As soon as He Baosheng touched the light, he felt that his whole body was enveloped by the light. He couldn't tell where the light came from, he just felt warm all over his body, and there was a vast whiteness in front of him, until finally, he lost his vision, It suddenly turned black...

When he opened his eyes again, the scene in front of him surprised him. The place he was in was no longer the tomb room just now. He was standing on a flat ground with a downward step extending straight down. Walking down the steps, step by step, he suddenly had a feeling of going to hell...

"Master." Bai Yi said cautiously: "Master, there is one thing that I find strange. Did you use lighting equipment at that time? The steps keep going down, so it should be completely in darkness, right?"

"I will also find this strange in the future. When I went to that space, I did not bring lighting equipment, and my hands were empty, and when I walked down the steps, there was no light around me, but it was very strange. When I walked down, it was like a force was pulling me down step by step."

"Power?" Bai Yi said: "Master, it seems that you are the chosen one, that's why this happened."

Bai Yi only used the selected two words, mainly because he felt that although there were yin people since ancient times, there were not many who were really called yin people. When he was young, there were such yin people in the countryside of his hometown. Most of them suddenly claimed that they could communicate with yin and yang, see ghosts, or communicate with ghosts when they were sleeping or after getting sick. They all claimed to be selected. At that time, Bai Yi didn't know the truth or not. Only when I came to Master did I realize that the things in this world cannot be understood by the human mind.

"It should be." He Baosheng said: "I walked along the steps. At that time, I had an idea to count how many steps there were. Unfortunately, although I was thinking about it, I couldn't control my thoughts. , so in the end, I really didn’t know how many steps I walked, and I didn’t know how long I walked down. When I walked, I just felt that I was going to the Nine Hells.”

He Baosheng was dragged downward by an inexplicable force in the darkness, and finally there was no way to go. The steps had reached the top, and the ground was still pitch black. He didn't know the situation, he had been fighting for so many years, and he knew that in the dark, dangers are always lurking. He Baosheng suddenly thought of a dagger hidden in his waist, and immediately touched it, then listened to the movement in the dark, closed the Grandpa once said that when you can't see, you have to listen, so He Baosheng let his ears listen carefully to the movement around him.

Bai Yi knew that the master's ears might not be as good as Tang Sancheng's, but they were also famously sensitive. The reason why Guan Ye chose the master as the first disciple among so many apprentices was not based on age or qualifications, but It's because of Master's prudence and excellent listening ability.

In the darkness, He Baosheng heard close footsteps, and he shouted: "Who?! Who's there?"

He Baosheng yelled, but he didn't get a response. It was just that the sound of footsteps stopped, and now there was no movement in the darkness. Compared with just now, it was more terrifying now. A little movement is better than no life. He Baosheng took out the dagger, and suddenly his wrist went numb, and the dagger in his hand fell to the ground.

"Master, this is a bit like finger snapping." Bai Yi said, "This man's martial arts are very strong, and he is not under the seven evil spirits."

"More than that, I didn't even know that something flicked my wrist, that's the weird thing." He Baosheng said: "At that time, this incident let me know that the other party is not something I can deal with. He who knows the current affairs is a hero. "

He Baosheng deeply understood the truth that those who know current affairs are heroes, and said immediately: "Who is here? Why don't you come out and talk!" If the other party wanted to kill him just now, he would have already done it. Killing yourself is like crushing an ant, but it's just It's just destroying his own defensive weapons, it can be seen that the opponent has no killing intent yet, and there is still a chance.

"Master, it's not like you haven't seen the other person from the beginning to the end, is it?" Bai Yi suddenly felt a strong feeling in his heart when he heard this, and he immediately said what he thought, but he didn't expect He Baosheng's expression on his face. Immediately, a strange expression appeared, as if something unpalatable had happened, and he nodded with a very ugly face: "That's right, I didn't see it from the beginning to the end, I only heard that voice talking, that It's a man's voice, and the voice is a bit thick."

"What did he say, Master!" Bai Yi's curiosity has never been as strong as it is today.

"He said that I was selected as a yin man." He Baosheng said: "I am aware of the yin man's statement, but I didn't expect it to fall on me. He told me that being selected as a yin man can lead to a long life. There are also."

"What price?" Bai Yi was taken aback, the so-called yin man actually came like this.

"He put something on me." He Baosheng said: "After he said that there will be a price, I just felt a splitting headache, and the pain made me lose consciousness all of a sudden. When I woke up, that The voice told me that from now on, the toes of the shoes must face inwards, otherwise I will be in danger of my life and lose the ability of the yin person.”

"What kind of ability?" Bai Yi thought of He Baosheng's coming and going without a trace, and somewhat understood: "Could it be that besides being able to live a long life, he can also be as light as a swallow?"

"That's right, and." He Baosheng approached Bai Yi, and suddenly bit his own finger, red blood came out, and a little blood was dotted on Bai Yi's forehead: "I will know where you are in the future, That's what he gave me."

Bai Yi just felt a cool feeling on his forehead, the coolness seeped into his skin, and then disappeared in an instant, Bai Yi was very surprised: "What's going on here?"

"If only I knew what was going on." He Baosheng said: "That person did the same thing to me at that time, so wherever I go, he can always find him and arrange what I have to do. That's true, but since I was selected, he has only looked for me once. I think other yin people are more useful than me."

Bai Yi sighed repeatedly after listening to this story like the Arabian Nights. He didn't expect the worldly things to be so bizarre. He thought that he and Tang Sancheng were strange enough, but the result was not as good as his master's experience. The master said that there were other things. Yinren, "Master, you said there are other Yinren, do you know where they are?"

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