Strange Tomb [Recommended by the Great God]

Chapter 267 Breaking the Formation

The road is very narrow, but to the hill, it is like flat land. He bounced and walked on the path, and when he encountered a weed that blocked him, he simply jumped over, his body was as light as a swallow, Qi Xie was secretly surprised, Silently following behind, Lei Zi saw the two galloping like galloping horses on the path, panting and said: "My mother, these two are not human!"

Xiao Ning glared at him: "Okay, let's go, we are not familiar with the terrain here, and we don't know how long it will take, if it gets stuck in the middle of the road at night, it will be very uncomfortable."

This place is different from Changbai Mountain. It looks very desolate. All the way past, it is full of depression. This narrow path is almost completely covered by weeds. It seems that no one has walked here for many years. The road was originally walked by people. After coming out, there was no one coming, so naturally there was no way, and the narrow path at the beginning disappeared completely at the back, Tang Sancheng suddenly stopped, the mountain peak in the distance seemed to be within reach, but it was out of reach.

"What's the matter, Tang Sancheng?" Seeing Tang Sancheng's stern expression, Xiao Ning was a little worried: "Is there something wrong?"

"Yes." Tang Sancheng asked Bai Yi: "How long have we been setting off?"

Bai Yi looked at the time: "It's been almost three and a half hours, and it will be noon soon." Bai Yi looked at the mountain in front of him: "You also noticed it? Our three and a half hours' journey is like a snail The speed of the mountain is the same, the mountain looked so big before, and it still looks so big now, there is no change at all, which is not normal."

Xiao Shan asked stupidly: "What's the matter, brother, what are you doing?"

"Break the formation!" Tang Sancheng said: "We have been wandering in this formation, even if we walk for ten days and ten nights, we will never get out and reach our destination!"

Bai Yi approached Tang Sancheng, and said in a low voice: "Is it like the eight trigrams array in front of the cliff coffin?"

"No, it's not the same. If the gossip formation is like a lock, the formation in front of us is like a net that engulfs us. No matter which direction we go, we can't get out of this net." Tang Sancheng said: " It's a trap."

When Tang Sancheng noticed it, it was because the sound of the wind was not right. Normally, when the wind blows over, it would have brushed over the weeds and made a rustling sound, but when the wind came, it was more than one meter away from them , there was a dull sound, it was the sound of the wind meeting resistance, the wind couldn't get close, it was a sleepy formation.

Lei Zi patted Xiao Shan suddenly: "Xiao Shan, do you dare to walk into the weeds?"

Xiao Shan blinked his eyes, and without saying a word, he rushed to the right. Everyone's eyes widened instantly, watching Xiao Shan's movements. Xiao Shan's body was very light. A round ball was formed, rolling forward non-stop, very fast!

A strange thing happened, Xiao Shan's body rolled, first rolled out a certain distance, but couldn't move forward any more than three to five meters, and just rolled on the spot, like a rolling ball, Tang Sancheng was afraid Youcao stabbed Xiao Shan, and quickly asked Xiao Shan to come back: "Xiao Shan, are you alright?"

"Brother, there is something blocking me." As soon as Xiao Shan said this, everyone's expressions changed. There was nothing in front of Xiao Shan except a piece of desolate weeds. Xiao Ning took a breath, only to hear Tang Sancheng said: "Xiaoshan, come back!"

Xiao Shan rolled back like a ball, touched Tang Sancheng's feet, stretched his body, and looked aggrieved: "Brother, why can't I get through, I can't see it, but there is something that prevents me from getting out."

This kind of formation that has only been seen in novels actually exists. Bai Yi has seen it before, but he calmly asked, "Tang Sancheng, is there any way?"

Xiao Ning looked at Tang Sancheng in disbelief, how many secrets this man he gradually fell in love with, what kind of formation, what kind of trap, was unheard of, but seeing Bai Yi's appearance, he already completely trusted what he said, She rubbed her hands together, Tang Sancheng, this man is becoming more and more unpredictable, what is the relationship between the tiger talisman mark on his body and his father?

"Heaven and Earth Xuanzong, the root of ten thousand qi. Extensive cultivation for billions of kalpas, to prove my supernatural powers. Inside and outside the three realms, only the Tao is the only one. There is a golden light in my body, covering my body. Seeing it is not seeing, hearing it is not hearing. It encompasses the world and nurtures all beings. Shou Holding it ten thousand times, there is light in the body. The guards of the three realms, the five emperors welcome. Ten thousand gods pay homage, and use thunder. Ghosts and monsters are frightened, and ghosts forget their shapes. There is a thunderbolt inside, and the god of thunder is invisible. The wisdom of the hole is clear, and the five qi are surging. The golden light appears quickly, Protect the real person. Hurry like a law!" Tang Sancheng's hands kept changing in front of his chest, Bai Yi blinked, as if he saw a beam of golden light flying out of Tang Sancheng's hands, but if he looked carefully, When I looked at it, there was nothing...

Others couldn't see or hear it, but Tang Sancheng could see that golden light flashing out, splitting into the air, splashing countless fireworks, Tang Sancheng felt the qi in his body surging uncomfortably, they radiated from the heart Everywhere, the air flow wanders in the body without any disorder, not good, Tang Sancheng knows what this means, when he practiced Taoism, his master once said that the sign of being insane is the inability to control the qi in the body...

Xiao Ning looked at the sweat on Tang Sancheng's forehead, a little at a loss, so he turned to Bai Yi: "Bai Yi, what's wrong with Sancheng? Does it matter to him, will something happen?"

"I don't know." Bai Yi said neatly, Tang Sancheng was so relaxed when he broke the formation before, but now, Tang Sancheng seems to be in torment, Xiao Ning wanted to rush over, Bai Yi stopped her: "Don't go over !"

Tang San intentionally fought like a battle between heaven and man, he knew that the victory and defeat depended on himself: "The star on the stage is constantly changing. Exorcising evil spirits, protecting life and body. Wisdom is clear and peaceful, and the mind is peaceful. The three souls are eternal, and the soul is never lost. Urgent Urgent as a law..."

Maybe it was the Meditation Mantra that took effect, Tang Sancheng calmed down slowly, the unrestrained air flow began to slow down, and walked orderly in Tang Sancheng's body, Tang Sancheng heard a crisp sound, like the sound of porcelain falling to the ground, he Withdrew his hands and wiped the sweat from his head: "Bai Yi, it's done."

Lei Zi stood there dumbstruck, he couldn't see anything, he couldn't hear anything, but he also felt the feeling of oppression in his heart just now, when he heard Tang Sancheng say it's ok, he walked over carefully: "That, brother , do you mind telling me what happened just now?"

"There are Taoist formations here." Tang Sancheng said: "You may not believe it, but the formations mentioned in the Romance of the Gods are actually based on evidence. For Taoism, the root lies in qi, and qi can also be As a weapon, what traps us is actually a puff of qi. If I want to get rid of it, I must also use qigong to break through it, but my gong power is still insufficient, and I almost messed up my position just now. end."

Lei Zi seemed to understand, he scratched his head: "Okay, we can get through now, can't we?"

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