Xiao Shan showed a surprised and hurt expression on his face, he always thought that he regarded Tang Sancheng as the most important person to him, but, "You hit me!" The corners of his eyes dripped down, slipping down his neck through the gas mask, it turned out that Xiao Shan could cry, and he had never seen his tears before, Tang Sancheng was a little panicked, Xiao Ning said: "Hurry up and coax him. "

Seeing all this in the eyes of the thin monkey, his heart is full of disdain. Do these people seem to be fighting against each other?He also brought a yellow-haired kid over, who looked like he was underage.

"Xiaoshan." Tang Sancheng tried to approach Xiaoshan, Xiaoshan turned his head excitedly, but bumped into the wall head-on, this collision made everyone worry, how painful it was!

The strange thing is that as soon as Xiao Shan bumped into the wall, his body bounced back immediately, as if hitting a spring. As soon as Xiao Shan's body bounced back, he just hit Tang Sancheng's body, knocking Tang Sancheng backwards As soon as he leaned back, he fell on the corridor, this impact was not light, Tang Sancheng immediately let out an "Ai yo", Xiaoshan's anger just now dissipated, he hurriedly pulled Tang Sancheng up to see if he was hurt anywhere.

This time, Bai Yi and Lei Zi looked at each other, Qi Xie had already passed by, and hit the wall with his fist, making a bang bang sound, the sound was very crisp, and the touch was like rubber. For comparison, Qi Xie At the end of the other side, it is an ordinary wall. It seems that the mystery lies in this "rubber wall".

If the place where Wang Wei fell was not the place just now, could it be behind this "rubber wall"?Bai Yi turned his head to look at Xiao Ning, Xiao Ning studied the wall for a long time, and said: "This is actually a mud wall, but it seems to have been painted on the outside, resulting in the current effect."

Xiao Ning pinched it: "It's very hard and thick, I've never seen it before."

"Is there a way to penetrate?" Bai Yi is most concerned about this. He has already noticed Lei Zi's ready to move, but the structure here is unknown, and gunpowder cannot be used without authorization. God knows what will be behind this "rubber wall"?Lei Zi obviously also knew that the gunpowder could not be used now, so he could only stand aside and scratch his head.

Xiao Ning took out the tool and tried it, but she couldn't poke it in at all. Facing the sharp tool, she didn't even leave a dent. She shook her head: "There is no way."

"Mother!" Lei Zi spat on the ground.

Bai Yi suddenly thought of that note, he took it out, and looked carefully, since the owner of the note had participated in the construction here, at least he knew what materials would be transported, the material on the outside of this wall is very rare, it will definitely cause He paid attention to it, so did he record it, and just looked it over hastily, did he miss any important information?

This time, Bai Yi almost deliberated word by word. Fortunately, the owner of this note was very careful. Back then in this underground world, he really saw and listened to all directions. It is mentioned in the note that there was a day , a box of very "strange" things was transported from above, mixed with water, and painted on a wall. It was just a simple sentence. When it comes to where this "strange" thing is "strange", this... is equivalent to not providing a clue!

Could it be that the only way to go back to the ground is to find the hole where Wang Wei fell and try his luck to see if he can go directly to the "rubber wall"?I'm really at a loss.

The thin monkey has been like a deflated balloon, and at this moment he suddenly said: "My two companions didn't seem to come down here. It seems that they went to another place through that passage. Could it be that this tomb is more than So big? Are there other parts in other passages?"

Shouhou's words made Bai Yi more determined, and he made up his mind. Tang Sancheng and Qixie felt that it might be a good idea to go back to the original point, so Lei Zi felt a little awkward: "I finally got down, now go up , Isn’t this shooting yourself in the foot with a rock, mother, why do such stupid things?”

Bai Yi knew that Lei Zi was the most difficult to control. He was definitely not the kind of person who would be submissive, and this kind of person couldn't be cruel. Tang Sancheng has influenced him for the kind that emphasizes righteousness, and he still has one more thing, that is, greed for money.

"Can't find that mysterious tomb, are you willing to leave with such a small thing?" Bai Yi poked at the place that Lei Zi cared about most, which made Lei Zi's heart itch: "You saw it just now, this Tao The person in the coffin is most likely Zhang Jiao. Although he is only the leader of the rebel army, he has been bewitching the people by preaching, so he has reaped a lot of benefits. Lei Zi, if you want to go up, yes, everyone divides the army How about two roads?"

"Damn, you are not talking nonsense. Now that you have many enemies and few, you are all gone. Can I stay here?" In the past half a day, he has used both soft and hard tactics to the thin monkey and himself, knowing the color and knowing the advantages and disadvantages. He is completely personal, and he is no match for him at all. .”

In this case, everyone had to go back along the original path. Qixie first used the Luoyang shovel to go back to the top of the passage, and then put down the rope to pull them up one by one. Yi, then the thin monkey, followed by Lei Zi, needless to say the considerations in the middle, from the beginning to the end, everyone is guarding against the thin monkey!

Now there are two choices, one is to continue upwards and return to the maze trenches, the other is to follow the footprints of the two companions of the thin monkey to find them and see if they have gained anything. Xie went to check the passage first, and there were only footprints that went in, but no one came out. The tomb is really intricately built. Maybe where did those two people go?

At this moment, Tang Sancheng suddenly heard a muffled sound, and Tang Sancheng's ears were sharp: "It's like a gunshot, and it was fired through something, so the sound is smaller than usual, it's from..." Tang Sancheng Looking around, he pointed to the wall on the right: "It's coming from inside, and it's lower than our position!"

Everyone was a little dumbfounded, only the thin monkey's face changed, Bai Yi saw it, and asked him: "Does your companion have a gun?"

"Yes." The thin monkey gritted his teeth: "Damn it, can't it be a dog eats a dog?"

Hearing that he compared his companions to dogs, Lei Zi was amused: "They are dogs, so what are you?"

"Monkey." Xiao Ning spoke quickly, and immediately followed.

Being teased by these people, the thin monkey snorted: "Don't look at me like this, but one of my two companions is a remarkable person."

"Oh, tell me." Although he heard gunshots, his people were not in danger, and Bai Yi's face was not in a hurry. If there was any accident over there, it would be better, it means that someone relieved the danger for them , so, what's the rush?

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