The footprints kept moving forward, Lei Zi's face was tight, his heart was tightly surrounded by self-blame, he blamed himself, what bad idea he made, what punch he guessed, what right he walked, this is all right, Xiao Ning disappeared, Lei Zi sighed, and quickly followed behind Bai Yi and Tang Sancheng.

Everyone walked quickly, a turning foot in front stretched out to the left, Tang Sancheng was impatient, and quickly passed Bai Yi, and heard a "huhu" sound in his ears, Tang Sancheng took a step back, pushing Bai Yi away by two Bu Yuan: "Squat down!"

Everyone squatted down with their heads in their hands, looking a little embarrassed, looking at the ice under their feet, only feeling a scorching heat on their heads, and the smell of burnt hair, Lei Zi sniffed: "It's fire!"

Flame sprang out from the passage on the left and overturned on everyone's heads. Tang Sancheng's warning was timely, and everyone escaped the danger of being burned by the fire. When they came here, they really knew what the two heavens of ice and fire are. But, where did the fire come from?

Lei Zi sniffed, then suddenly pulled out his gun: "It smells fishy, ​​Bai Yi, it looks like we're going to have another hard fight."

Thinking that there were only two bullets left in his gun, Lei Zi spat upwards: "What a pity!" When fighting Qiongqi, he consumed too many resources. This is how he compared himself to Bai Yi. On the other hand, when the situation is critical, you will lose your rational judgment. These two bullets must be used wisely.

Bai Yi smiled wryly: "It's useless, the gun is useless."

Forgot, getting the backpack spoiled a lot of things, including the gun, Lei Zi closed his eyes, and said viciously: "Damn, now I have to be empty-handed..."

Before he could finish his words, a white animal like a fox rushed out, its mouth opened, revealing its fangs, it was very small, with a pair of red eyes, Tang Sancheng stood at the front, and the prime minister rushed forward After becoming the first target, Xiao Shan rushed over suddenly, his body shrunk into a meat ball, bounced up on the hard ice, and then rushed to the little "fox", stretching out one hand from the ball. It came out and strangled the "fox" by the neck fiercely. The thing let out a strange cry and looked very uncomfortable. Xiaoshan and the little "fox" were entangled together. For a while, it was hard to tell who had the upper hand. !

Bai Yi held the flying knife in his hand, his eyes were very sharp, he looked at the right moment, and as soon as he raised his hand, the flying knife flew out. Tang Sancheng was afraid of hurting Xiao Shan, so he closed his eyes and didn't dare to look, but heard Xiao " The fox" let out a scream, and the flying knife pierced one of its red eyes, blood splashed out and splashed on the ice, forming an abstract painting...

Xiao Shan took the opportunity to strangle the "fox" by the neck, the veins on his hands protruded, "click", and after a crisp sound, the little "fox" tilted its head to one side and swallowed.

At this time, Xiao Shan returned to his adult form from the meat ball. He looked at the "fox" who had swallowed his breath on the ground, with complicated emotions on his face. Seeing this, Tang Sancheng quickly said to Xiao Shan: "Thank you, Xiao Shan, for protecting everyone." .”

After all, Xiao Shan's mind is not mature enough to be like an ordinary adult. He showed confusion and panic when a life was ruined by him. Tang Sancheng's words were a life-saving pill for him. Xiao Shan asked timidly: "Really?"

"Of course." Bai Yi knew Tang Sancheng's intentions: "People also have good guys and bad guys. If the bad guys attack first, your behavior is self-defense. You are protecting everyone. No one will blame you. On the contrary, we will Will thank you."

Xiao Shan's expression relaxed completely, the expression of nervousness and panic on his face disappeared, replaced by relief: "Brother, then I will protect you in the future."

Qixie breathed a sigh of relief, and approached the little "fox". Although it looks like a white fox, there are sharp thorns hidden under the fur, and the thin thorns are gathered on the back: "It's another fox that I've never seen before." animal."

"It's very aggressive." Bai Yi said, "We have to be more careful."

"It's incredible here." Tang Sancheng said: "If you want me to say, most of the content in Shan Hai Jing is true, but it's a pity that everyone just treats it as a myth."

"Half and half." Bai Yi said: "At least one thing, Di Jun's wife gave birth to the sun and the moon, do you believe it? The two are completely incompatible, right? This may be just to create a legend. Made up, celestial body and human body." Bai Yi shook his head: "The difference is too far, we can't pull it together, everything we see now, although strange, is all mortal bodies, as long as they are mortal bodies , we don’t have to be afraid.”

These words seemed to encourage Tang Sancheng, Tang Sancheng bit his lip: "Let's go quickly, I don't know how Xiao Ning is doing now."

The footprints are still extending forward. With the experience just now, everyone is more energetic. The road ahead is getting narrower and narrower. Water begins to emerge under the ice, and the ice ground breaks into pieces, irregularly Floating on the water, Tang Sancheng was the first to discover it. When he heard the sound of rushing water under his feet, his heart shrank into a ball. On the ice block, Xiaoshan jumped up, but the ice block didn't move at all, Bai Yi breathed a sigh of relief: "It seems that the ice block's ability to withstand is stronger than we imagined."

Footprints were lightly imprinted on the ice. Everyone jumped up carefully. The ice did not even shake. Everyone was completely relieved and walked slowly. Xiaoshan instantly became the leader. Jumping up and down on the ice, I don't know how happy I am, I don't know how long I have been walking, everyone is a little tired, Lei Zi directly bent down and gasped for breath, seeing that Qi Xie's breath was still stable, he couldn't help cursing: "Damn, none of them look like human beings."

Bai Yi was startled, he closed his lips tightly, and said nothing, when the voice from the hill in front came: "There is no way."

The footprints also disappeared here, there is no way?Could it be that that person disappeared from the air with Xiao Ning?Bai Yi said, "I'll go and have a look."

There is a wall where the ice cubes and footprints disappeared. The surface is condensed into a layer of ice, and the inside is a stone wall. There is a groove in the center. Bai Yi opened his mouth wide in surprise, this shape, this size, isn't it?

"Lingbi Stone." Lei Zi also saw it, and said in surprise, "It's really a key."

Bai Yi took out the Lingbi stone, took a breath, and put it in the groove...

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