Bai Yi was staring at the mask just now, and the totem pattern made of rubies has been lingering in his mind. Human thinking is very strange. When you focus on it, your brain is likely to go blank. , it is very likely that he suddenly became enlightened, and Bai Yi's situation belongs to the latter.

"Bai Yi, don't be a fool." Tang Sancheng was also a little anxious: "In this big ice cube, he always has a weird feeling, probably the previous incident in the ice room left a shadow.

"Have you ever heard of Di Jun?" Bai Yi actually put on a show at this moment.

"No." Everyone said in unison.

"No, that's right." Bai Yi said: "Everyone knows the Yellow Emperor and Yan Emperor, but they don't know that there is a third branch of human origin, that is the Dijun clan. Dijun is a mystery in ancient Chinese mythology. His deeds are neither recorded in the official history nor passed down by scholars, but only found in the "Shan Hai Jing", especially concentrated in the two classics of Dahuang and Hainei. The origin of the gods and the Mailue obviously does not belong to the lineage of Emperor Yan, nor does it belong to the lineage of Emperor Huang. It really existed, and there is no conclusion on this matter, judging from the fact that everyone only accepts Huangdi and Yandi now, everyone does not agree with the existence of Dijun."

Everyone can understand these words, but they don't know why Bai Yi is so excited. Bai Yi pointed to the shape on the mask and said: "This pattern looks very abstract, it is the same as the totem on these people's foreheads. It can be concluded that this is the totem pattern of this tribe, do you see that it looks like two phoenix birds facing each other?"

The pattern is very abstract and generalized, but after Bai Yi said, it really looks like it, no, it looks more and more like it, Tang Sancheng said: "Don't tell me, look, these are the tails of phoenix birds. , here is the head of the phoenix bird, it really is two phoenix birds facing each other."

Everyone nodded in agreement, and Bai Yi continued: "After analyzing the pattern, the answer will come out. It is said in "Shan Hai Jing amp; Friends, there are two altars under the emperor, and bird picking is the division. It means that there are two colorful birds dancing opposite each other. They are Dijun's friends in the world, and the two altars of Dijun in the world are managed by them. Here The colorful bird is actually the phoenix bird in mythology. It has a very close relationship with Dijun and should be the worship object of the Dijun tribe. What's more, since the Warring States period, people have called the Japanese and Chinese god bird Jun bird, It has an inseparable relationship with this Emperor Junhe."

"Then, these people are all Dijun's clan?" Xiao Ning turned his head to take a look, and immediately turned around, feeling ashamed to death.

"That's right, with such obvious evidence here, what else is there to say." Bai Yi put away the mask: "This totem mask should be worn by them when performing a certain ceremony. I don't know if they know it. Knowing that the gemstones on it are so valuable now, at that time, they couldn’t be just ordinary stones, right?”

"It's entirely possible." Qi Xie said.

These corpses were pulled out and lay here in a mess, Bai Yi suddenly said: "The goddess who captured Chaos just now and looks exactly like Xiao Ning is very likely to be one of Di Jun's wives."

Xiao Ning frowned: "One, how many wives does this Dijun have?"

"That's not too many. There are three. One is Xihe, who lives in Ganyuan, overseas in the east, and gave birth to ten suns; the other is called Changxi, who lives in the wilderness of the west, and has twelve moons. He also There was a wife named Ehuang who lived in the southern wilderness and gave birth to the ancestor of the Three Body Kingdom. This ancestor had a head with three bodies, and the descendants passed down also looked like this. Emperor Jun often descended from the sky, and Below, some colorful birds dancing face to face make friends; the two altars of Dijun’s shrine below are managed by these colorful birds. In the wilderness of the north, there is a bamboo forest of Dijun, cut off a section of bamboo, You can make a boat by cutting it open. In Yao’s time, ten suns came out together. Emperor Jun once gave Yi a red bow and white arrows, telling him to go down to save the people’s suffering. The above are the remaining fragments of the myth of Emperor Jun. From it, we can see Di Jun's divinity as the Emperor of Heaven."

Bai Yi paused: "Even so, there is some controversy over Ehuang's identity. It is generally believed that Emperor Jun only has two wives, namely Xi He and Chang Xi."

"These are all recorded in the Shan Hai Jing?" Lei Zi seemed to hear the Arabian Nights: "It's unbelievable, one head, three bodies, but these people don't look like monsters, they basically look like modern people."

"You didn't hear him say that only the descendants of that woman named Ehuang have one head and three bodies." Tang Sancheng was smart this time, and took the opportunity to scold Lei Zi: "You can't be biased. In general, otherwise, it is recognized that Dijun only has two wives?"

To be choked by Tang Sancheng, this is because the sun came out from the west, Lei Zi stuttered a bit: "No... no, I... I mean these people..., oh, forget it, I I can't tell now."

These things were not clear at first, but Bai Yi suddenly said: "It's very cold here, I don't know where the purple clover is in the black, and I haven't found the key that the expert said so far. Where it is useful, as for these people..."

Bai Yi looked at these naked corpses and decided to throw them back first. The few people grabbed them like throwing stones into a pond, and threw them in with a whoosh, and then threw them in with a whoosh. When it was over, Lei Zi clapped his hands, He bowed to those corpses: "What an offense, what an offense!!"

"Hehe..." Seeing Lei Zi like this, Xiao Shan actually thought it was very funny, holding his stomach and laughing: "Brother, look at him, why does his face look like this!"

Tang Sancheng was taken aback, Lei Zi's face suddenly turned black: "Lei Zi, what's going on with your face?"

"Itchy..." Lei Zi said, one hand was about to scratch his face, but Bai Yi held it down: "I can't scratch, what did you touch just now?"

"I'll touch whatever you touch, and it's just these corpses..." Lei Zi remembered in the middle of speaking: "Yes, I touched them just now, and then put it under my nose to smell it. , this is the only difference between me and you, no way, those things on them..."

As a result, everyone looked at their hands in panic, and there was nothing wrong with them. Lei Zi felt a rush of blood rushing to his forehead, and his heart was very blocked: "What should I do?"

"Wait, let me think about it." Bai Yi felt a little thought. He squatted on the ice and grabbed his hair. When he saw the corpse that had been thrown into the ice, he suddenly had an idea...

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