Everyone knows what this filling means. If there is an accident, everyone will become the fertilizer of this geomantic land, nourishing this mountain, this tree, and perhaps by the way, nourishing the Qiongqi you saw just now.

Bai Yi led everyone to walk towards the depression. The depression is located in the center of these mountains, very close to the main peak, that is, the mountain body where the sharp edge of the mountain top is inserted. When he came to the depression, Tang Sancheng saw the shape of the depression. The spirit is like a picture of the Eight Diagrams. The Eight Diagrams mainly symbolize the eight natural phenomena of heaven, earth, thunder, wind, water, fire, mountains, and lakes. Tang Sancheng and Xiao Ning have already encountered water. Could it be... Tang Sancheng's heart sank, won't It's such a coincidence.

"Tang Sancheng, what are you thinking, why did you miss it just now, it's not here." Lei Zi pushed Tang Sancheng, Tang Sancheng was caught off guard and almost fell to the ground, after a night of rest, Tang Sancheng was still a little weak.

"No, it must be here." Tang Sancheng was even more sure now.

"Okay, I won't talk nonsense with you, Xiao Ning, you rest today, let me come." Although Lei Zi's mouth is unreliable, he is actually a warm-hearted person, Lei Zi went down with tools, and Xiao Shan immediately followed up.

Qi Xie stopped Bai Yi, because he didn't have the opportunity to say something yesterday, the two stood on the other side, Qi Xie said: "The four ancient fierce beasts you mentioned, in fact, I have seen someone before. "

Sure enough, this made Bai Yi guess right. The Yu Dynasty was the closest to the ancient times. If there were such beasts, there must be a chance to see them: "Really? Then these legends?"

"There are truths and there are falsehoods." Qi Xie said, "I'm not sure what else we can meet again. These may be something you can't accept."

Bai Yi looked at himself and Tang Sancheng, and smiled wryly: "What else can we not accept, I have already become this kind of virtue."

Qi Xie said lightly: "That's good." After finishing speaking, Qi Xie walked into the depression and started with Lei Zi and the others. Bai Yi also walked over to help, leaving only Tang Sancheng and Xiao Ning standing While resting, looking at everyone's backpacks, Xiao Ning looked at Tang Sancheng's expression from time to time, as if he wanted to say something.

"What do you want to say?" Tang Sancheng didn't know how to turn, and asked directly.

Xiao Ning shrank his body, put his shoulders back, put one finger in the palm of the other and gently stroked: "I want to ask you, how did you and her separate?"

"The door is wrong, the household is wrong, it shouldn't be a couple." Tang Sancheng looked at his feet: "She got married, so we separated."

"Oh." Xiao Ning responded, but his words were much more relaxed: "It seems that their family must be rich and powerful, otherwise why would they look down on people so much?"

"Okay, I won't say more." Tang Sancheng said: "Xiao Ning, I have some doubts. This place is faintly a gossip map. Is it implying something?"

"What do you mean?" Xiao Ning relaxed a little.

"The eight trigrams actually come from nature. Each of the eight trigrams has three lines, Qian, Kun, Zhen, Xun, Kan, Li, Gen, and Dui, which are divided into eight directions, symbolizing the eight natures of heaven, earth, thunder, wind, water, fire, mountain, and Ze. With natural phenomena, it symbolizes the changes and cycles of the world. The classification method is like the five elements. Everything in the world can be classified into the Eight Diagrams. This depression is connected with water, but it is another Eight Diagrams. I am worried that after I go down, there will be others waiting Us." Tang Sancheng looked at Xiao Ning's face: "We have already experienced the water now, maybe the world, thunder, wind and volcanoes are still waiting for us."

"Is this also a man-made formation?" Xiao Ning was skeptical about the Taoist formation before, but now he completely believes it: "So this is a game?"

"No, I don't see any man-made traces, this place is purely natural." Tang Sancheng said: "Bai Yi said that this is the origin of mythology, it seems that many things happened here in ancient times, which is different from the environment here Irrelevant, Xiao Ning, you must be careful." I couldn't bear to lose it for the second time, these words were hidden in Tang Sancheng's heart, and I never said it out, maybe I am such a person, dare not, timid, Always worrying about gains and losses, if only I could be like Bai Yi.

Speaking of Cao Cao, Cao Cao arrived, "Tang Sancheng, come and see!" Bai Yi was calling them, Xiao Ning and Tang Sancheng went over with everyone's backpacks, and saw that there was a square hole in the depression: "Below is the hanging hole." of."

Lei Zi and the others only dug less than three meters before they realized that something was wrong. When digging, the soil fell downwards. Bai Yi probed and saw that the bottom was already empty!

"I don't know how deep it is." Lei Zi poked his head in, and immediately there was an echo -- "I don't know how deep it is, I don't know how deep it is..."

Bai Yi and Qi Xie looked at each other, it seemed—very deep, at this moment, Xiao Shan suddenly exclaimed excitedly: "It's so fun, I want to go down!" As soon as the words fell, Xiao Shan jumped down, Qi Xie After grabbing it, I just touched the corner of Xiao Shan's clothes, and then watched helplessly as Xiao Shan disappeared into the black hole below.

"Small!!" Tang Sancheng felt a cold breath on his back, this hill was too uncontrollable, Lei Zi was startled, and took a breath: "Oh my god, this is going to be troublesome... life and death are uncertain, Yes or no?"

Xiao Shan's voice suddenly rang out from below: "Brother, I'm here, it's really fun here, there seem to be a lot of things... Come down quickly."

Tang Sancheng cheered up: "Xiaoshan, light, light!"

Xiao Shan started to grope underneath, and after a while, there was a little light below, Tang Sancheng saw that Xiao Shan was at least three meters below the ground, this little guy's vitality was really amazing, just jumped down, he was still alive and well, At this time, he was waving at Tang Sancheng: "Brother, come quickly, there are many strange things here!"

weird stuff?Tang Sancheng glanced at Bai Yi, and Bai Yi said: "No, let's go down quickly. Xiaoshan is new to the world, and I don't understand many things. Don't accidentally touch any mechanism down there. Hurry up and get the rope."

But the key question right now is, one must be kept on top, who should be kept?Bai Yi shook his head: "No, no one can be left here alone, everyone has to go down."

"Go down?" Lei Zi just wanted to complain, and immediately thought of the improved Luoyang shovel invented by Liu Hexi, and laughed loudly: "Idiot Liu didn't come this time, but the things he made are still very useful. In this way, I will be the last one to go down." , how about you go down first?"

That's right, why did I forget Liu Zhixi's "masterpiece", everyone became excited for a while.

Bai Yi went down first, followed by Xiao Ning and Tang Sancheng. Qi Xie glanced at Lei Zi, "Be careful." He also slid down the rope, and now only Lei Zi was left. The hill disappeared, Tang Sancheng stomped his feet angrily: "Why is this hill out of control at all!!"

Just when Tang Sancheng was angry, Xiao Shan came out from the shadow beside him: "I'm here."

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