, so there is only it from the beginning to the end. It travels freely in the snow field of Changbai Mountain without restraint. Tang Sancheng swallowed his saliva and pointed to his nose: "Brother Xue, do you still remember me? Last time Thank you for that."

Seeing Tang Sancheng talking to the snow monster, Lei Zi and Liu Zhixi looked at each other and shook their heads: "Crazy, he is crazy."

Bai Yi raised his gun and pointed it at the snow monster. This is a rare opportunity. The snow monster's skills are so rare that even Qi Xie can barely deal with it. Keeping it is a disaster. Go on: "Bai Yi, you can't."

"Why?" Bai Yi was a little upset: "This snow monster is very difficult to deal with. If it is really what the old man said, it was raised by absorbing the spiritual energy and dragon energy of Changbai Mountain. I am afraid that its ability will evolve further. We have no There is a way to deal with him."

"He dealt with me because of that ice coffin." Qixie told his discovery, and then said: "Tang Sancheng is right, the good and evil of the earth are all acquired, and this earth seems to be benevolent." It's heavier and has no attack power, you see..."

Tang Sancheng was looking at the ground tire, the ground tire seemed to understand Tang Sancheng's words, it stayed quietly on the snow, listening to Tang Sancheng's words, Tang Sancheng tried to approach it, the ground tire backed away One step, walked forward quickly, and then turned back, as if signaling Tang Sancheng to follow, Tang Sancheng followed behind, the tire led Tang Sancheng to the front of the ice coffin, the tire lay on top of the ice coffin, very distressed look.

Bai Yi and the others also chased after them, and when they got close to the ice coffin, Xiao Ning took a step back to see the "person" inside. Lei Zi, as usual, would spit on the ground when something happened, and he finished spitting. He took a sip and said, "Could it be that the one in this ice coffin is also a ground tire?"

"It's not like that." Bai Yi said, "The fetus is in the shape of a baby, but this one looks more like a dragon."

The thing in the ice coffin was not a human being, which was the reason why everyone was astonished. Looking through the ice, although it was not very clear, the general appearance of the things inside could still be seen: golden yellow, with a head as big as The basin, with horns on the square top, is as big as a deer. Liu Zhixi adjusted his glasses: "This thing looks familiar, I seem to have seen it somewhere."

"Come on, have you seen this thing? Where is it? In your kitchen?" Lei Zi immediately taunted Liu Zhixi: "So, if you read too much, you will become an idiot."

Xiao Ning said: "No, I seem to have seen it somewhere."

The words of Liu Zhixi and Xiao Ning made others feel puzzled, Xiao Ning said: "I remembered, I read it in a book, let me think about it, yes, it has something to do with Changbai Mountain!"

""Changbai Mountain Chronicles"," Liu Zhixi said: "I remembered that the things in this ice coffin are very similar to those mentioned in "Changbai Mountain Chronicles". , golden yellow, with a head as big as a basin, with horns on the square top, long neck and many beards, hunters thought it was a dragon', in the second year of Xuantong in Qing Dynasty, it was mentioned again: "There were four hunters who went to Tianchi to fish for turtles. There is water coming out of the pool under Zhipan Peak. It is golden yellow, with a head as big as an ounce, a square top with horns, a long top with many beards, and the head shakes like it is absorbing water. Everyone is afraid. Halfway up the slope, I suddenly heard a bang, and I can’t see it when I look back. They all think of dragons, so it is also called Longtan'."

Xiao Ning also said: "That's right, no, it's just like this, golden yellow, with a head as big as a basin, with a square top and horns, isn't it exactly the same as the thing in this ice coffin?"

According to what the two said, the monster buried in this ice coffin is very likely to have appeared in Tianchi. However, judging from the degree of condensation of this ice coffin, it is not possible to do it since the Qing Dynasty, and the ice coffin The combination of the coffin and the cliff must not be artificial, it should be a coincidence in the movement of the earth's crust. In this way, Bai Yi had an idea that this ice coffin has existed for at least ten thousand years!

Seeing that the ice coffin is very square, Bai Yi's hand touched the edge of the ice coffin, it doesn't look like it has been polished, it is purely natural, this monster may just lie in a square groove after death, and then This square ice coffin was formed, but, looking at the tire lying on top of the ice coffin, why is the tire so nervous about the ice coffin?

At this time, the ground tire suddenly slammed into the ice coffin with force, missing a piece of the ice coffin. It seemed that the ground tire wanted to open the ice coffin. Lei Zi and Xiao Ning were most interested in this job. Take out the tools to start working, knock off the ice cubes bit by bit, everyone rushes up, and don't care about the tire anymore, although the tire looks weird, but it's still friendly, everyone can't bear to look at it It looks like it can be accepted by concentrating on the matter at hand.

The sky was gloomy, Bai Yi looked at the sky, and told everyone to speed up their movements, the ice coffin was knocked open bit by bit, revealing the monster inside bit by bit...

Sure enough, as the mountain records said, this monster is long-spindle-shaped, with a snow-white cavity, and the rest is golden yellow. Its head is big and square, with two horns on its head, a long neck, and a beard on its chin. ,clear and distinct!

Liu Zhixi cried out when he saw it: "Look, it is really a monster in Tianchi."

Bai Yi saw something flickering in the crushed ice, he squatted down, and knocked out the flickering things, took a look in his hand, his face changed: "Lei Zi, hurry up, check the ice, Knock out everything that has this thing!"

The thing in Bai Yi's hand was more transparent than ice, and it felt hard. Lei Zi was a little puzzled: "Bai Yi, what is this?"

"Rough stone." Bai Yi said, "A rough diamond."

As soon as Bai Yi's words fell, Tang Sancheng exclaimed, it turned out that the fetus suddenly got into the mouth of the monster when the ice coffin was opened!

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