Tang Sancheng felt cold, the clothes stuck to his body, it didn't look like he was wrapped in fabric, but like ice cubes, the cold air seeped into his pores, Tang Sancheng felt that his internal organs were about to freeze, his eyes seemed to be glued Stopped, someone was slapping his back and pressing his heart, this series of actions made Tang Sancheng feel his stomach churning, and there was a nauseating feeling in his throat, he finally couldn't help it - "Ugh... ..." A mouthful of black-green water sprayed out and splashed on the ice!

Comfortable, Tang Sancheng still felt cold, a warm current surrounded him, still softly, Tang Sancheng tried hard to open his eyes, saw a pale face on his chest, it was Xiao Ning, she was with Tang Sancheng at this time Hugging tightly, her hair was still wet, and unknown black objects were still stained on her eyelashes, her eyes were tightly closed, but her eyelashes were still moving, Tang Sancheng raised his hand, but he didn't have much strength , he carefully took off the black object on Xiao Ning's eyelashes, and did not dare to breathe aloud, for fear of waking Xiao Ning, but Xiao Ning was not asleep. Feeling the movement on her face, she opened her eyes, her face was red. Rouge: "Are you awake?"

Xiao Ning woke up, but he didn't intend to leave Tang Sancheng's body, he still hugged him tightly, Tang Sancheng became a little affectionate, but he immediately realized that if the two of them hadn't leaned against each other for warmth, they might freeze to death Here it is, he looked around, it turned out to be an ice room! !In the ice room made of ice blocks, there was steaming cold air on every piece of ice, the two of them were surrounded by this cold air, this ice room was completely sealed!

In this closed ice room, there is light coming through, Tang Sancheng and Xiao Ning can see each other's uneasy faces, what is this place, just now there was a vortex, and then felt an attraction, and then , is already here.

"Why are we here?" Tang Sancheng hugged Xiao Ning tightly, if he had selfish intentions, he could only ask himself.

Xiao Ning buried his head, and pressed tightly against Tang Sancheng's chest: "I don't know, we must have been drawn in by that vortex. When I woke up, we were already here. Your mouth was bruised and your chest cavity was bruised just now. You're still gasping, it scared me to death, I'm afraid you won't be able to survive."

Tang Sancheng touched his stomach: "It seems that I drank a lot of water."

"If we don't want to keep warm or go out, I'm afraid we will freeze to death here." Xiao Ning closed his eyes tightly, people are afraid of death: "It might be good if we really die here, with so much ice , the corpse should not rot so quickly, if not, it can really be like an ice coffin, retaining my current appearance, which is much better than the black water pool just now."

"Shut up!" Tang Sancheng roared suddenly: "Don't mention death, I will definitely find a way to take you out." Tang Sancheng stretched out his hands to his mouth and let his palms become warm, Then she rubbed Xiao Ning's face, her face was icy cold, her lips were trembling when she spoke, Xiao Ning looked at Tang Sancheng silently, two lines of tears suddenly poured out, fell onto the ice, and immediately told Tang Sancheng The ice surface melted into one: "I never thought that I would fall in love with you, a rascal!!"

Tang Sancheng was stunned for a moment: "What happened that time was really not intentional, I didn't break in on purpose." Alas, this matter is a long story, Xiao Ning shook his head: "Stop talking, hurry up and find a way, We are sitting here, why not get up and move our hands and feet, so that our bodies will not be so stiff."

Tang Sancheng got up and rummaged through his backpack, he found half of it and felt a little depressed, even if the lighter and matches weren't wet, there was nothing but ice, even ice, couldn't make a fire!He suddenly thought of another question: "Xiao Ning, even if we were drawn in by the power of the vortex, if there is no entrance here, we won't be able to fall in. Where there is an entrance, there must be an exit. There must be a way out here!"

Only then did the two regain some energy. Thinking of the uncertainties of other people's lives, there was also a shadow in their hearts, but they had to put aside their anxiety and worries for the time being and start looking for a way out in this ice room. They found that the ice room was not made of ice bricks. This may be due to preconceived reasons. At first, they thought it was built like a stone tomb. When they got closer, they found that the wall of the ice room was covered with ice. Without a single crack, this wall is just a whole block of ice, Xiao Ning swallowed: "It's really not possible, let me chip away at these ice blocks."

The two acted separately, Tang Sancheng searched for a way out, Xiao Ning took out tools and began to dig ice cubes, the moment the shovel went down, Xiao Ning was stunned, when the shovel touched the ice cubes, the ice cubes didn't respond at all, She still didn't believe this evil anymore, so she changed to a sharper tool and pushed down hard, the ice cube didn't pick up even a little bit of ice, Xiao Ning was a little dumbfounded that there was such a hard ice cube: "Tang Sancheng, this ice cube The block doesn't move at all, it can't be shoveled at all, what should I do?"

Xiao Ning didn't hear Tang Sancheng's reply, he turned around and saw Tang Sancheng lying on the ice in a strange posture, with his ears pressed tightly against the ice: "Tang Sancheng, what are you doing?"

Tang Sancheng turned his head to Xiao Ning and made a silent movement, then continued to lie there, Xiao Ning slowly approached, staring at the ice surface where he was lying on his stomach, there seemed to be something surging under the ice surface, her body His heart skipped a beat, it couldn't be the monster just now, Tang Sancheng turned his head and smiled: "It's okay, we are saved?"

It turned out that what Tang Sancheng heard just now was the sound of the waterfall. I don't know how the ice room was formed, but it was so close to the waterfall. Now they are not in the pool just now. It seems that the bottom of the water is connected to the outside It makes sense, this may be the reason for the vortex, the water flow will produce a vortex when it meets a low-lying place, although Tang Sancheng does not know the scientific principle of this, but when he traveled around the mountains 20 years ago, he encountered a strange thing .

A huge whirlpool appeared in the terraced fields, and in just a few minutes, the water in the fields was swept away, but the terraced fields separated from it were safe and sound. The people who witnessed this situation at that time except the local The villagers, as well as Tang Sancheng who passed by here to seek Taoism, he was dumbfounded.

In order to know the answer to this mystery, Tang Sancheng lived in that small village. Later, a geological expert from the ground gave the answer. The deep part of this terraced field is a karst landform, and a crack has approached this terraced field after years of erosion. , and finally extended to the surface, forming a huge vortex, sucking away the water in the terraced fields, and the silt immediately covered the cracks, so no traces were left on the ground.

Thinking of this, Tang Sancheng felt that he and Xiao Ning were sucked away by the vortex just like the water in the terraced fields back then, this place should be underground!At the bottom of this unknown mountain, there is actually a layer of ice, which is really incredible. The sound I heard just now was the sound of water falling from a high place. It should be a waterfall, but if it is underground, it means that The underground water flows out, passes through the high mountains, and then falls down, forming a waterfall. Then... Tang Sancheng clenched his fists. Is there a way to make the ice room flow out along the water?

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