The water rushed forward from the feet of Tang Sancheng and Xiao Ning, rushing towards the mouth of the waterfall, Tang Sancheng looked back at the ice room, the ice room was still flowing forward slowly, the shape of the ice room was irregular , originally fixed, but the explosion made the ice room slowly move towards the waterfall, Tang Sancheng secretly screamed "No, if the ice room comes over, it will definitely squeeze them, if this one is not careful, it will bring the two of them down." Go down to the waterfall.

Xiao Ning also saw that something was wrong: "What to do, Tang Sancheng, now we are going to fall and be smashed to pieces, no, how can I die like this?"

"It's okay." Tang Sancheng comforted Xiao Ning with his mouth, and it was drizzling in his heart, feeling very uncomfortable, what to do, what to do?Tang Sancheng suddenly thought, if Bai Yi were here, what would he do?Calm down, yes, one of Bai Yi's most frequent words is calm down, now you have to calm down, think of a way, the ice room has not come yet, there is still time: "Yes, Xiao Ning, we still have explosives, this ice room Only one side is missing, if it is detonated again, the ice can make the ice room smaller, and if it passes through here smoothly, it will not have any impact on us."

"Then what are you waiting for, hurry up!!" Xiao Ning urged loudly: "It's too late!"

Tang Sancheng turned around and leaned his back against the rock wall. He was shivering with cold, his legs stood in the cold water, and he had to resist the impact. He pressed his back tighter to prevent himself from accidentally Being brought forward by the current, Tang Sancheng, whose hands were still trembling, took out the explosives and the lighter tremblingly. The lighter that had a miracle happened just now, can it still be lit now?Tang Sancheng had no idea, but seeing Xiao Ning's fear, he could only pretend to be optimistic: "It's okay, it will be fine, Xiao Ning, if you are afraid, close your eyes."

Xiao Ning originally turned his back to Tang Sancheng, but now he turned his head and stared at Tang Sancheng's eyes: "I won't close, even if I'm going to die, I have to make sure you fall with me, right?"

Tang Sancheng didn't know whether to laugh or cry, he didn't care to comfort Xiao Ning anymore, he was busy with his hands, he wrapped all the explosives in the fire paper, seeing that the ice room was about to rush towards them, he swallowed a big mouthful of saliva, and bowed in his heart The Sifang God Buddha started to light the fire, the lighter squeaked, and some sparks splashed, but it disappeared immediately, Tang Sancheng couldn't cry, mother, can't this miracle happen a second time?Tang Sancheng knew, if it could happen repeatedly, would it still be a miracle?

Tang Sancheng kept rubbing the lighter in the palm of his hand, turned it upside down again and again, and tried again, now there is only one chance to try, if the ice room is too close, the explosion will also affect them, this distance is just Alright, Tang Sancheng pressed it tremblingly, closed his eyes, and pressed down decisively, pop, at the same time he heard the sound, Tang Sancheng felt a warm feeling, opened his eyes and saw that it was on fire!

Fearing that the fire would be extinguished immediately, Tang Sancheng ignited the oil paper regardless of 21, and then threw it out. It is probably because people are especially prone to bursting out potential energy when facing death. Tang Sancheng is usually not as good as Bai Yi. It feels good, but today it performed exceptionally once, the oil paper fell to the center of the ice room with sparks, Tang Sancheng yelled: "Hold your head!"

Xiao Ning has come to such a time, and he still doesn't forget to teach Tang Sancheng a lesson: "How can you free your hands!"

That's right, Tang Sancheng, like Xiao Ning, both faced the rock wall, pressed his body tightly, his hands tightly grasped the protruding stones on the rock wall, his head was lowered, countless ice cubes splashed on the ground Come, hit the heads and bodies of the two people, it hurt so much, the two of them didn't make a sound, the torn ice room flowed forward, and finally disappeared at the end, Tang Sancheng's ear He stood up and listened, his already pale face became even paler. After the ice cube fell, it took a full 3 minutes to hear some sound. Tang Sancheng frowned: "Xiao Ning, the road ahead is a dead end, let's try to Take a look inside."

"That's the only way." Xiao Ning tried to put his feet into the water, holding onto the rock wall with one hand, the water was so fast, it felt like he was going up against the wind, Tang Sancheng followed closely behind him, he just He wanted to stand behind Xiao Ning, so that if something happened to Xiao Ning, he could still take care of her.

The two struggled and walked forward for a full ten meters, and saw that the passage was getting narrower and the water flow was getting bigger and bigger. Tang Sancheng looked down and saw that there were no stones on the ground, and there was no buffer, and the impact force of the water Naturally getting bigger and bigger, Xiao Ning suddenly stopped: "Tang Sancheng, look!"

The source of the water is actually a natural pool, all the water flows out of it, this is the end, the water in the pool is extremely cold, and the water vapor is filling the whole pool, it seems that after a while, this As if the surrounding area was frozen by it, Xiao Ning took a few steps forward, touched the pool with his hand, and immediately shrank back: "It's so cold, even the stones are cold!"

Bubbles kept popping up in the center of the pool, "Water kept coming out from below, could it be that we were rushed out of this pool, the temperature so low." Tang Sancheng hugged his body tightly, he felt himself going fast After the shock passed, the eyelids had already started to fight, and the feeling of exhaustion surged up, so tired...

"Ah!" Tang Sancheng yelled, "It hurts!"

It turned out that Xiao Ning pinched him, Xiao Ning's eyes were a little dazed: "Don't sleep, don't sleep!"

Tang Sancheng shook his head, looked around, there is no other way out here, only such a cold pool here: "Xiao Ning, if we come from here, then..."

"You want to jump from here?" Xiao Ning already understood Tang Sancheng's meaning, Xiao Ning looked back, there is a waterfall, and here, here is an unknown road, what will happen if you jump down?Shattered to pieces or escaped?Xiao Ning closed his eyes: "Anyway, there is no other way out, we can't dig through this mountain, right? Just jump."

Having made up his mind, Tang Sancheng felt a lot more relaxed. He looked at Xiao Ning's pale face: "Yeah, you can either fall off the waterfall and die, or you'll freeze to death here. Either way, you're going to die. Don't worry, jump to death." Go down, I will be under you, and I will definitely not let you lose arms or legs."

Xiao Ning wanted to laugh, she squeezed, but she still couldn't force the smile out, she looked into Tang Sancheng's eyes: "Tang Sancheng, I have to ask you a word before jumping."

"Tell me." Tang Sancheng took a breath.

"Am I the first girl you like?" After Xiao Ning finished speaking, she looked at Tang Sancheng with sincere eyes, but saw Tang Sancheng's face twitch, she had a bad premonition Come out: "What? I'm not?"

"Xiao Ning..." Tang Sancheng suddenly lost his usual hesitation, and was very firm: "If we jump down and don't die, I will tell you the answer."

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