This time is indeed different from just now. The mountain in front of me, like a sharp knife, is getting closer and closer. Along the way, everyone has nothing to say, even the hill of childlike innocence and childlike language is quiet. Come down, look around curiously, occasionally a gust of wind blows over, brings up a gust of wind and sand, and blows into everyone's eyes and noses, everyone just wipes their faces and quickens their pace.

Tang Sancheng's stomach was growling, but it was rare that he didn't make a fuss about eating or drinking. He just hurried on his way. He was walking while reciting the meditation mantra. Recalling the alarm, Xiao Ning caught up with Tang Sancheng: "Sancheng, are you hungry? Have something to eat?"

"Thank you." Tang Sancheng took the pancake and took several bites, Xiao Ning handed water again: "Eat carefully, drink some water."

Xiao Ning's deer-like eyes showed regret: "Are you okay, I was really frightened just now, seeing your eyes tightly closed and sweat on your forehead, I really really went crazy. "

"Nearly." Tang Sancheng mentioned that he was also a little scared: "Xiao Ning, Taoist cultivation emphasizes qi, if I can't control the qi in my body, I really..."

"Don't say any more." Xiao Ning shook his head suddenly, his nose was a little sore: "If something happens to you, I...I..." After saying two words of "I" in succession, Xiao Ning suddenly couldn't continue. She smiled wryly and slowed down her pace, Tang Sancheng turned around, stretched out a hand to hold Xiao Ning, and pulled her to his side: "Don't worry, even if you die, I will let you die first..."

Xiao Ning was taken aback, Tang Sancheng immediately said: "In this way, I am the one who stays alone in this world, and all the loneliness will be borne by me."

"Hahaha..." Xiao Ning punched Tang Sancheng: "Tang Sancheng, there is no one who talks like you, you really scared me to death just now, you actually cursed me to die before you!"

Looking at Xiao Ning's smiling face, Tang Sancheng sighed inwardly, what else could it be?Hearing these words in Bai Yi's ears, the feeling in his heart was also earth-shaking. The eyes of the two men met in the air, and everything was silent.

The mountain in front of me was getting closer and closer, and when everyone was about to reach the goal with a drumbeat, Tang Sancheng heard the sound of water, and his brows frowned. When it was getting closer, everyone was dumbfounded. There is actually a big pond between the mountain and the pond. It is not accurate to say that it is a pond, because Lei Zi moved a big stone into it, and when he threw it down, he didn't even make a sound!

"Mother, what kind of pond is this!" Lei Zi looked to the left and right, there was no way to go there, unless everyone spread their wings and flew over: "Tang Sancheng, I didn't want to talk about you, but look, this is you Where did you choose?"

Tang Sancheng made a strange noise, and when it was over, he squatted there, staring straight at the pond: "It doesn't make sense, this side of water is really superfluous, superfluous..."

"How?" Bai Yi asked.

"The incoming water should be bright, and the outgoing water should be dark. We can also call this pond a feng shui pond. Whether a feng shui pond is good or bad depends on the quality of the water, whether it is stagnant water or running water, whether it is flowing too fast or trickling. Trickle. Stagnant water and dirty water are definitely not good. 'Stadden water' and 'dirty water' are no longer water. When judging by sand, good or bad has undergone a fundamental change. Too fast flow is also a taboo, as water drives airflow , air flow is the 'wind' in Feng Shui, too fast water flow brings excessive air flow, although the air is fresh, but after a long time, it will waste the breath of people's meridians, which is a disaster." After Tang Sancheng finished speaking, everyone His face changed instantly.

Just because the water in this pond is stagnant water and dirty water, isn't this feng shui pond a dangerous pond?The pool is black and green, and there are no traces of living things in it. I don’t know if there are really no traces, or the water is too dirty to be seen at all. Lei Zi spat on the ground: "Everyone is here, whatever it is Good luck or bad luck, we have to make a dash, how about we go on a raft, or swim across?"

tour?Everyone looked at the greenish black water, a gust of wind blew over, and an inexplicable smell came to their noses, Bai Yi shook his head, looked around, it would take a little time to set up a raft, but it was better than a raft. It's better to enter this black water, not because it's dirty, but because there is always a strange atmosphere floating in the water, what will be hidden in the water?

Bai Yi directed everyone to look for materials to make a raft everywhere. After spending some effort, they finally made the simplest raft and tried it in the water. Everyone stood on it cautiously. It can float on the water, Lei Zi and Qi Xie paddled the raft carefully, seeing the mountain in front of them, everyone's heart was hanging in their throats, Xiao Ning looked at the black and green liquid below, his throat Feeling tense for a while, I prayed secretly in my heart to reach the other side quickly...

"It's okay, Xiao Ning." Tang Sancheng suddenly grabbed Xiao Ning's hand, Xiao Shan also tightly pulled Tang Sancheng's clothes: "Brother..."

The raft sailed towards the other side in a normal way, and it seemed that it was about to reach the other side, but at a distance of five meters, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, Tang Sancheng suddenly grabbed Xiao Ning's hand tightly: " Be careful, there is movement under the water!"

According to Tang Sancheng's ears, he said that there must be movement under the water, and Bai Yi took out his gun. At this moment, a big wave suddenly appeared on the water surface, circling up from the water, and the simple raft swayed from side to side Then, everyone had to hold on to each other to stabilize the center of gravity. A black shadow suddenly appeared underwater. Bai Yi pulled the trigger and aimed at that shadow with a shot——"Bang"!

"Woo..." A deep, muffled voice sounded like thunder, and the black figure jumped up from the water, "Damn, what is this!" Lei Zi also took out his gun and pointed it at the The monster fired several shots in succession, Bai Yi turned around and warned him: "Lei Zi, save the bullets!"

It was too late, the monster in front of me was as big as a bull, and looked like a tiger at first glance, but it had the fur of a hedgehog, two wings, and a thick nose on its head that was breathing hot air. The stench came over, the bullet hit its body, and it fell into the water with a "thud" sound. Bai Yi discovered this and let Lei Zi save the bullet. I can't listen anymore, wasting so many bullets in vain.

"Mother, what is this!!" Lei Zi's body swayed from side to side, and the waves caused by the monster's surface made the raft sway, and an image appeared in Bai Yi's mind: "Impossible! The presence!"

As soon as Bai Yi finished speaking, the raft tipped over, and they fell into the black-green water like dumplings in a pot...

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