He was confused when he went in, and he was also confused when he came out. Tang Sancheng only knew that Jiu Gege never came to look for him again. Later, Jiu Gege got married suddenly. At first, it was like being stung by a bee, and later, it was like being stabbed into the heart by a knife. There was no blood, but the pain was very painful. Tang Sancheng nestled in his small room, closed the door, and was the proprietress of the restaurant. Took him out.

The proprietress is a pungent woman, and she is the only one who generously used the unknown Tang Sancheng. In fact, when the war was raging, everyone had unknown origins. She poured a basin of cold water on Tang Sancheng: "You Useless guy, what will Miss Chuqing do with you like this? She married for you!!"

This matter hit a big rock in Tang Sancheng's heart: "What's going on?"

"Silly boy, apart from studying those supernatural things, why are you not enlightened at all? Even an outsider like me can see that Ms. Chuqing treats you unusually, but you, the two of you are clearly not leaving. People who are together." The proprietress threw down the washbasin in her hand and sighed: "I let you go to the prison, this is for Miss Chu Qing, what is your fate? It's just an ant, just pinch it lightly, and your little life will be gone."

Tang Sancheng realized, and heard the proprietress say again: "Miss Chuqing married to protect you, you, you have to live well to live up to her intentions."

The proprietress went out, Tang Sancheng suddenly came to his senses, his own in and out, it turned out to be the case, Tang Sancheng closed his eyes, two lines of tears flowed out...

The drowsy Tang Sancheng felt that there were two hands wiping the corners of his eyes, and grabbed them with one hand: "Chuqing..." Tang Sancheng froze for a moment, opened his eyes, the person who was wiping his tears was Xiao Ning, Tang Sancheng just came from Pulling away from the memory and returning to reality, he wiped away his tears with some embarrassment: "Xiao Ning, I'm sorry."

"It's okay." Xiao Ning could hear the name just now clearly, and knew that this must be the girl Tang Sancheng would never forget. To Tang Sancheng's surprise, Xiao Ning didn't lose her temper, which didn't fit her usual demeanor: "Aren't you angry?"

"She was angry before." Lei Zi laughed and said: "Tang Sancheng, you are so brave, you dare to call other women's names in front of my sister Xiao Ning, do you want to live?"

Xiao Ning turned around and glared at Lei Zi angrily: "No one will treat you as dumb if you don't speak!!"

Lei Zi stuck out his tongue: "Look, this is her true face, Tang Sancheng, please yourself, no one can help you, Xiao Shan, be good, come and eat something."

Tang Sancheng slept very badly that night, the past events flashed before his eyes, Jiu Gege is now living on the other side of the strait, it is impossible to know whether she is doing well or not, Xiao Ning looks a little resentful, Bai Yi glanced at Tang Sancheng and winked, Tang Sancheng said cautiously: "It's a thing of the past."

Nearly 50 years have passed, Tang Sancheng said in his heart.

"Oh." Xiao Ning responded, and said nothing more, just packed up the backpacks, and everyone spread the contents of the backpacks on the ground to dry, this night, it was almost the same, Lei Zi was counting his gunpowder The quantity: "In my opinion, gunpowder will definitely come in handy this time, and we have to save it."

Bai Yi was trying to use a lighter. Fortunately, there were still two of them that could be used. Although the others could not be used, the gasoline in them could still be used. Bai Yi put them away carefully, and said, "Next, none of us can place an order. gone."

"Tang Sancheng, you brought us here, but now you are talking about where we should go?" Lei Zi's words were actually a bit gunpowder, and when he came to this inexplicable mountain, he was in a lot of situations, and he was still full of troubles. Confused: "Since we're here, I won't do it if I go back empty-handed. And that clover, where are we going to find it?"

Tang Sancheng was stunned for a while: "Actually, when Xiao Ning and I rushed out, I found that this place is a cornucopia."

"What cornucopia?" Bai Yi asked.

"Tang Sancheng, you're not talking about Shen Wansan's cornucopia, are you?" Xiao Ning came to his senses first.

Shen Wansan's cornucopia is a well-known legend, and Bai Yi also remembered it. They all said that the reason why Shen Wansan, the richest man in the Ming Dynasty, was so rich was that he had a cornucopia in his hand, and he put something in it. , can become treasures, put in a gold hairpin, you can get out a lot of gold hairpins; put in a silver ingot, you can get out a pot of silver ingots, inexhaustible and inexhaustible, so you can be rich The best in the world.

In Nanjing, he built city walls and related facilities for Zhu Yuanzhang, and also built 650 corridors, four couplets and four restaurants, which cost countless money.One of his onyx jugs is transparent and crystal-like.There is a grape in the middle, which is like a dot of ink, called the grape under the moon, and it is said that it can be exchanged for a county salt banknote in Jiaxing.

"I don't believe that there are such treasures in the world." Tang Sancheng said: "The cornucopia I'm talking about refers to the Fengshui Bureau. If the ancestors can find the burial place of the cornucopia, the future generations must be wealthy. Cornucopia, I think it’s a rumor. Maybe it’s because of his ancestor’s luck that he was buried in the cornucopia Feng Shui Bureau, which made him rich and honored. When Xiao Ning and I fell down, I was sober for a while. Take a look, there is a cornucopia."

"You mean the small depression where you and Xiao Ning fell?" Qi Xie asked.

"That's right." Tang Sancheng said: "I have a feeling that the bottom of the depression is unusual, but I have a worry..."

"You are worried that there is still water under that depression." Bai Yi guessed what Tang Sancheng was thinking: "To be honest, I don't know what to do now. There is a pool of monsters that leads directly to the mountain, and the ice pool on the mountain leads to the waterfall. I jumped down from the pool and fell into the depression again. The terrain here is very strange, but since it’s here, it’s safe. Let’s go down and have a look. If there is water in the ground, it will be immersed in the robber’s hole immediately, so we will make another plan. There is nothing to lose."

"From my point of view, there are some hills surrounding this mountain. It really looks like stars arching the moon. This depression is in the middle, which seems to have a little meaning." Lei Zi said: "The whole mountain looks like A cornucopia, this depression is the center of the cornucopia, and we, either go down to get the treasure, or go down to fill it.”

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