Bai Yi returned to the room with the painting, and Tang Sancheng followed behind, like his little follower: "Why, are we really going to this place?"

"I kept the clover, so I'm not afraid of any corpse poison." Bai Yi said, "I suspect that many of the caves mentioned by Wang Wei may be imaginary tombs. Hidden, but there are many holes in this painting, there are more than 20. Generally, so many virtual tombs are not built. Even the most famous Confucius, his disciples only built four or five virtual tombs for him. Moreover, it is on the west side of Confucius’ tomb, all of which are made of stone. At that time, Confucius’ Confucianism was only one of the hundreds of schools of thought, and not everyone agreed with it. There were many opponents. His disciples sent his The tomb was stolen, so it took a little thought, this is probably the earliest virtual tomb in history."

"So you think there are fakes, so the real ones are not far away?" Tang Sancheng asked.

"That's right, I have a feeling that the burial place of the real corpse is in one of the more than 20 of these places. People who can spend such a lot of thought must not be ordinary people. The scale is huge, and it is impossible to achieve it without manpower and financial resources. " Bai Yi said.

"So that's it." Tang Sancheng was very happy: "This time the destination was chosen by you, now I see what Lei Zi will say about me, if you make a fool of yourself..."

"Bullshit." Bai Yi said, "I haven't gone yet, so I'm trying to find bad luck for myself."

"When are we leaving?" Tang Sancheng said with a mournful face, "This time I really tossed me to death, that weird guy really pushed us into the ancient Kunlun."

"Yeah, it's like playing us in the palm of your hand." Bai Yi mentioned this person, and was also a little annoyed: "Okay, let's go tomorrow, everyone should have a good rest today, don't think too much , I think he has his eye on you, and he will meet you sooner or later."

"You think so too?" Tang Sancheng asked stupidly, his expression was a bit like a child: "I sometimes think, what exactly does he want to do to me? I almost died inside, he didn't Do you want me to die?"

"Nonsense, even if he doesn't push Wang Shen, we are going to enter the ancient Kunlun, and you will bump into everything." Bai Yi shook his head: "He just took advantage of the situation and asked Wang Shen to come to us, as if... Tell us he exists, it's sending a signal."

"He knows our whereabouts, so he can definitely come and look for me." Tang Sancheng was in a very complicated mood: "Isn't all this too strange?"

Normally, Bai Yi would definitely yell at him, telling him to do what he should do, but today is different, Tang Sancheng today is more than any other day... Sadness, yes, a sad expression permeated his face If I don’t go, there is still a sense of despair. I have been desperate before, thinking that I am the only freak alive in the world, and the sense of crisis that I am afraid of being discovered will always remind me how lonely I am in the middle of the night. If Tang Sancheng didn't show up, he completely lost the pillar of his life. Tang Sancheng is not the same. After knowing that there is a person with the same blood as himself, it is like finding a relative. This is the pillar of the spirit, but this person is here Play hide and seek with him! !

"It's okay." Bai Yi hugged Tang Sancheng's shoulders for the first time, very affectionately: "I understand how you feel, but it doesn't matter if he's here or not, you still have me and Qixie to accompany you, and Xiaoshan Well, although Xiaoshan doesn't know what will happen to him now, the three of us can walk with you, so what are you afraid of if you have companions?"

"I..." Tang Sancheng laughed loudly. It's so rare to meet such a sincere Bai Yi today. Even if he met him in the cliff coffin, the person he met at that time was Fu Yu: "You...haha...I'm fine now. Now I'm really fine, Bai Yi, don't treat me like this in the future, okay? I'm so scared."

"Get out!" Bai Yi pushed Tang Sancheng out: "This is a thing that doesn't know good people!"

"Let's go." Tang Sancheng ran to find Qixie, but his mood was extremely relaxed, the big stone that was pressing on his heart just now disappeared completely.

Wang Shen and his son didn't intend to leave immediately, mainly because Wang Wei hadn't fully recovered yet, and walking out like this would definitely attract the attention of others. Bai Yi and his party left first, and Lei Zi was very excited. If the ruby ​​is sold, it must be a lot of money, plus the 7000 yuan from Wang Shen, this vote is well done! !

Back in Beijing, Bai Yi was busy dealing with the ruby ​​mask, Lei Zi and Xiao Ning went home to rest, everything was back to normal, Bai Yi came to the yard of Uncle Hong's house, when he showed the mask, Uncle Hong's expression changed: "Pigeon's Blood Ruby!"

"That's right." Bai Yi asked Uncle Hong: "Uncle Hong, you have seen a lot and have handled countless artifacts. Can you tell what this mask is for?" Actually, Bai Yi had thought about asking Di Jun , but this thing belongs to their clan, if it is revealed, can they still be taken away?Naturally, he could only dispel this idea.

"This mask..." Uncle Hong also had a difficult time: "If there is any similarity, it is similar to a mask from the Xia Dynasty. That Mingware is mainly used for praying for rain."

"Praying for rain?" Bai Yi understood: "Praying for rain is originally an act of witchcraft. Even if this mask is not used for praying for rain, it is still one of the props of witchcraft."

"This possibility is indeed very high." Uncle Hong frowned: "I'm afraid it's a bit difficult to sell this mask of yours. I'm afraid there are not many people who can afford the price. I need some time to find a buyer. I will release the news as soon as possible. of."

Bai Yi safely left the mask with Uncle Hong, and went back to prepare for the next fight. On that day, Liu Zhixi, who got the news of their return, ran over. When he knocked on the door, he acted very violently. Once he came in, everyone laughed , Tang Sancheng pointed to the bruise on his face and asked him: "What's wrong with you? Have you been beaten?"

"My dad called me." Liu Zhixi looked a little aggrieved: "He asked me to go to college, but I didn't want to."

The resumption of the college entrance examination happened in 1977. It has been four years since now. If Liu Zhixi passed the exam, it would be a good way out. After entering university, the future will be bright. Bai Yi asked Liu Zhixi to sit down: "Take the exam!"

"Brother Bai, I'm here to discuss with you." Liu Zhixi didn't expect Bai Yi's attitude to be so clear, and he stood by his father without hesitation: " you think I'm useless? Want me?"

"No." Bai Yi said: "Thanks to your tools, we survived this time, but you always have to think about your family and yourself. If one day we stop, no Done, what do you rely on to support your family? Right now there is a good way out, if you don’t go, you will regret it in the future.”

"Tang Sancheng, tell me." Liu Zhixi didn't get support from Bai Yi, so he turned to Tang Sancheng for help.

"Me?" Tang Sancheng pointed to his nose: "I don't understand, I can't say anything, since it is good for you, there is no reason not to do it, right?"

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