The notebook was taken out from the thin monkey's arms. He was angry and threw it on the ground. Bai Yi didn't take it seriously, and picked it up freely, quite politely: "Thank you."

Who will suck for this skinny monkey? Lei Zi took a step back first. He was so excited that he almost fell into the pool of mercury. He was frightened again, and he waved his hands again and again: "I won't, it's disgusting to think about it."

Qixie glanced at Lei Zi, and said with a smile: "I'll do it. To suck out the poisonous blood, you need skills and methods. If you are not careful, it may be stored in your stomach, which will be troublesome."

"Qixie..." Hearing what Qixie said, Tang Sancheng's face immediately turned pale: "You must be careful."

Lei Zi spat on the ground, resenting Bai Yi a little: "Your deal is really good, you stay out of it, let Qixie take risks, motherfucker!!"

"I can come too." Bai Yi said lightly, and Lei Zi was speechless.

Qixie said to the thin monkey: "When I am inhaling, you must not gasp for breath. If you hurt me, you will be finished, understand?"

Qixie is usually a calm person who doesn't talk much, and now he said these words in a serious manner, but he didn't mean to threaten. It's just that the thin monkey saw Qixie's livid face, and then looked at his big body. Frightened, he nodded again and again: "Okay."

"It's started." As soon as Qi Xie finished speaking, he squatted down and started to suck on the wound. The thin monkey felt itchy at first, and tried to hold back the laughter, but immediately there was a tingling pain, which made him burst into tears. Coming out, thinking of Qixie's order, and looking at the faces of the people around him, the thin monkey could only hold his breath, grasped his thigh with his fingers, exhausted all his strength, and let the pain in his thigh scream instead of himself.

Finally, Qixie's mouth left the thin monkey's chin, and he spat on the ground: "Bah!"

A mouthful of black blood was sucked out and fell to the ground, it was so sticky and disgusting, Xiao Ning tilted his head, not to look at the mouthful of black blood, Qi Xie said: "Take a deep breath, and take another breath!"

The thin monkey closed his eyes: "Hurry up!"

"Stop the fucking nonsense, my brother saved his life to save yours, and you still talk too much." Lei Zi immediately started cursing, and Tang Sancheng tugged Lei Zi's arm: "Don't mess around Evil rhythm."

Lei Zi immediately covered his mouth, not daring to speak anymore, Qi Xie took another sip of blood just like before, spit it out on the ground, and then checked the thin monkey's wound: "It should be fine."

The thin monkey's wound turned white, and the surrounding area was light pink, which made his face a little funny, but he finally recovered some strength, struggled to get up, and said thank you to Qixie in a low voice, Qixie shook her head, wiped her lips, and took out the water bottle to rinse her mouth.

Seeing that Qixie was fine, Bai Yi opened the notebook to read, the content in it was similar to what Shouhou said, but there was one thing that Shouhou skipped it, Bai Yi gave him a stare, as if to say I know you are dishonest!

There is also a secret tomb here, surrounded by kerosene, and all the big boxes are stored in it. Yes, this is the loophole in the thin monkey's words. He said that the ancestors of the Xiao family have been moving a lot of boxes, and unintentionally After seeing the items in the boxes, where were these boxes moved and where were they concentrated? The ancestors didn't mention such a critical place?It's not that he didn't mention it, it's just that the thin monkey doesn't want to share this key information.

Bai Yi closed the note: "I'm a little curious now, didn't this note be handed down by your elder brother Xiao? Why did he put such an important thing in your hands?"

"This..." Shouhou really couldn't make it up, so he raised his hands in surrender: "I am the brother Xiao I said, and this is what happened to my ancestors, I admit it!!"

"Real name?" Bai Yi glanced at him.

"Xiao Long." After the thin monkey finished speaking, he felt a little embarrassed. How did the dragon and the thin monkey get in touch?

The thin monkey's mouth can be made up quite well, but it's a pity that it's all exposed now. Bai Yi now focuses on the mouth and hands of the corpse in the coffin. The thin monkey has done a good thing for them, breaking the mouth. The mechanism of the arrow, these hands were pressed by the boulder just now, and when the upper body bounced up, they also loosened a little. Tang Sancheng poked his head over curiously: "It seems to be holding two round balls, how come they look like those old men and women's hands?" Is it the same as pinching it?"

What Tang Sancheng said was the health ball played by some old men and ladies in Beijing, but this is absolutely impossible, because the health ball originated in Baoding, also known as Baoding Iron Ball, and it can be played in the palm of your hand. Circulate the whole body's qi and blood, move the muscles and bones to achieve the health care purpose of reconciling yin and yang. It originated in the Ming Dynasty 400 years ago. The material can also be jade.

It is impossible for things that appeared in the Ming Dynasty 400 years ago to appear in the tombs at the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty. Bai Yi naturally vetoed this statement. What happened? The only way to do it is to break his hands. With the lesson just now This time, Bai Yi was extra careful. He took out a special iron claw from his backpack. This was Liu Zhixi's masterpiece. With this, he could pull the corpse's fingers without touching the corpse. According to Liu Zhixi Said that this was his inspiration from watching other people cook casserole. In order to prevent the hands from being burned, he used a special clamp to hold the casserole. Once improved, it became the current "iron claw".

Bai Yi used those claws to pick up the bone of the hand, and the contents inside were exposed. There was nothing wrong with being spherical, but it wasn't a security ball, it was two jade cicadas. Then he opened the mouth of the corpse. A jade cicada.

This mouth contains a jade cicada, which has a history. Since the Han Dynasty, the phenomenon of cicada's eclosion has been compared to the rebirth of an adult, so putting a jade cicada into the mouth of the deceased means "Han Chan", which means that the spirit is immortal, reborn and resurrected, and the jade cicada is natural. It is made of jade, so the jade cicada is not only an ornament for the living, but also a burial jade for the dead.

Originally, the jade cicada was generally divided into three types. The first was the crown cicada, which was used for hat decoration without piercing eyes; , The knife method is simple, without piercing.

The mouth of this corpse is the third kind of jade cicada, the one without piercing eyes, and the three jade cicadas are alive and kicking in Bai Yi's palm.

"Han Eight Swords Jade Cicadas." Bai Yi secretly complacent, these three jade cicadas are all good stuff.

"What is the Eight Swords of Han?" Tang Sancheng asked immediately.

Bai Yi said: "Han Ba ​​Dao is a kind of craftsmanship, which means that among the jade cicadas, this craft is the most masterpiece, so it is the most valuable. The Han Ba ​​Dao jade cicadas are all flat in shape, the skin is covered with red ooze, and the color is mottled and natural. , with powerful carving and beautiful shape, if this is placed in the antique market, it must be a sought-after item."

"Bai Yi, there seems to be something under this corpse." Tang Sancheng's sharp eyes saw something flickering under the waist of the corpse.

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