"Primitive people." Xiao Ning said: "The forehead is so protruding, it seems that the evolution has not been successful yet."

Thanks to Xiao Ning not being ashamed, Bai Yi and the others calmed down a lot. These corpses were scattered under the ice surface, there were more than a dozen of them, none of them were rotten, and they were still intact. If you look closely at their appearance before they were alive, their fur is very clear, and their facial expressions seem to have been frozen in an instant, and they all look surprised, "Why are they so surprised? Could it be that something incredible happened before their eyes? "Bai Yi put the torch in front of Bing, and got closer. He saw that there was a red mark on the foreheads of these people, but the pattern was relatively abstract, and it was impossible to tell what it was: "Look, what is this? ?”

Qixie said: "This should be the mark of the tribe, which is exclusive to each tribe, that is, the totem."

"I know about totems. In ancient times, every tribe had its own totem culture, and even the surname was related to the totem culture. The Shang Dynasty used the black bird as its own totem. This was mentioned in "Historical Records", the destiny black bird , descended from Shang, and totems seem to be the worship of animals or plants, but they are actually worship of their ancestors. They believe in what they think their lives originated from, and set it as the totem of the tribe or nation, and believe in it.” Bai Yi said: "I seem to have seen this pattern in the Book of Mountains and Seas, but I can't remember it for a while."

Bai Yi was a little annoyed, this is a very important clue, his brain won't be useful at critical times, Qi Xie comforted him: "Don't worry, let's look at other things, this place doesn't look like an ice coffin, these people It seems to have met an accident and died here."

"Isn't it the same as the extinction of the dinosaurs?" Lei Zi wanted to make a joke, but he didn't succeed. As soon as he said this, the atmosphere at the scene became even colder.

Dinosaurs became extinct during the Cretaceous period. When did these seemingly incomplete humans die?Bai Yi stared at the red marks on those people's foreheads, forcing himself to recall as soon as possible. He had read the Classic of Mountains and Seas so many times that he could memorize it backwards. After all, where did he see it?

"Bai Yi, there is still a road ahead, let's go further in." Qi Xie said, pointing to the front.

"Wait." Lei Zi called out, "Look, what's below?"

Lei Zi's eyes are really sharp, among those corpses, there is a mask-like thing, under the light of the torch, there is a red streamer flashing on it, Tang Sancheng's saliva almost fell out: "Good boy, it seems to be Where's the ruby?"

"Wow, Tang Sancheng, you are really amazing, now you recognize rubies." Xiao Ning was also a little surprised, sometimes he felt that Tang San was the same as the ancients, he didn't eat the fireworks of the world, he was wrong, he only ate the food of the world.

"Well..." Tang Sancheng smiled stupidly: "We found rough diamonds in Changbai Mountain last time. Didn't it mean that there are all good things hidden in the ground, so I just guessed randomly."

Bai Yi adjusted the position of the torch, and looked carefully again: "You are lucky, you guessed it right, the red thing on it is really a ruby, and there is more than one."

"Then what are you waiting for? Let's do it!" Xiao Ning didn't care whether the corpse below was a naked man, and he couldn't wait to use the tools to dig it up. Tang Sancheng looked at Xiao Ning with a look of astonishment: "Don't get excited..." The woman Ah, crazy to see gems.

The ice was very hard, and it took a lot of effort for everyone to cut a hole in the ice, which made the process faster. After the ice was cut, a strange smell wafted out, Lei Zi's The nose twitched: "It's strange, these corpses don't smell bad, but have a scent..."

A faint fragrance wafted from the ice, Lei Zi stretched out his hand and touched one of the corpses, and when he was done, he put it under his nose and smelled it: "These corpses seem to have been covered with something, it won't Is it used for antisepsis? Or is it a daily necessities?"

There is no way to investigate the authenticity of these, "It may be the extract of some ancient plant." Bai Yi said: "It may be the tradition of their tribe, okay, Lei Zi, don't worry about this smell, Let’s talk about the following things.”

The group speeded up their movements, and they could faintly see the corpse below, Xiao Ning suddenly stopped their movements: "Well, I'd better avoid it..."

Although it is a dead person, but there is no trace, it is really embarrassing, everyone asked Xiao Ning to rest aside, the rest of the people pulled dry, everyone pulled the ice away, all the corpses inside were exposed, the corpses were sealed in ice for a long time Among them, it is very hard, when you press your fingers, it feels like touching a metal object, and it is not even concave, "Mother, it is no different from pork." Lei Zi took one of the corpses viciously , Throwing it on the ice: "It's hard!"

Everyone hurriedly separated all the corpses, revealing the thing inlaid with rubies. Bai Yi carefully put on his gloves and took it out. It was a mask. Bai Yi knocked on it, not sure what kind of metal it was , the hardness is not bad, there are a full twenty rubies on it, forming a mark on the mask that is the same as those on the foreheads of those people.

"The inlay work is not good enough." Bai Yi said, these rubies are not so much inlaid, as they are forcibly squeezed in by force. Although they are not beautiful, they fit very tightly. Bai Yi tried it. , Not even a single ruby ​​can be pulled out: "It's really tight."

Xiao Ning came over to have a look: "It's really a ruby, such a beautiful color."

The red of these rubies is very dazzling, very bright, and seems to have a chill, after all, they have just been released from the extremely cold ice. Bai Yi said: "Not only are rubies, but also the best in rubies-pigeon's blood red." , Xiao Ning, look carefully, is there a hint of blue in the middle of these rubies?"

"Sure enough." Xiao Ning asked: "Is there any explanation for this?"

"The production of pigeon blood red is very small, so it is very valuable. Myanmar is the main place of production. I really did not expect that a ruby ​​like pigeon blood red would be found on the ruins of ancient Kunlun." Bai Yi said while looking at the mask, he Staring at the totem pattern made of rubies, thoughtful, for a long time, said excitedly: "I remembered, I finally remembered!!"

"What do you remember?" Tang Sancheng touched his chest. This Bai Yi was startled, and his own life was suffering. When he came to this ancient Kunlun, he almost lost his life. Don't fall to death or freeze to death, on the contrary I was frightened to death here, I am wronged.

"I know which tribe this totem belongs to." Bai Yi had a confident smile on his face, and he even snapped his fingers because of his enlightenment.

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