Xiao Shan's head was sunken in his neck, his whole body was huddled together, and he was on alert, as if he was facing a big enemy, Tang Sancheng approached him, Xiao Shan let his body recover, he looked at Xiao Ning behind Tang Sancheng, with a strange look.

Xiao Ning touched his face: "What's wrong? Is there something wrong with my face?" After all, she is a girl, and she is very nervous about her appearance.

Xiao Shan suddenly breathed a sigh of relief: "I was scared to death, sister, so you are here, just now I thought I saw a ghost." Xiao Shan also knew about ghosts, Tang Sancheng laughed.

Bai Yi raised the torch in his hand, it was a hard-won torch, he shone it on the wall, and was taken aback, no wonder Xiao Shan thought he was hitting a ghost: "Look, the god on the wall doesn't look like the masked Xiao rather?"

Sure enough, there is a very scribbled mural on the wall, which was randomly drawn on the wall with a sharp tool. If you want to see the shape, you can avoid it, but the charm is very prominent. Take the one where Xiaoshan saw a "ghost" as an example. This goddess wears feathers, her breasts are half exposed, and a pair of powerful legs are exposed under the short skirt made of animal skin. There is a monster under the goddess' feet, holding an arrow feather in her hand. Bai Yi glanced at it, Then he said: "This is chaos, what she is stepping on is chaos!"

The face of the goddess was looking arrogantly into the distance, the expression on the face was very similar to Xiao Ning, especially those eyes, so that Xiao Ning couldn't help touching his face: "My god, this is too scary. "

Tang Sancheng looked at the paintings on the wall, then looked at Xiao Ning, he was also very shocked: "No wonder that middle-aged woman who bought vegetables worshiped you as soon as she saw it, it turned out that there really was such a picture, it was so similar, although this The painting is so sloppy, but the demeanor and movements are completely alone."

"This person can subdue chaos, he is definitely not an ordinary person." Lei Zi said casually, moved to the painting to look at it, and touched it with his hand at the same time: "This is made of stones, Tang Sancheng, really you Yes, now we have a play to sing."

The ground was originally full of soil, but suddenly there were stone walls and such primitive murals, which indicated that there were goods in the ground. Lei Zi, who was still full of complaints, suddenly became inexplicably excited: "If you want I said, this woman must be some kind of great person in ancient times, it must not be easy to conquer chaos, Xiao Ning, if not, this is still your ancestor!"

Xiao Ning shuddered, she looked at the painting on the wall: "As soon as we saw her, we said she was a god, but in ancient times, she might just be an ordinary person."

"That's not wrong. In ancient times, there were only tribes and animals. It's just that the pattern is different from the current one, and the species are different. It's just because it is so different from the present, so they are regarded as gods and as gods. Legend." Bai Yi has always firmly believed that the "Shan Hai Jing" is the history book that records the earliest origin of human beings, and now, what he has seen with his own eyes has made him firmer in this idea.

Bai Yi held up the torch, which was made of gasoline and cloth strips from a lighter that couldn't be lit. He held it up and looked around: "It's strange, this looks like a circular corridor, it's not right, if this is the case, wouldn't we Going in circles here?"

Xiao Shan shook his head: "It's not a circle. I walked forward for a while, and there were a lot of ice cubes! It was too cold. I didn't want to go there, so I came back."

Everyone knows Xiaoshan's speed. In such a short time, he has been running around for a while. Tang Sancheng frowned and taught him: "Xiaoshan, do you remember what I told you? Don't run around. This underground is different from the mountains, there are many dangers!!"

"I see." Xiao Shan shrank his shoulders, he was very afraid that Tang San would be angry: "Brother, don't be angry, I won't dare to do it again next time." Talking like a child, Tang Sancheng sighed, just clapped Pat him on the shoulder, this guy has evolved from a terrestrial child, and now he has to go through the experience of growing up again, but he has different abilities in him, which are difficult to control. Perhaps the only thing that can control him is emotion.

"Xiao Shan, take us there to have a look." Bai Yi asked Xiao Shan to lead the way to find those "ice blocks". Xiao Shan led everyone in from the direction on the right hand. The temperature in the mountains was originally cold, but now they are underground , the temperature was even lower, and the chilly wind came from inside, and the stronger Lei Zi kept rubbing his hands: "Damn, why is it so cold!"

The further you go in, the colder it gets. Bai Yi paid attention to the way in, and took a dagger to make a mark on the wall, so as not to get lost. The road is indeed a circle. It was only after walking to the place Xiao Shan said that he realized that This circular road is not connected. When we get there, it is blocked by ice. It is not so much ice as ice door. There is an irregular hole leading into it. Said: "It's full of ice, it's really fun."

It seems that Xiao Shan has already gone in, "Hey, Xiao Shan, what's in there?" Lei Zi probed his head for a look, and didn't dare to go in rashly. When he came here, Lei Zi felt a little timid.

Both Tang Sancheng and Xiao Ning's expressions are not very good, it's ice again, they just narrowly escaped from the ice room, why did they meet again?The two looked at each other, both looked a little slumped, Tang Sancheng suddenly rushed forward, and the whole person jumped in from the hole, Xiao Ning yelled: "Lei Zi, what are you doing!"

It turned out that Lei Zi kicked Tang Sancheng's ass, causing Tang Sancheng to fall in. This Lei Zi was very fond of playing tricks, and was always unpredictable. As soon as Tang Sancheng fell on the ice, his whole body looked like As if being shocked by electricity, the whole person bounced up, as if seeing a ghost: "Oh my god!"

"What's wrong?" Bai Yi was bumped into by Tang Sancheng's body, Tang Sancheng blocked his sight, it was already dark below, it became more and more unreal.

Tang Sancheng swallowed a mouthful of saliva, trembling, half cold, half frightened, he pointed inside: "There is something under the ice."

Bai Yi walked in the front with a torch, and led everyone in. Lei Zi made a joke and scared Tang Sancheng enough. He was a little embarrassed, and walked to Tang Sancheng's side: "Brother, I'm sorry, we won't get along in the future. You're kidding, I know, people are scary, scary to death."

"How do you know." Xiao Ning choked dissatisfied: "You have to scare one or two of us to death before you're willing to die, or not?"

Tang Sancheng teased Xiao Ning: "Okay, I'm fine, I was just scared by the things inside. In fact, I was too timid. Aren't they just some corpses, and it's not the first time I've seen them."

corpse?Bai Yi's torch approached the ice surface, and there were really corpses under the ice surface. The reason Tang Sancheng was frightened was not that these people were dead, but that they looked different from ordinary people. Their ears were more pointed, their foreheads were more protruding, and their eyes Bigger and rounder, with lush hair, not tall, some of them even reached the height of a dwarf, "They're all men." Bai Yi coughed, these corpses were naked, and their physical features were very prominent: "Some of them look like ..."

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