He Baosheng said: "Master knew that you are smart. Now that I have heard my experience, I still need to listen to other people. However, I don't know much about this. It seems that Yin people don't communicate with each other, and I don't know about them. Where are you, but everyone's experience is probably the same, nothing special, but there is one thing, I think I can tell you to satisfy your curiosity."

"It seems that it has something to do with our entering Changbai Mountain this time." Bai Yi said, "There is only one unsolved incident that happened when we entered the mountain this time, and that is that there were no corpses in the tomb of the first-class guards. , and a pair of official boots were missing in a set of official uniforms, and nothing was found nearby, so does Master know what's going on?"

"Of course." He Baosheng said, "It was empty inside."

"What?" Bai Yi was taken aback: "But what happened to the missing official boots? All the evidence in it shows that the set of official uniforms was given by the emperor, so it's impossible for a pair of official boots to be missing, right? That would be incomplete."

"Hi." He Baosheng said: "I know about this. That first-class guard was given to be buried in a treasured land of geomantic omen. This Changbai Mountain is a holy mountain for the Manchu people. It was originally a great blessing, but his family He had other plans and did a shocking thing, that is, after the first-class guards were buried, they actually dug a road from the mountain to the tomb, and took away the corpses in the coffin, because the official uniform is a reward for the sacred intention. He came down, so he took a pair of official boots and buried them in another place."

I see!But Bai Yi was puzzled again: "But how did you know about this?"

"Hey, are you stupid this time?" He Baosheng said proudly: "Think about it, how can ordinary people have such extraordinary abilities, what kind of terrain is this long day, what mechanism is in the tomb bestowed by the emperor? What secret passage?"

Bai Yi understood: "Oh, I understand. They certainly don't have this ability themselves. They must hire professionals. This professional is definitely not an ordinary person. Could it be a famous patriarch in the fighting world?"

"You're right. You don't really have a big reputation in the fighting world. Who told you to enter the industry late, and the fighting is getting worse and worse. Now it's all reckless. Where is the fighting of wits and courage in the past? So you may not know that Dao Dou has been a business since ancient times, 360 lines, and the number one scholar in every line, my master Guan Ye is close by, and there is also a Dao Dou wizard far away." He Baosheng said: "During the Kangxi period, there was only one. Such a genius."

"Today is really a blessing." Bai Yi smiled and said, "I didn't expect to hear the glorious deeds of Senior Daodou along the way. I don't know what is the origin of Senior Daodou during the Kangxi period?"

"I heard that he was a Han. Originally, the old father of the family had an official position in the imperial court, but it was not easy to be an official for the Manchus. He was dismissed after a few years. His real name has not been handed down, but it is only in the past. After the fight, there was a lot of noise, and the people in the business gave him an alias called Sang Jiuming, which can be seen that his surname is Sang, and he will never know what his name is."

"Nine lives? Does it mean that this person has nine lives?" Bai Yi asked.

"That's right, I heard that he has a unique skill. When others entered the underground palace, they couldn't find the door, so they dug a hole. As for him, he used his own potion to rot and find the entrance. Moreover, this person's life is very high. It is said that he When he was in the cliff coffin, he fell off the cliff by mistake, but he survived a catastrophe. Another time, he was poisoned by Gu poison, and he also survived a catastrophe. , It’s like a cat, it won’t die no matter how hard it is, it’s like it has nine lives.” He Baosheng said: “The name makes sense, right?”

"So the first-class guard invited this Sang Jiuming to steal the body of the first-class guard?" Bai Yi said, "I really don't know how he got in. When we entered the underground palace, we didn't see the robbery hole." If it is a method of corrosion, it must leave traces, but Master, I am as careful as you, but I have not found it, only the double door with locks inside and outside..."

Lock!That's right, there are locks on the inside and outside of the door at that passage. When I brought Tang Sancheng and the others in, the inside lock was already open, and the outside was locked. I remember that I said at the time that if it wasn't for the inside The lock was open, even if they opened the outer lock, they couldn't easily get in. Could it be that the inner lock was opened when Sang Jiu was ordered to enter! !Thinking of this, Bai Yi's neck felt a chill, what method could be used to open the lock inside?

If Sang Jiuming entered through that door, he first opened the outer lock, then opened the inner one, entered smoothly, took away the body of the first-class guard, and then went out from the same place and locked it. I opened a lock on the outside, probably thinking that the corpse had been taken away, so I didn't restore the lock inside. This is the best explanation.

If you want to go down to the underground palace, you have to dig a robbery hole. It’s good to say that the robbery hole disappears. As long as an avalanche occurs in the original robbery hole, the snow will roll down with the rocks on the mountain and fill up the robbery hole. This is justified. , so that everything was connected, Bai Yi couldn't help sighing: "Master, there are people beyond people, and there is a sky beyond the sky."

"Isn't it?" He Baosheng said: "Because Sang Jiuming did a good job this time, it spread in the Dao Dou world, and it has been passed down to this day. In the past, in the Dao Dou world, the seniority of master and apprentice was very strict. , how is it like now, alas..." He Baosheng talked about the seniority of master and apprentice.

Bai Yi chuckled: "Master, I will never forget you. Now that I am immortal and you live a long life, we still have enough time to continue this master-student friendship. Master, why don't you live with me in the future?"

He Baosheng's face immediately became sad: "Bai Yi, it's not that I don't want to live with you, it's just that I have my own affairs, and the many rules of the shady people, let's forget it, fortunately, I just played tricks on you , if you need to find me in the future, just read my name in your heart, I can find you wherever you are."

"It's amazing, is this the so-called tacit understanding?" Bai Yi suddenly heard a commotion from outside, probably Tang Sancheng and the others came back, and hurriedly ended the conversation with He Baosheng, this secret must not be spread out.

Tang Sancheng shouted outside: "Bai Yi, where are you, come out quickly!"

Bai Yi frowned: "This Tang Sancheng is very noisy, it's okay to have him, there is one more Leizi, he is very dandy, and now there is another one who has turned into a human, he is still a boy, alas, Master, My head is getting bigger."

He Baosheng laughed: "Is there anything that can stump you? Thinking about your encounter back then, you made it through smoothly. Well, they are back, you go out!"

Bai Yi nodded his head, went out and closed the door, knowing in his heart that once he went out, he would not know when he would see He Baosheng next time.

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