The tire quickly got into the monster's mouth in the ice coffin, and the monster's mouth swelled and moved. It turned out that the tire continued to drill in after it went in, until it reached the monster's belly, and the monster's belly was raised high. It swelled up!

"What is he doing?" Xiao Ning felt that the scene in front of him was extremely strange, this tire seemed to be able to shrink its own size freely, otherwise how could it have passed through the throat of the monster?

Bai Yi shook his head: "I don't know, we just have to see what he's going to do."

The ground tire kept wriggling in the monster's stomach, as if looking for something. The monster's body kept rising and falling, as if it was alive. I don't know how long it took. It sprayed out from his stomach, gushing out like a fountain, and sprinkled on the snow, the blood color echoing the white snow, very eye-catching.

The group of people took a step back, and they didn't know where the blood came from, whether it was from the earth or a monster. Although the monster had been dead for so many years, it was frozen right after it died, and there was still some blood in its body. , the earth fetus is also like a human body, only blood can live, there are two possibilities, Tang Sancheng took a step forward, wanting to see what happened, just as he approached, a human head came out of the monster's stomach , the eyebrows and eyes were very clear, a pair of black eyes looked at Tang Sancheng, and there was a humming sound from his mouth, Tang Sancheng was startled, and quickly took another step back, Qixie even nervously guarded in front of Tang Sancheng .

"It's the earth tire. It seems that he has already evolved." Bai Yi said, it's incredible, what is in the monster's stomach that can make the earth tire evolve quickly?Judging from the head of the fetus, it looks more like a person, with its facial features fully stretched out, like the face of a thirteen or fourteen-year-old child!

The ground tire continued to drill out from the monster's stomach, and at the same time, blood kept pouring out of the monster's stomach. Floating out, the monster has been frozen in the ice for so many years, its muscles are very stiff, but the ground tires burst out with its own strength, this strength is very unusual...

After the other end came out, the body of the ground tire also crawled out little by little. Originally, the body was directly under the head without a neck, but now the neck also came out. Xiao Ning suddenly turned around covering his face, and Lei Zi was delighted all of a sudden. Now, it turns out that after the evolution of the fetus, it looks exactly like a 14-year-old boy, and his body is naked, and his skin is like a normal person. This man and woman are different. Xiao Ning is a girl, so I immediately feel embarrassed, so don't turn your head now went.

After the body came out, the tire quickly came out of the monster's stomach. It, no, it was him standing naked in the snow. His skin, which was originally as white as snow, was no different from that of a normal person. He is not very tall, but a head shorter than Tang Sancheng. Seeing that the womb suddenly turned into a human, a complete human being, Tang Sancheng rushed to the womb excitedly. In front of him, his hands were waving, and Di Ti suddenly smiled at Tang Sancheng, showing a mouthful of white teeth, as if he still recognized Tang Sancheng.

Qixie took off his clothes and covered the body with the womb. Qixie was born tall, and when the clothes were put on the womb, a part grew out, covering most of the womb's body. Very clingy to Tang Sancheng, followed Tang Sancheng closely, talking constantly, Bai Yi saw that the tire was not aggressive at all, so he simply let him follow Tang Sancheng first, and make plans later, the sky was getting worse and worse It was dark, snowflakes suddenly fell down, followed by a hurricane, Bai Yi directed everyone to return to the cave quickly...

Qixie originally walked a certain distance, but suddenly turned back to check the monster's body, and then returned to the cave with everyone. Lei Zi asked him what he was looking for, and Qixie said, "I want to see what's in the monster's stomach." Something can make it evolve suddenly."

"Then what did you see?" Bai Yi asked.

"There are crystal-like things in the stomach of the monster, which are scattered in its viscera, and the rest is no different. I think the purpose of getting into the monster's stomach is to obtain those crystals. Unfortunately, I don't know. What is that, it actually has such an effect." Qi Xie finished speaking in one breath, seeing everyone looked at him with strange eyes: "What's wrong? What happened?"

Xiao Ning couldn't help laughing out loud: "Qi Xie, we have never seen you say so many things at once, today it was like seeing the sun come out from the west, didn't you realize that today you said Are you talking more than ever?"

So it is!Qixie himself thought it was funny, so he closed his mouth. Seeing that Qixie stopped talking, Bai Yi smiled: "Okay, don't tell me, let me explain it for you. Since the fetus has a physical body, it hasn't formed yet. With a body like an ordinary human, he has been waiting on the cliff for the purpose of the monster corpse in the ice coffin, but we also saw the ice coffin, and now there is a conflict with him, so he suddenly attacked Qixie, I didn't expect that the two people who hit by mistake made the ice coffin break away from the cliff. We got the rough diamond, and the earth tire also got what we wanted. We don't know what the crystallization is. It's a mystery, but this tire..."

Everyone looked at the tire, he was a teenager at this time, sitting next to Tang Sancheng ignorantly, warming up like him, even though he was lighting a fire, he was not afraid of the cold at all, he was originally from Changbai Mountain Growing up in the extremely cold air, the physique is naturally different from that of ordinary people, but this fetus is not yet a full-grown adult and cannot communicate with him. This is no different from bringing a child who has not grown up. You cannot bring such a child "People" go to fight, how to deal with this tire becomes a difficult problem, and for a while, Bai Yi already has the intention to keep this tire here.

Tang Sancheng had received the kindness of this womb, and he couldn't bear to leave him at this time, not to mention that this womb now regards himself as his support, pulling his clothes from time to time, with a cautious look, Tang Sancheng With dry food in his mouth, he tore off a piece to give to the tire at the same time, but accidentally dropped it on the ground. The piece rolled under a rock, and the tire immediately reached out to take it. The hand suddenly became thinner, and it forcibly penetrated under the crack of the stone, took out the small piece of dry food and put it on Tang Sancheng's hand, Tang Sancheng opened his mouth, there was no dry food in his mouth to swallow It all fell off, like a fool...

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