"You..." Liu Zhixi ran over excitedly, but was poured two basins of cold water one after another. Now only Qixie and Xiaoshan were left. Xiaoshan was still ignorant, so naturally he couldn't come up with any good suggestions. , is the last hope: "Qixie, what do you think?"

"Bai Yi is right, you are still young, and you are different from us." Qixie's short sentence completely broke Liu Zhixi: "What is the difference between me and you, I can do what you do, I... ...I see, you now have Lei Zi, Xiao Ning, and Xiao Shan, you don't like me anymore, right? You can just say it, you can kick me out, don't make any big arguments !"

"Slap!" Bai Yi slapped Liu Zhixi unceremoniously: "Sit down!"

Liu Zhixi is still afraid of Bai Yi, he is his idol, Liu Zhixi sat down with red eyes: "Brother Bai..."

"Liu Zhixi, I just want to ask you a question, how do you feel with us?" Bai Yi asked him.

"Very well, like a family, Brother Bai takes good care of me and never puts me in danger." Liu Hexi said, "It's because of this that I don't want to leave you."

"Okay, since we are a family, will we harm you? In fact, you also know that the college entrance examination is good for you, right?" Bai Yi said: "So we have a way to get the best of both worlds. When you go to university, you can still research and invent. , help us, I will pay you a lot, and you have gone to college, acquired more knowledge, and can help us better, so you and your father will not be at odds."

Liu Zhixi was so blocked that he couldn't say a word. This was indeed a way to get the best of both worlds. He scratched his head: "Why didn't I think of it? Big Brother Bai is Big Brother Bai."

"But there is one thing I want to tell you. If you go to university in the future, your social circle will definitely expand. You know what to do." Bai Yi's voice became cold. He knew that with Liu Zhixi's ability, he would definitely Will pass the exam, there is no suspense about this.

Liu Zhixi was stunned for a moment, and then he understood: "Don't worry, Brother Bai, I will definitely not reveal my relationship with you, let alone let others find out what I am doing."

"You have to remind yourself that you and we are a community of interests, and if you make a mistake, you won't be able to escape." Bai Yi was completely different from the amiable look just now: "It's death, you know?"

The atmosphere suddenly dropped to freezing point. When Liu Zhixi heard the word "death", he really felt like a knife was placed across his neck. With a little force, he could exhaust himself: "I see, Brother Bai, I will keep it in mind." living."

Bai Yi smiled: "Okay, Liu Zhixi, work hard, go back and apologize to your father, if I need anything, I will definitely ask you for help."

"Okay." Thinking of the conflict with his father, Liu Zhixi also felt that it was too much at this time. He was walking out when Bai Yi stopped him and threw an envelope into his arms: "Although you didn't go this time, but The things you made have helped a lot, you deserve it, and the source of the money, have you figured out how to tell your family?"

"Well, don't worry." Liu Zhixi was in a good mood and left with peace of mind.

Seeing Liu Zhixi close the door, Qi Xie said, "He's still young and bookish, it's best for him."

Bai Yi said: "The terrain of Lingshan Mountain is not steep. Most of the mountains in the south are relatively peaceful, with better greenery, and the environment is not dangerous. What worries me is the corpse poison. Also, according to what Wang Wei said, the entrance of the cave is sealed very tightly. Strictly speaking, if there is poisonous gas inside, it will be very dangerous, this time a gas mask is a must."

Everything that happened just now has been turned over by Bai Yi, and the next action is officially planned: "Lingshan is located in Yuancheng, and the climate is just right now, so you don't need to bring a lot of heavy clothes, but, because there The climate is humid and there are a lot of mosquitoes, so it is necessary for us to prepare relevant medicines, other tools, prepare as usual, by the way, clover is a must, well, Qixie, let's start."

Xiao Shan was also clamoring for help, everyone worked together to pack all the tools and put them in different backpacks to make the load more even, then called Xiao Ning and Lei Zi, and agreed on a departure time, which was ten days later , this time is mainly because Uncle Hong, Uncle Hong has contacted the buyer of the mask, and the mask will be sold soon, and the time is exactly eight days later. In this way, the time for departure is set.

Yuancheng is warmer than imagined. The sky in November is still as clear and blue as a summer sky. It is slightly cooler in the morning and evening, and the sun at noon is still a bit dazzling. Come here, everyone’s mood should be better. At least, whether it is Changbai Mountain or Ancient Kunlun, everyone has suffered a lot. Sitting on the bus heading for Yuancheng, Lei Zi repeatedly sighed: "It's still comfortable for the southerners. Winter passes as soon as you close your eyes. What a beautiful day it is."

An old man sitting behind Leizi said: "Young man, the south is not as good as you said. The south is humid, and the winter is cold and humid. The temperature is high, but it is really windy, which is enough for people to bear." .Also, look at your big and small bags, you are going to go into the mountains to play, but you must be careful, there are many poisonous insects in this mountain, where are you going?"

Bai Yi probed over: "Old man, we are going to Lingshan."

"Lingshan?" The old man frowned, "That place is said to be haunted."

"Haunted?" Xiao Ning was startled, Xiao Shan tilted his head and asked him: "What is a ghost?"

"Yes, I heard that when there is thunder and rain, there are ghosts crying inside, and it has been crying for a long time." The old man shook his head repeatedly: "You must not spend the night there at night, it is too dangerous."

Hearing what the old man said, Bai Yi just smiled. There is nothing special about ghosts crying in this mountain. In some specific physical environments, a magnetic field will be generated, which will record the sound from thousands of years ago. When the scene reappeared at that time, the sound It will sound again. The reason why ghosts cry only when there is thunder and rain is naturally because it was thunder and rain when the first peace scene happened many years ago. This has been researched abroad. Bai Yi studied abroad. I've heard of it since.

"Okay, thank you, grandma." Xiao Ning smiled sweetly.

Half an hour later, the car stopped, and this is the terminal. When the old man left, he still reminded them: "It is best to enter the mountain from the east entrance. It is the closest, but there is a mountain inside. It’s easy to get lost, and it’s not easy to get out. For decades, at least [-] or [-] people have been lost in it, alas, people, it’s always like this, the more places you can’t go, the more you want to go.”

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