When Tang Sancheng said his thoughts, Xiao Ning was also a little stunned. There is ice under the ground. She has never heard of such a thing, but it sounds so reasonable. Tang Sancheng's ears are very reliable. Everyone knows that Yes, he said that the ice room is close to the waterfall, and he needs to use the power of the water flow to move the ice room, but this is a bit too exaggerated, impossible, impossible, Xiao Ning only has these three words in his mind now.

"There is no way out." Tang Sancheng said: "This is not an artificially made ice room. I wonder if there is such a possibility. When we were drawn in by the power of the vortex, it was the force that allowed us to enter it. But the entrance was immediately frozen, so the ice room we see now is still a whole? If we want to go out, unless we use the same power as when we came in, otherwise..."

Tang Sancheng looked up at Xiao Ning, her complexion was not very good, because of the cold, her complexion was very pale, her eyes always wanted to close from time to time, she was sleepy, the colder the place, the easier it was to feel sleepy, but once she fell asleep Fell asleep, the body temperature will drop quickly, and the situation will only get worse, he tugged at Xiao Ning: "Can't sleep!"

"I'm so sleepy." Xiao Ning said, "I know I can't sleep, but I can't control myself, Sancheng, please pinch me."

Tang Sancheng hesitated for a moment, and pinched Xiao Ning's arm fiercely. She bit her lip and didn't say a word. Tang Sancheng knew that he almost exhausted all his strength just now, he would rather she now It's painful, and I don't want her to sleep in this ice room, let her life be at stake.

Xiao Ning's whole body trembled: "I'm fine, what should I do now?"

"I have some gunpowder in my bag, but it got wet." Tang Sancheng was a little embarrassed: "Although I thought of this method, we need to use the force of the water flow, but we must first get out of this ice room, and then use the force of the water flow to push us away." Rushing out of here, since there is a waterfall, it must be in the mountains, we will be able to get out of this underground, Xiao Ning, this is a bit risky..."

"Horizontal is death, vertical is also death, let's fight it." Xiao Ning thought about it, and kept drawing her fingers on the heart of her right hand to cheer herself up. Women's constitution is yin, and they are greedy for coolness, but they are greedy for coldness. Coolness, this coldness is a sharp weapon for women to hurt others. Now Xiao Ning already feels abdominal pain, and the drowsiness just now is also a natural physiological reaction.

Tang Sancheng took out the gunpowder from the drenched backpack, once he took it out, he and Xiao Ning were a little excited, this gunpowder was originally prepared by Lei Zi, everyone brought some, just in case , Lei Zi is very dependent on gunpowder, so he is also very careful in the use of gunpowder. The gunpowder is wrapped with oiled paper, which is waterproof!Tang Sancheng opened the gunpowder excitedly, seeing that the gunpowder inside was still dry: "We are saved now, after we go out, I have to thank Leizi well."

"Let's talk about it after we get out." Xiao Ning looked around: "Where is the best place to put this gunpowder to detonate?"

"If we want to go out, we can only use the power of the water flow from here, because the water flows out from this direction." Tang Sancheng pointed to the direction of his right hand: "The sound of the waterfall is in front, and the water will flow out of the ground. , straight forward, I don’t know what is waiting for us now, Xiao Ning, there are only four words, life and death together..."

"Okay." Xiao Ning agreed softly, and helped Tang Sancheng take the gunpowder to the edge of the ice wall, Tang Sancheng signaled Xiao Ning to stay away, and tried it there with a lighter, the lighter got wet, He couldn't hit it after several times, not to mention the match, it was completely hopeless, Tang Sancheng took a deep breath, put the lighter in his chest to warm it up for a long time, held it slightly with trembling hands Lighting the lighter, he worshiped the gods and Buddhas of the four directions, and begged God to have mercy. This time, he must light it up, otherwise, he would have to freeze to death here.

Tang Sancheng took a deep breath, and exerted force on his fingers, "Bada", Tang Sancheng's heart was shattered, and the flint on the lighter did not respond at all. Xiao Ning saw it from a distance, and his heart was also infinite. Sorrow, the miracle happened at this time, a small blue flame suddenly ignited on the lighter, Tang Sancheng's heart seemed to fall from the sky to the ground, and then went into the sea with the flow, needless to say the ups and downs, he Trembling, he pressed the lighter, threw it on the gunpowder, and threw himself out, away from the explosion zone...

Tang Sancheng threw himself next to Xiao Ning, and took advantage of the opportunity to press most of Xiao Ning's body under him. Xiao Ning's heart warmed up, and he wrapped his right hand around Tang Sancheng's waist, and plunged his head into Tang Sancheng's arms, not daring to move at all. , there was a "bang" sound behind him, and the sound of water flowing clearly, Tang Sancheng turned his head and shouted excitedly: "Okay!"

The ice room was moving slowly, Tang Sancheng let go of Xiao Ning, Xiao Ning sat up, turned around and saw that the ice wall of the ice room was shattered, ice cubes of different sizes were scattered everywhere, revealing an irregular Xiao Ning walked a few steps towards the entrance of the cave, feeling rickety. The ice room was originally fixed, but now it looks like a boat floating on the water. Tang Sancheng said: "It may be caused by the explosion. The reason for this makes the ice room move, it seems that it should have been fixed underground, but now it is moving along the water flow."

Xiao Ning ran to the mouth and looked down, there was indeed water flowing, the gurgling water was very thin, and it was flowing forward, as for the light, it was coming from the front, and there was light coming through from the front, Tang Sancheng was taken aback. Surprised: "Aren't we underground??"

Tang Sancheng was not Bai Yi after all, he couldn't analyze the problem calmly, now he realized that he made a common sense mistake, if it was underground, then where did the light come from?He patted his forehead, and felt that something was wrong, could it be... Could it be that there is already a waterfall in front of him! ! '

"Xiao Ning!" Tang Sancheng said: "Quick, let's get out of the ice room quickly, otherwise we will fall."

Before Xiao Ning realized what happened, he was pushed by Tang Sancheng and jumped down from the hole. As soon as he jumped down, Tang Sancheng's face became even darker. What he heard with his eyes and ears didn't matter. It must be real. Based on what I heard and what I saw, the running water was very thin and small, but once I stood in it, I could feel the impact of the water. Tang Sancheng and Xiao Ning looked at each other , and at the same time leaning tightly on the rock wall, holding on to the protruding rock, he didn't dare to make a sound, Tang Sancheng only thought it was incredible, that whirlpool actually brought them to the source of the waterfall, how did this happen What happened, the energy of nature is really immeasurable.

Hearing the sound of running water under his feet, Tang Sancheng understood why the sound of water was so subtle. The rocks under his feet were densely packed with pebbles. These stones acted as a buffer against the flowing water. In fact, the speed of the water flow was very fast. Beneath this calm voice, what is hidden is this deadly flowing water!

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