Tang Sancheng's water skills are not good, he just felt that there was a hand holding him all the time, and a soft voice rang in his ears: "Sancheng, don't be afraid..."

Through the black-green liquid, Tang Sancheng vaguely saw Xiao Ning's face, the expression on her face was very resolute, this was an expression Tang Sancheng had never seen before, her mouth was tightly pursed, looking It turned out that he was hallucinating just now, Tang Sancheng kicked his feet to let himself float in the water, so as not to cause too much burden to Xiao Ning, perhaps because he felt that the weight on his hands was less, Xiao Ning bowed his head towards Tang Sancheng look over here...

Where are the others?Tang Sancheng looked around, the water was too muddy, he couldn't see clearly, just when he was struggling to keep pace with Xiao Ning, a vortex suddenly appeared at the bottom of the water, the power generated by the vortex made Tang Sancheng's body not able to control himself at all. Xiao Ning was also struggling hard, trying to surface as soon as possible, but it was too late, the vortex was getting bigger and bigger, the suction was getting stronger and stronger, Xiao Ning held Tang Sancheng's hand even more forcefully, Tang Sancheng kicked his legs suddenly, his body floated up quickly, and came to Xiao Ning's side, he hugged Xiao Ning tightly, Xiao Ning was stunned for a moment, then leaned his head on Tang Sancheng's shoulder, and hugged Tang with both hands Thirty percent of the waist, the power of the vortex engulfed the two of them, and the shadows of the two of them could no longer be seen in the black-green liquid...

Bai Yi's head came out of the water, he wiped off the water from his face, looked around, and started yelling other people's names, a burst of blisters appeared beside Bai Yi, and a head floated out, it was Lei Zi!Lei Zi was already half-dead, and as soon as he surfaced, he gasped for breath, and it took him a long time to say a word: "Where are the others?"

"I don't know." Bai Yi's brows were knit together. The vortex came just in time, and the monster that suddenly emerged from the water just now was invulnerable to bullets. The bullets couldn't penetrate its body. The flying knife can only hear the sound of impact, and it will fall into the water when it is pulled down. The water waves brought up by the monster knocked everyone to the bottom of the water. Bai Yi thought that the deadline was approaching. This monster came from underwater. Naturally, he is very familiar with the underwater world, but an underwater vortex suddenly appeared. The monster seemed to be very afraid of the vortex, and immediately hid under the water, not daring to emerge.

Bai Yi knows that whirlpools are very dangerous. Some huge whirlpools can suck people and boats into them, and some can even spew out water waves several meters high, knocking everything down. Bai Yi held his breath and swam away with all his strength to stay away from the vortex. He was also worried for Tang Sancheng in his heart. That landlubber could only crawl, and Qixie didn't know if he could take care of him. The strength of the vortex was getting stronger and stronger. The bigger it was, as if an invisible hand was pulling him behind his back, Bai Yi didn't dare to think about anything else, and fled quickly. Fortunately, at least Lei Zi was safe.

"I don't know what happened to Qixie and the others..." Lei Zi was a little frustrated, with a mournful face: "Bai Yi, what was that thing just now?"

Just as Bai Yi was about to explain, another burst of blisters appeared five or six meters away from them. It was the Seven Evils!Another small head popped up next to Qixie, it was Xiao Shan, and Xiao Shan was still shouting excitedly: "It's so fun, it's so fun!"

Lei Zi spat into the water: "Mother, he is still happy."

"Too bad..." Bai Yi said to Lei Zi: "It's been so long, Tang Sancheng and Xiao Ning haven't come out yet..."

Qi Xie looked at Bai Yi and Lei Zi here, and plunged back to the bottom of the water with a prick. It seemed that he was going to find Tang San. Qi Xie's lung capacity was indeed several times stronger than that of ordinary people. After a full quarter of an hour, it resurfaced. Xiaoshan stayed there blankly. Qixie went underground four or five times, but he came up empty-handed. With a disappointed expression on his face, Bai Yi swam to his side: "Qixie, Tang Sancheng is a fool, he must be fine, he can't stay here for long, I'm worried that the monster will come back again, let's go, swim to the other side and talk about it!!"

Right now that's all there is to it, Qi Xie closed his eyes, and suddenly raised his head towards the sky, Bai Yi knew he was holding back, not letting tears fall, Xiao Shan asked pitifully, "Where's my brother?"

No one answered him, Bai Yi took the lead and swam towards the opposite bank. When they got to the bank, they were all exhausted, even Qixie fell powerlessly on the ground. He had spent a lot of energy diving to the bottom just now, and Lei Zi smelled it. A smell on the body suddenly woke up: "Oops, our backpack!!"

The backpack was still there, but it was drenched by the stinky water. Bai Yi took out his gun and felt depressed when he saw it. This time he was not as lucky as last time. The gun was completely jammed, Lei Zi The gun in his hand ran out of bullets, and Lei Zi threw the gun on the ground depressed: "Damn, what a bad luck!!"

The dry food in the backpack has also become loose and loose, even so, it cannot be thrown away, it is a life-saving item, Bai Yi glanced at Qi Xie, Qi Xie's expression was very ugly: "Qi Xie, we have to find a place first Stay here, light a fire, take a step now, take a look."

"That's the only way." Qixie gritted his teeth and said these words, Bai Yi glanced at the dark water surface, and sighed in his heart, Tang Sancheng, you can't die, if you die, who will be with you? me for company?

Bai Yi raised his head and looked at the mountain in front of him. As soon as he raised his head, the sharp-edged peak on the top of the mountain seemed to topple over and penetrate everyone's heads. A chill came over him, which was rare for Bai Yi. The ground also gave a chill: "Let's go!!"

Lei Zi struggled to get up, shivering all over his body, it was cold, it was going to be November soon, the wind from the mountains blew across his face like knives, there was no place in his body that was not cold, Lei Zi The son gritted his teeth and said viciously: "Damn, if Tang Sancheng comes back, I have to skin him. What place is he chosen? If I can't get a good weapon, I'll have his tendons! , you don't stop me, by the way, Xiao Ning is the same, that girl is most afraid of death, if she dies in this stinky water, she will probably go crazy, isn't a beautiful girl just dying beautifully? Say it, don't you?"

Bai Yi knew that Lei Zi was talking ironically, Lei Zi's life was originally saved by Tang Sancheng, Lei Zi was not the kind of person who could speak tender words, while he was complaining, he was worried about Tang Sancheng, as for Xiao Ning, The two of them usually chat a lot, but the friendship between them is still there. Bai Yi felt the cold wind passing through the flesh and swimming in the gap between the bones. The cold air made his legs tremble, Xiehe Xiaoshan didn't feel any discomfort at all. They had stayed in Changbai Mountain for many years and lived with the snow. They had long been accustomed to the cold, and this biting chill was nothing to them.

Tang Sancheng, what happened to you! !

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