The door wasn't fully opened, but Bai Yi and Tang Sancheng were able to squeeze in smoothly. As soon as they entered, they could smell the long-lost wonderful smell: "How is he?"

Hearing Bai Yi's question, Wang Shen's face turned pale: "I'm really worried, if you don't come back, he will be unable to hold on." Wang Shen lifted the quilt covering his son, Tang Sancheng immediately stopped The red spot under the "corpse" became bigger!It used to be independent piece by piece, but now it looks like it is spreading together...

"Collect money for work, Boss Wang, we have completed your commission." Bai Yi took out the black and purple clover and put it in Wang Shen's hand. Wang Shen was so excited that he had no time to thank him, so he quickly put the clover in his mouth and chewed it Get up and feed your son mouth to mouth.

In the eyes of the two of them, Wang Shen's son was a strange "corpse". Seeing Wang Shen in close contact with a "corpse" mouth to mouth, it felt so awkward. Tang Sancheng didn't want to see such a thing. In an embarrassing scene, I was about to turn my head when I suddenly saw the red spots on the "corpse" slowly disappearing: "Isn't this effect coming too quickly?"

The erythema that had been fused together has become an independent small piece, and the color is getting lighter and lighter. With the disappearance of the erythema, the color of the epidermis is not so dark and purple, but it is not as fast as the erythema disappears. It seems It will take some time, Tang Sancheng still can't believe that this person is really saved, the facts are in front of him, but he has nothing to say.

Bai Yi said: "Boss Wang, I don't think he wakes up so soon, so we won't bother you, but when he wakes up, can you let us know that we have something to ask him about the corpse poison in him?" , I'm still living in the room next door."

Seeing that his son was rescued, Wang Shen was in a good mood, and agreed with all his heart. Bai Yi dragged Tang Sancheng to his room, and observed the movement next door through the small hole in the wall. Wang Shen was carefully covering his son with a quilt, With a fatherly smile on his face, Bai Yi sighed and pointed to his backpack: "I didn't give him all the clover."

"Why?" Tang Sancheng was taken aback.

"You are stupid, maybe we can use this clover." Bai Yi said: "The corpse poison in the little guy is unusual, which means that the tomb is unusual, the tomb is unusual, and the artifact is naturally unusual. There are really clues to go to. Put it another way, then clover is our essential medicine, how can I give it all?"

It was still Bai Yi who thought long term, Tang Sancheng patted himself on the head: "I am convinced of you."

"Shouldn't you be convinced a long time ago?" Bai Yi smiled and said, "Okay, let's take a rest, let's see if the expert's advice is a secret, and if the little guy can wake up."

It was twelve hours after the little guy woke up. When Wang Shen came to knock on the door, he almost broke the door panel. It can be seen how excited he was: "My son woke up, woke up!" , he just called me."

Wang Shen urgently needs someone to share with him, Bai Yi nodded: "Kung fu pays off, Boss Wang, congratulations."

Wang Shen's son is called Wang Wei, and both names are two characters. Wang Wei's skin has not fully recovered, but it is much better than the horrible color before. At least it can be seen that it is human skin. In order not to disturb his rest, this time it was still Bai Yi and Tang Sancheng who came over. Seeing that Wang Wei could half sit up and drink water, Bai Yi said: "If you survive a catastrophe, there must be future blessings."

"Dad." Wang Wei called out weakly. Wang Wei, who was only in his teens, had suffered so much. He couldn't bear it even thinking about it. Bai Yi said, "Young people are curious. But you shouldn't be going there."

"I..." Wang Wei said, "We were just going to climb a mountain, and I accidentally fell into it."

"Which mountain?" Bai Yi asked, "Tell me the details of the matter."

There was an irresistible force in Bai Yi's words, Wang Shen's mouth moved, Bai Yi glanced at him, and swallowed back the words to stop him, he was worried that his son's body would not be able to bear it, but he also wanted to know, two Come on, seeing that my son didn't resist, he had to accept it frankly.

"I went to Lingshan with my classmates, and we made an appointment to climb the mountain together, but I broke away from the main force and lost my way. When I was looking for the way to the mountain, I fell into a hole. I don't know why. The thing is, when I fell, my back was not injured, and the ground was not hard, but..." Wang Wei swallowed: "There is a dead person in there, and I fell on should be crushed On his chest, a stream of foul-smelling water spewed out from his mouth and sprayed on my body, at first I only felt a little itchy, and I was busy crawling out."

"You climbed out again from the place you fell in?" Bai Yi was taken aback, but also a little disappointed. If it was really an underground palace, how could it be possible?

"I..." Wang Wei stretched out his hand, and Tang Sancheng felt a little heartbroken. This young man's will to survive was very strong, and all ten of his fingers were a little short: "I planed out the steps with my hands, and climbed up. .”

Wang Shen turned his head away, the man did not shed tears lightly, his own flesh and blood encountered such a catastrophe, there is no reason not to feel distressed, Bai Yi said: "Your efforts were not in vain if you were able to come back to life, by the way , is there anything special there?"

"Yes, there are many holes." Wang Wei said: "I was in a hurry to get out. Although I didn't look carefully, there were big stones in those holes, which were tightly blocked."

Only then did Bai Yi cheer up: "Can you draw it for me? Is it convenient for you?"

"You..." Wang Wei was stunned for a moment: "Where are you going? Don't go there, it's very dangerous, I always feel that something is wrong there, it's creepy."

"That's it, that's right." Bai Yi said: "I'm going to find out what the origin of the corpse poison that can turn people into this way!!"

After all, Wang Wei is still young, he doesn't understand how an adult's heart grows, let alone what disease these two people in front of him have. He glanced at his father, and Wang Shen nodded slightly: "Tell me They saved your life." Wang Shen knew that this group of people were not from the same world as him, and he didn't want to take care of their affairs. After this matter was over, there would be no interaction between them.

"Okay, I'm actually pretty good at painting." Wang Wei said confidently.

Wang Wei didn't lie, he drew very precisely. Bai Yi felt that he could find the hole he fell through according to this picture. He even drew the trees and grass in the mountain by the way. There are still scattered reds. Although it is already the beginning of November, Lingshan is located in the south. At this time, there are still red flowers, willows and green. It is not surprising that there are flowers in the mountains. Bai Yi collected the painting: "Thank you."

He turned to Wang Shen: "Boss Wang, our account is settled, goodbye."

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