Xiao Shan just came out of Changbai Mountain, and his life has just begun. He was in a state of [-] whys all day long, which tortured Tang Sancheng until his skin peeled off. Even Qixie, who was always calm and calm, was a little anxious. Fortunately, Xiao Shan's absorption ability Very strong, after a week, he has already adapted to life outside, and behaves like a boy of fourteen or fifteen years old.

Everyone has a better understanding of the ability of Xiaoshan's body to stretch and contract. Not only can Xiaoshan's hands and feet be stretched freely, but even his whole body can be shrunk together, like a meat ball. Originally, Xiao Shan started from a round meat ball. After developing it, Bai Yi thought of the bone shrinking skill. In Chinese kung fu, there is such a kind of kung fu, but it doesn't really shrink the bones, but uses internal energy, that is, qigong to shrink the gaps between the bones, making the bones smaller. The bones of the whole body are arranged more closely in order, so that the human body will become smaller. This is the so-called bone shrinking exercise.

It is said that this kind of kung fu belongs to the Shaolin school. If it is really practiced, it will take at least 20 years to make the bones move. The bones may be different from those of ordinary people. There is a difference in hardness. This is the reason why he can stretch freely. The truth is untestable. You can't pull Xiao Shan into the medical department for a medical examination. In that case, Xiao Shan I'm afraid that he will be sent to the Academy of Sciences.

When Xiao Shan was free, Tang Sancheng coaxed him to talk about his previous events, but Xiao Shan was so confused that he couldn’t explain clearly. At first, Tang Sancheng really wanted to know what he did after getting into the belly of the ice coffin monster. What, it can make him evolve, but Xiao Shan's previous memory is completely gone, he doesn't even know how he got here, Xiao Ning and Tang Sancheng joked, saying that Xiao Shan thought Tang Sancheng was his father, Tang Sancheng asked back, then who is it? Xiao Shan's mother?Xiao Ning blushed, turned around and walked to the side.

Bai Yi was in a hurry to find Tai Sui, and urged Tang Sancheng to quickly choose the next destination. Tang Sancheng began to study the map, muttering in his mouth, and ran out to find Bai Yi when it was over: "Bai Yi, As I said before, there are three dry dragons in China, and these three dragon veins all originate from the Kunlun Mountains. Look, Kunlun Mountain is also the beginning of ten thousand mountains."

"You mean we're going to Kunlun Mountain?" Bai Yi felt that he asked the question knowingly, and this Tang Sancheng had already made it very clear.

"Yeah, we've been looking for dragon veins and Fengshui treasure bureaus. Is there any place better than the beginning of dragon veins?" Tang Sancheng said, "This is the source of anger. The so-called Fengshui treasure bureaus want anger." .”

"There are some sayings about Kunlun Mountain. It is said that Kunlun Mountain is 110 four feet and two feet six inches high. Under it, there is weak water that can't float feathers, and there is a flaming volcano growing continuously burning sacred trees on the periphery. The top of Kunlun Mountain is the capital of the Yellow Emperor, and there are enlightened beasts guarding the gate. According to ancient myths, there lived a fairy Queen Mother of the West in Kunlun Mountains, with a human head and a leopard body, served by two blue birds. Later legends matched the Queen Mother of the West with an East Prince, And evolved into the prototype of the Jade Emperor." Bai Yi said: "Kunlun Mountain traverses Xinjiang, Tibet, and extends to Qinghai. Where exactly are we going? This range is too big, right?"

Tang Sancheng shook his head: "Bai Yi, the Kunlun we are going to is not the current Kunlun Mountain, but the ancient Kunlun. Only the ancient Kunlun is the source of dragon energy."

"I said Tang Sancheng, Gu Kunlun, it's easy for you to say it. As far as I know, there is no specific address for this ancient Kunlun." Bai Yi really wanted to kill Tang Sancheng. His long speech just now was wonderful, so he left it behind. With the words "Gu Kunlun", Bai Yi immediately thought of Lei Zi's catchphrase - Damn it! !

"So I've been looking for the location of the ancient Kunlun recently, I've been looking for it." Tang Sancheng was a little innocent: "Since the ancient Kunlun is the source of the dragon veins, as long as you know where the three dry dragons gather, that is where the dragon veins are. Give me Just a little time."

Bai Yi was helpless. After these words, Tang Sancheng locked himself in the room for three full days and three nights. Except for eating, drinking and going to the bathroom, the door was tightly closed. From Tang Sancheng's room The smell of incense was still coming from the room. Bai Yi stood at the door, and many times he wanted to knock on the door. His hand was about to touch the door, and he let it go again. This Tang Sancheng had never been as crazy as he is now. Finding the source of the dragon's veins was not an easy task, so Bai Yi could only leave resentfully.

On the other hand, Qixie was very relieved of Tang Sancheng, and did not show the slightest worry. It seems that there is nothing wrong with Tang Sancheng's state now. Xiaoshan has been clamoring to find Tang Sancheng, but Xiao Ning coaxed him down and took him out to play , In addition, he taught Xiaoshan a lot of things.

Three days and three nights later, the door of Tang Sancheng's room was opened, there were two big dark circles under his eyes, he looked like a panda, Lei Zi and Qi Xie were sitting in the yard with Bai Yi, seeing Tang Sancheng like this, they were all Happy, especially Lei Zi: "I said Tang Sancheng, what's the matter with you, can't you be disobedient and be beaten by Xiao Ning?"

"What nonsense?" Tang Sancheng had no time to argue with Lei Zi, he had something more important to announce: "I found the location of the ancient Kunlun, I really found it!!"

"Really, are you sure?" Bai Yiteng stood up suddenly, the origin of the three dragon veins, the heavens are so good, Tang Sancheng actually found it, and his pretentious tricks for the past three days actually paid off.

"Yes!" After Tang Sancheng finished speaking, he laughed a bit: "It's still the same old saying, right, you'll only know when you go."

Bai Yi was helpless: "Forget it, tell me where is this ancient Kunlun?"

"Qilian Mountain." Tang Sancheng said firmly: "Qilian Mountain is the legendary ancient Kunlun."

"Tang Sancheng, this Qilian Mountain straddles Qinghai and Gansu, this land is so big, where are we going?" Lei Zi spat on the ground: "You're fine, don't play tricks on us, okay?"

Tang Sancheng really couldn't argue: "Lei Zi, Feng Shui is not something you talk about casually. Since the ancient Kunlun is located at the source of the three dry dragons, you can find the source by clarifying the direction of the dragon's veins. As for where we are going, I have already figured it out." , is Ganquan County."

"Ganquan County?" Bai Yi was taken aback for a moment, "It's so far away, it seems we'll have to make trouble this time."

Lei Zi sighed: "It's so far away, Tang Sancheng, don't let us rush into nothing!!"

Tang San was taken aback, scratched his head: "There should be nothing wrong."

should?Bai Yi and Lei Zi looked at each other, and both swallowed, Bai Yi shook his head: "Tang Sancheng, Tang Sancheng!!"

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