Although they all had reservations about Tang Sancheng's words, everyone still made sufficient preparations. A week later, everyone except Liu Zhixi embarked on the journey to the ancient Kunlun. It's not that Liu and Xi didn't want to go. Changbai Mountain suffered from the cold air, and he couldn't get sick after returning, so he could only watch other people leave.

It was the first time for Xiao Shan to be taken out. Fortunately, he looked like a minor and didn't need an ID card, which saved a lot of trouble. Even on the train, Tang Sancheng kept studying with the map in his arms. Counting with fingers, like a little old man, Lei Zi patted Tang Sancheng's back: "I said brother, this is already on the way, don't pinch and pinch, tell us to go back, if this is the case, I will It's not over with you!"

Tang Sancheng only felt that he had never been as uneasy as he is now, he always felt that his heart was wobbling, as if he didn't have much confidence, he sighed, Tang Sancheng seldom sighed, because he was confident enough, but this time, he always felt that Almost something, mentally a little trance.

"Oh, Boss Chen, don't you believe us? Our brothers have experienced many battles. There is absolutely nothing wrong with going to Ganquan County this time." Tang Sancheng immediately turned his head when he heard someone mention Ganquan County behind him. look over.

The speaker, a dark, stocky man in his forties, was speaking to a standing smoking man, in his late 50s, with some gray hair above his ears, staring out of the train At this moment, another person walked out of the scene, Tang Sancheng was stunned immediately, isn't this person? !

Bai Yi also recognized that person. This person had just met them in Changbai Mountain not long ago. He was that Fengshui master who was exposed by Tang Sancheng——Liu Suanzi!

This Liu Suanzi just fooled people to go to Changbai Mountain, why did he trick people to go to Ganquan County this time?

Lei Zi saw Liu Suanzi, he would not stop, and immediately ran over: "Hey, who am I talking about, isn't this our Feng Shui master, this world is not small, why did we meet again? "

When Liu Suanzi saw the people in front of him, he was immediately dumbfounded, stuttering and unable to speak: "You... why are you here?"

"I can't tell you about this." Lei Zi looked at the other two people: "Why, you are going on a long trip, Liu Suanzi, you seem to have found a new customer."

"You..." Liu Suanzi had a handle on their hands, and his momentum immediately became shorter. He pulled Lei Zi aside: "Brother Lei Zi, don't embarrass me. I am in the rivers and lakes. I can't help it, it's just a mess, please don't..." Liu Suanzi stuffed something into Lei Zi's hand while talking, Lei Zi looked down, it was a stack of banknotes, he muffled He smiled and put it in his pocket without being polite, "Okay, that's it for today, but, Liu Suanzi, what's going on with you, why are you going to Ganquan County?"

Liu Suanzi was surprised: "It can't be such a coincidence." He secretly complained in his heart, why did he bump into this group of grandpas?

"I said, no coincidence can make a book." Lei Zi patted his head after finishing speaking: "That's right, I didn't say this, but our ancestors said it. Hey, who is that person who looks like a big boss?"

"I can't say that." Liu Suanzi shook his head: "I am a person with professional ethics." After speaking, Liu Suanzi actually ran back again and ignored Lei Zi again. Lei Zi was a little depressed, thinking of With the money in my pocket, I feel much better again.

Bai Yi scanned the bunk where Liu Suanzi and the others lived, and found that on the upper bunk, there was another person buried under the quilt with his head covered, not moving a bit, and he didn't know if he was with Liu Suanzi and the others. After another two hours, Bai Yi's eyes drifted up again. The man had slept until now, and he hadn't even turned over. Bai Yi always felt that something was wrong. When it was time to eat, the man didn't say anything. Get up and eat something, but don't drink water.

Tang Sancheng kept eating, his mouth was full, Xiao Ning really convinced him, he could only remind him from time to time to let him eat slowly, Liu Suanzi looked back at Tang Sancheng from time to time, but when he met Tang Sancheng, Turning his head away again, pretending to be indifferent, Xiao Shan suddenly walked towards Liu Suanzi: "Brother, why do you look at my brother?"

Tang Sancheng almost spit out the food in his mouth, and pulled Xiao Shan: "Xiao Shan, you have to call this uncle."

Now, everyone burst into laughter, only the "big boss" who was looking out the window smoking a cigarette was still frowning, and when he heard the movement around him, he just turned his head to look at it, and then returned to his original state. Being so sad, Bai Yi couldn't help but look at him more, this careful look surprised Bai Yi! !

That man is missing an ear!Perhaps because he felt the gaze being watched, the man turned his head and met Bai Yi's eyes. Bai Yi didn't make a sound, without any expression. The two expressionless men just looked at each other like this. After an unknown amount of time, the man suddenly turned around and walked to his own bunk, sat down, looked around with a book in his hand, and never raised his head again.

Except for this small episode, there was no accident during the journey. When he arrived at the train station and was about to get off the train, Bai Yi looked up at the man next door to the upper bunk. That man was still covering his head. It's fine if you don't drink, but people have three urgencies, why doesn't this person have it?

Bai Yi intentionally let the others get off first, and saw the thick black man go up and hug that person, and put him on his back. When the person came down, Bai Yi saw that the person was covered tightly all over his body. , couldn't see his face clearly, it was over, and he was just about to get out of the car with his back like this. Liu Suanzi looked back at them, and immediately followed them tremblingly. Walking behind them was the "big boss" who was missing one ear. ".

Lei Zi came over and shook his head: "Damn it, why does it have a strange smell?"

"Strange smell? What kind of smell?" Bai Yi turned around and asked Lei Zi.

Lei Zi said: "Bai Yi, I smell something wrong. The person they carried away just now has a scent on his body, but it's also mixed with... a stench, and it's like... a corpse!"

Xiao Ning shuddered: "Are they carrying a corpse?"

Lei Zi nodded affirmatively: "I'm sure I can't smell wrong, my nose is like Tang Sancheng's ears, I smelled that man just now when he was carried down, no wonder he was tightly covered all the way On the ground, isn’t it just to cover up people’s eyes and ears?”

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