Tang Sancheng saw that Liu Suanzi and his party had already got off the train, he was a little impatient, and wanted to see what happened, Bai Yi said: "What's the rush, I didn't hear from that person just now, they are also going to Ganquan County, they are all going to the same place. One place, what are you afraid of, and even if they carry a dead person, it has nothing to do with us, so stop meddling!!"

Hearing what Bai Yi said, Tang Sancheng felt resentful, and muttered in his mouth: "How can there be such a coincidence in the world, carrying a dead person here, and it's not from Xiangxi, what are you doing to drive away the corpse!"

Bai Yi shook his head, this Tang Sancheng, this expelling corpse is a kind of voodoo technique, compared with the witchcraft performed by Fu Yu, exorcising corpse belongs to white witchcraft, and expelling corpse is to let the corpse walk by itself and return to the hometown , the method used is about divine talisman and cinnabar, even if Lei Zi is right, what was carried on his back just now was a dead corpse, but it has nothing to do with driving the corpse.

A group of people got off the train, Liu Suanzi and the others had disappeared, Bai Yi wanted to go out for a walk, the most important thing was for his own affairs, there was no need to waste effort on other people's affairs, and they continued to drive with Tang Sancheng, From here to Ganquan County, you have to change trains. When you get there, Tang Sancheng needs to do some more research, where is the final destination.

A few people went to the bus station, and they ran into those people again. When Liu Suanzi saw them, his face drooped immediately, and Lei Zi said, "This fake Feng Shui master, he will be very sad when he sees us." Face, most likely because we are afraid that we will expose him and ruin his affairs!"

At this moment, the car arrived, and Liu Suanzi and the others got into another car, which was also going to Ganquan. Lei Zi was a little happy to be in two cars, because he didn't want to smell the smell of corpses. Afterwards, the smell of the corpse escaped from the mouth, nose, and anus. It was very unpleasant. The body of a person decays after death. This is a natural law. I can't blame Xiao Ning for always thinking about the night pearl to ensure that his body will not rot after death, and to prevent insects. Thinking of this, Lei Zi glanced at Xiao Ning and couldn't help laughing out loud.

"What are you laughing at?" Xiao Ning was a little annoyed, this Leizi was always not serious, he looked like a ruffian, this time Liu Zhixi didn't come, he couldn't find anyone to talk his mouth, so he set his sights on him.

"It's nothing, I was thinking, if our beautiful Xiao Xiao died one day and was buried underground, how aggrieved she would be. Think about it, the nose and eyes are slowly corroded, and the skin will fall off, not to mention the flesh." I mean, there are so many bugs in the ground, it's wet and dark..." Before Lei Zi finished speaking, Xiao Ning screamed and covered his ears with his hands: "Lei, you scoundrel!!"

Tang San stood up and stared at Lei Zi: "Lei Zi, can you say a few words less, it scares Xiao Ning."

Lei Zi laughed and said: "I'm just telling the truth, death is like a lamp going out, in fact, I don't feel anything at all, Xiao Ning, don't be afraid, even if there are insects biting you, you won't know it, because There is no more pain!"

There is no need to explain this explanation, Xiao Ning had a bitter face, Tang Sancheng quickly leaned into her ear, and said softly: "Don't be afraid, I will definitely get you a night pearl."

Xiao Ning turned from anger to joy, there was an infinite soft light in his eyes, seeing the two of them flirting with each other again, Lei Zi immediately felt that he was bored, Qi Xie and Bai Yi didn't dare to flirt with him, so he could only pull Xiao Shan to talk about the sea up.

After finally arriving at the destination and finding a place to live, everyone was busy resting. The room they had was on the second floor of the hotel. Everyone climbed up the stairs. Bai Yi, who was the first to go up, was stunned. Liu Suan Liu Suanzi was actually standing in the corridor. The world is so big, but he just met him again. When Liu Suanzi saw Bai Yi, he was also a little dazed. He mumbled something and then stomped into his room. .

"Why do I feel that something is wrong with these people?" Tang Sancheng said.

"Don't worry about other people, Tang Sancheng, let's take care of ourselves first." Bai Yi said: "The scope of the destination you mentioned is still too large, you have to go further."

Tang Sancheng said: "Okay, I'll go out and have a look, look at the surrounding terrain, and ask for a map here, you can rest first."

It is rare for Tang Sancheng to be so proactive. It seems that he is very concerned about the source of the dragon veins. Tang Sancheng wants to go out, and Qixie naturally wants to follow. After a short sleep, he woke up when he suddenly heard some movement in the next room.

It's a pity that Tang Sancheng wasn't there, otherwise he could hear it clearly through this wall. Just when Bai Yi was about to not pursue it, he suddenly found a small hole in the wall, which should have been left by a previous resident. Everyone has the idea of ​​peeping, it's just that some people put it into action, and some can restrain it. Bai Yi thinks he can restrain himself, but he sneaks up to the hole and looks at the next door.

Seeing this, Bai Yi was taken aback. It turned out that the man who lived next door happened to be the man missing one ear. What, when he saw the white cloth, Bai Yi would know what it was, it was the one that was memorized - dead body!

I saw the man with one ear move the dead body to the bed. The whole body of the dead body was wrapped in white cloth. Judging from the figure, it was also a man. Bai Yi saw the man take out a bottle of something from his backpack. , sprayed on the dead body, thinking of the fragrance that Lei Zi said, it is probably perfume or something like that, using perfume to cover up the smell of the corpse, as everyone knows, the smell of the corpse will only become stronger and stronger, this perfume mixed with corpse Stinky, the combined smell will become more and more pungent.

I saw the man talking to the corpse on the bed with a very sad expression. He propped his hands on the bed and tilted his head to look at the corpse on the bed. His expression was both sad and intimate. This strange scene made Bai Yi's hairs tremble. Standing upright, Bai Yi saw that the man's missing right ear, the wound was not smooth, it didn't look like it was injured by a sharp object, but it seemed to be bitten off by something. Bai Yi was deep in thought, and that one was confiding The man suddenly turned his head and stared at Bai Yi's direction. Bai Yi was startled, and immediately dodged to the side. The so-called ghosts in his heart were afraid of ghosts knocking on the door in the middle of the night. Bai Yi felt guilty.

Bai Yi secretly laughed at himself. After living for more than 80 years, why is his courage getting smaller and smaller? He has never been a gentleman, but he has never done any villainous behavior. He is occasionally ruthless for self-protection. This matter is also strange, this group of people can bump into each other no matter how they walk.

Just when Bai Yi was thinking wildly, Lei Zi knocked on the door. As soon as he entered, he showed something in his hand: "Bai Yi, I found this in the corridor. Look, what is it?"

The thing lying in Lei Zi's palm is a black stone, very smooth, and it feels warm to the touch, like the texture of jade. Bai Yi thinks that he has seen it before in his memory, but he can't name it for a while. See Lei Zi With a proud expression on his face, he probably already knew the origin of the stone, so he said: "Lei Zi, don't be fooled, tell me quickly, what is this?"

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