As soon as he pushed the door open, Bai Yi felt as if he had been struck by lightning. He hurried back and closed the door. He was really confused. He was only thinking about listening to the story, and even forgot the most important thing!

"Master, I have one more thing to ask for your help." Bai Yi said, "Master, you have heard about me. I want to find the seven things. One of the seven things is..." Bai Yi pointed at He Baosheng The head: "Master, I have to trouble you, old man."

Yin people are hard to find, this opportunity is right in front of you, if you let it go, you don’t know when will be the next time, He Baosheng laughed, and immediately found scissors, cut off his own hair and gave it to Bai Yi: "Apprentice, this is our Let me give you a meeting gift when we meet again, don’t worry, although the seven objects are rare, it’s not that there are no clues, I’m wandering outside, if I encounter something relevant, I will definitely come back and tell you.”

"Thank you, Master." Bai Yi said: "Master, I'm leaving, you must take care."

He Baosheng closed his eyes and waved his hands: "Let's go, let's go!"

Holding the Yinren hair, Bai Yi went to find Tang Sancheng. Tang Sancheng was being dragged by Xiaoshan. It turned out that he had bought a lot of food and drink for Xiaoshan. Lei Zi and Liu Zhixi were also very happy, and they were fighting , looking friendly, Bai Yi didn't expect that the team he led would suddenly develop into what it is now. Liu Zhixi, this is an inventor, and his inventions are indeed useful. Lei Zi, has rich experience in fighting, Moreover, he is a ruthless character, and he is good at using explosives. Not to mention Tang San's achievements, his ears, and the kung fu of selecting dragon acupuncture points, have helped him many times. Unfathomable, and her personality is calm and calm. As for Xiao Ning, although as a descendant of Captain Mojin, she has not learned all the skills of her father, but her ability to dig holes is beyond the reach of all men. There is a new earth tire, Xiaoshan, this guy is even more amazing, not to mention the meat fetus raised by the aura of heaven and earth, and dragon energy, he can actually shrink his bones, which is something that others don't have. It seems that this It's the golden team.

"Brother Bai, what are you thinking?" Liu Zhixi knew that Bai Yi was in a good mood when he saw Bai Yi's clear expression. How could he know that Bai Yi had just received the Yin Renfa at this time, and he was in a good mood.

"It's nothing, we're staying here for one night today, and we're going back tomorrow, the last night, be careful, after all..." Bai Yi lowered his voice, "I've got so many weapons on my body."

"Understood." Lei Zi and Qi Xie, who were in charge of keeping the artifacts, both nodded.

Bai Yi found an excuse to let Lei Zi and the others look at the hill, while he took Qi Xie and Tang Sancheng out, and when he arrived at a secluded place, he told the things he heard from his master one by one, and then took the secret Someone sent it to them, and Tang Sancheng was very happy: "It's all over now, Qiwu found three items, and only four items are missing."

"Yes, Tai Sui, Lingxi Fruit, Liaogu Fruit, Tiger Beetle Beetle, Yinrenfa, Golden Armor, Corpse Turtle Blood, we found Liaoguguo, Tiger Beetle, and now Yinrenfa." Bai Yi After thinking for a while, he said: "The remaining four items, except for Tai Sui, have never been heard of before. If you want to look for it next, you can only start with Tai Sui."

Qixie said: "The shape of meat is like meat. It is attached to a big stone, with a head and a tail. It is a living thing. The red one is like coral, the white one is like cut fat, the black one is like lacquer, the green one is like emerald feathers, and the yellow one is like purple gold." , All bright holes are as clear as solid ice."

"Attachment to the big rock." Bai Yi said: "Last time in Qinling, I thought I would gain something, but I returned empty-handed. Now it seems that if we start with Tai Sui, we still have to go to a place with big mountains. Tang Sancheng, you Think about it after you go back and see where the mountains are located on the dragon veins."

"That's easy to say." Tang Sancheng said: "Bai Yi, your business is getting faster and faster, but unfortunately, there is still no news from the person I am looking for, and I don't know how long it will take."

Tang Sancheng, who was always happy to know the fate, also started to worry, Qi Xie said: "The world is so big, but it is not so big."

"Okay, we've been out for so long, and it's getting dark again, let's go back." After Bai Yi finished speaking, he went to buy some dry food for tomorrow, and led everyone to dinner when he returned. He went to He Baosheng's room for a walk. Look, sure enough, the master left again, anyway, he was used to it, so Bai Yi didn't mind the strangeness.

After resting all night, everyone was ready to set off the next morning. They happened to meet the guide Lu Shan. It seemed that Lu Shan had been there since Bai Yi and the others came out of the mountain. He might feel embarrassed and didn't dare to enter the hotel. I looked at the door and left. Seeing that Bai Yi and the others were leaving today, they ran over with a large bag of Changbaishan special products. At first, they didn't dare to approach, but Bai Yi saw him from behind and waved at him. , he ran over in a hurry.

"Boss Bai, hey, everyone, are you leaving now?"

Neither Lei Zi nor Xiao Ning had a good face, Xiao Ning was okay, although there was anger on his face, but Lei Zi directly said the ugly words: "Oh, look, isn't this who we are, why are you so elegant today? , came to see us?"

Lu Shan's face turned bitter: "Brother, don't laugh at me. Please take care of what happened last time. In fact, after you entered the mountain that day, I didn't come back until it was dark. I saw that you didn't come out. I'm too worried..."

No one knows whether he waited until dark, but he still had the will to come over, which at least shows that this person still has some conscience. Brother Lu Shan, thank you so much for this trip."

"You're welcome, you're welcome." Lu Shan stuffed the things in his hand into Bai Yi's hands: "We don't have any special things in the mountains, so I'll give these to you."

Bai Yi was not too polite, he immediately put it away, took everyone to catch the car, and let the matter pass like this, there was an extra hill along the way, but it was obviously much more lively, because this hill was like a child. If you don't understand, you have to ask questions. Along the way, everyone explained to him in a hurry, but it passed a lot of time, and the return journey also shortened a lot.

After returning home, Bai Yi handed over the artifacts to Uncle Hong, except for the rough diamonds, because the rough diamonds belonged to jewelry, not antiques, so Bai Yi found a jewelry company through his own channels, and sold them at a good price. This trip was very fruitful, Bai Yi put away Yin Renfa, and waited for Tang Sancheng to find a new geomantic treasure.

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