Although the girl claimed to be Gege, Tang Sancheng didn't believe it. When Tang Sancheng bumped into her, he was in despair. He woke up from the ancient tomb of the Western Han Dynasty, very hungry, and the sound of "cuckoo" Wave after wave, he stumbled out of the ancient tomb, Tang Sancheng only felt that he stinks extremely, he got used to the sunshine for a while, opened his eyes, and found a surprising thing.

The scattered farmhouses that originally existed around disappeared, and this place completely became a flat land. Tang Sancheng wiped his nose. This change made him feel a little uncomfortable. He asked himself in his heart, how long did he sleep for? The earth-shaking changes have taken place, Tang Sancheng looked at his clothes, it was filthy, he walked towards his home, just by feeling, he was taken to the mountain by Bai Yi, and came here again, how far is it from home , he didn't know it anymore, he could only walk along the road that seemed to be going home.

The leg joints were suddenly so sore, Tang Sancheng knelt down with a plop, his whole body was so weak, why is the sun so glaring?What time is it?Tang Sancheng didn't have time to think about it, the feeling of being hungry and sleepy enveloped him, he couldn't bear it finally, he plunged down, with his buttocks up, against the white sun.

Therefore, when Jiu Gege saw Tang Sancheng, Tang Sancheng was lying there in a very strange posture, his eyes were closed, his lips were chapped, his face was pale, and there was dust all over his body, and an inexplicable stench The son was radiating from Tang Sancheng's body, the most important thing was that Tang Sancheng lay there with his ass pouted, and the little girl next to Jiugege pulled her away: "Miss, it stinks, why is it still here?" Will there be beggars?"

Jiu Gege was going to find his father, and besides this little girl, there was also an old lady and two servants accompanying him. The car broke down and the driver was taking it to repair. Jiu Gege was impatient, so he simply walked and set off first. When I got here, I saw a weird person, Jiu Gege went around Tang Sancheng, took a look at Tang Sancheng, and was pulled away by the old lady: "Miss, this person is so dirty, it doesn't matter if he has some strange disease, we still move."

As soon as Jiugege was torn apart and walked a few steps forward, he heard Tang Sancheng make a sound. Tang Sancheng turned over and lay there with his belly up. Because he was hungry, he couldn't help but licked his mouth , Jiugege laughed loudly: "This person is really interesting."

She walked towards Tang Sancheng and kicked her: "Hey!"

Tang Sancheng opened his eyes, and saw a clear and beautiful face, a youthful and beautiful face, Tang Sancheng had never seen her dress before, and later he knew that it was a fashionable dress for female students nowadays, but it was a shallow The blue cheongsam-style short skirt is very elegant, and there is a butterfly-shaped barrette on the ear-length short hair. A pair of watery eyes are looking at her playfully. The nose and mouth are so small, beautiful, so beautiful, Tang Sancheng temporarily forgot the movement of his stomach, and struggled to get up: "Why did you kick me?"

As soon as Tang Sancheng stood up, he was a full head taller than her, Jiu Gege took a step back, and at the same time pinched his nose tightly to resist the stink coming towards his face: "You stink!"

If you stay in the ancient tomb for so long without taking a bath or changing clothes, do you stink?Tang Sancheng thought something in his heart, but didn't say it out, he looked at the girl, knowing that he and her were people from two worlds, turned around and left, Jiu Gege chased after him: "Hey, where are you going?"

"I want to go home." Tang Sancheng said, but his pace slowed down.

"Go home?" Jiugege shook his head: "Where are you going? We came from there in the direction you are going, and it has been razed to the ground long ago!!"

Tang Sancheng looked up at the sky, the sky was so clear, why did he see lightning flashing by?There was still a booming sound, razed to the ground? "How is it possible?" Tang Sancheng said, "Sanya Village, do you know?"

The old lady took a look at Tang Sancheng: "Sanya Village is the village next door to us. Like our village, it has long since disappeared. The people in it have fled everywhere. Sanya Village was completely burned down by a fire, oh... ..."

father!Tang Sancheng almost collapsed, the old woman who had avoided Tang Sancheng just now felt sympathetic to Tang Sancheng, she wiped away her tears: "This year, beatings are happening everywhere, what can we ordinary people do, Boy, don't go there, there is nothing but ruins, there are still remnants of soldiers there, if you are not careful, you will lose your life."

Maybe it was because he was really afraid of death, or because his heart was already dead. Tang Sancheng, who didn't know where he was going, actually walked with Jiu Gege. Only then did Tang Sancheng know that Jiu Gege's father was actually a member of the army, and he held an important official position. It belongs to the Kuomintang faction. Jiugege's name is very nice, it's called Chuqing, the sky is clear for the first time, what a beautiful scene, and the people are just like the name-beautiful.

Chuqing claimed to be a descendant of the Manchu royal family. According to the ranking of the clan, it was from Gege, ranked ninth, and Jiugege. Tang Sancheng was drinking the water handed over by his mother, and almost spit out a sip of water, Gege?She is clearly a new student after the May [-]th Movement, how could she be equated with Gege again? Seeing that she was serious and trying to save himself, Tang Sancheng remained silent, acquiescing to this statement.

Putting on Jiugegejiading's clothes, Tang Sancheng washed his face. Originally, Tang Sancheng was tall and tall, with good-looking facial features, and there was a heroic look between his brows. Chu Qing glanced at Tang Sancheng curiously, and there was a faint twitch at the corner of his mouth. With a smile, Tang Sancheng turned his head and met Jiugege's eyes: "What are you looking at?"

"I didn't see anything." Jiugege turned his head away, his face flushed red, his shy look made Tang Sancheng swallow a mouthful of saliva, he grew up in Sanya Village, at most he went to the town, beautiful It's not that the girl has never seen it before, but there are only a few people like her who can grasp her own heart. Tang Sancheng followed Jiu Gege to the county town by accident, and found a job in a local restaurant. Thirty-one people act as envoys for three people, but they eat two or three times as much as ordinary people.

Jiugege came to see him from time to time, there was a feeling of affection between the two of them, but it never broke through. Tang Sancheng has been in the outside world for a long time, and he knows what it means to be right, he is no longer that wild boy , the cognition of the world is getting clearer, the cognition of the situation is also getting clearer, the world has changed, Tang Sancheng is no longer the soul boy nested in Sanya Village, when he looks at Jiugege, his heart becomes more and more The more timid.

That day when Tang Sancheng was holding a plate, he was suddenly held down by someone, and then he couldn't help but say that when he was thrown into the prison, he couldn't figure out why. Knowing what crimes he has committed, this is an age when no one is allowed to speak, whose words are true only if the barrel of his gun is strong, Tang Sancheng is a commoner, he doesn't even have the right to open his mouth, he only knows that he is going to die, He was about to die...but he was not reconciled, why did he die in a muddleheaded way?

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