After the old man finished speaking, he left trembling slightly. One of the characteristics of Lingshan is that the road goes around the mountain. Whether it is a county town or a village, they are all in the mountain. When you think there is no village in front of you, the car turns around. , you will be able to see the village, which will surprise you. Now the place where the car stops is Yuancheng, and Lingshan is around the county town, tightly enclosing Yuancheng.

"It looks very close. According to my experience, it will take at least an hour to pass." Lei Zi looked at these not tall but lush green mountains with his hands on his hips.

"Let's find a place to live first." Bai Yi said: "As usual, everyone has a copy of the local map. Since the old man said that it is easy to get lost in it, Wang Wei did happen in it. It seems that the inside is not simple."

As usual, everyone found a clean hotel to live in. The owner of the hotel looked a bit sly, but he was very enthusiastic. He enthusiastically took everyone to their respective rooms and watched everyone put down their luggage before leaving. Qixie and Lei Zi Watching the boss leave, the two looked at each other, and Lei Zi said with a playful smile, "What are you thinking, Qi Xie?"

"This person is a bit too enthusiastic." Qixie said.

"I think so too." Lei Zi rolled up his sleeves: "It's really hot here."

Xiao Ning lived in a room by herself, Tang Sancheng ran over there under the pretext of helping her with her luggage, Lei Zi shook his head: "This Tang Sancheng is becoming more and more dishonest."

It was already afternoon when everyone arrived at the hotel, and when it was almost time for dinner, the boss ran up: "Guys, I have prepared the meals, please go down to eat."

"Boss, you are too kind. I only heard that the people in the Northeast are cheerful and hospitable. I never thought that the people in the South are so warm." Lei Zi said to the boss in a loud voice.

The boss chuckled: "Our place is closest to the mountain, and many guests who come to the mountain live here. You can come, it means that you value our small shop."

"Boss, what's delicious?" Tang Sancheng's greedy nature was finally revealed, and after asking, he still swallowed his saliva vigorously.

"They're all local specialties, homegrown Shanshui tofu, and dried fish larvae... I'm sure you'll be satisfied." The boss took them to the food party in the backyard, but Tang Sancheng didn't notice that Qixie was gone. .

It is said to be a cafeteria, but in fact it is a table set up in the backyard, and the table is already full of meals. Upon seeing this, Tang Sancheng's stomach buds woke up, his index finger moved, and he immediately started to move. The boss warmly greeted other people. People sit down to eat: "Come, come, these are some local specialties, let's eat!"

He was indeed hungry, Lei Zi waited for the others to start eating, and then sat down on his seat: "Oh, boss, you really put your heart into it."

"By the way, there is another brother who didn't come down. I'll go up and call him." The boss rushed upstairs suddenly, Lei Zi sneered, and slowly picked up the chopsticks.

Everyone else was already eating, Bai Yi glanced at Lei Zi, and suddenly put up the chopsticks in his hand, Lei Zi sighed secretly, as expected of Bai Yi, it seems that he had already sensed it, Tang Sancheng suddenly "uh" With a sound, the chopsticks in his hand fell to the ground, and his head fell on the table with a "plop". Xiao Ning and Xiao Shan who were sitting next to him were startled. Just as they were about to see how he was doing, their heads also became dizzy. After getting up, he immediately lost consciousness, Bai Yi and Lei Zi looked at each other, and out of the corner of their eye they glanced at the kitchen behind them, where there were people walking around, and the two of them pretended to be unconscious in a tacit understanding.

The people in the kitchen came out immediately, and one of the women's voices said: "This medicine is really effective, one of them is accurate, but there is still one person missing, and Lao Hu's things are getting more and more unreliable. How did you find out?"

"What are you afraid of? Can Lao Hu still not be able to deal with that person?" The voice was much clearer: "Let's go up while they are all fainted."

"Didn't it mean that this medicine can fascinate them for several hours? Why worry?" The woman followed the man upstairs slowly. Lei Zi and Bai Yi sat up immediately, and Bai Yi said anxiously: " No, we can’t let them see the things in our backpacks, it seems that we have encountered a black shop, if we have walked through the rivers and lakes, we will recognize those things.”

Lei Zi shook his head leisurely: "It's okay, Qi Xie is on top, I guess these people should be taken down by now."

"When did you find out there was a problem?"

"The boss was a little too enthusiastic, and when he came to our room, he kept looking at our luggage for a long time. At that time, I thought there was something wrong with him, and Qixie also saw it." Lei Zi said : "You turned your back to him at the time, but you didn't see his little eyes, and you almost threw the eyeballs into our backpack."

"Let's go, go up and have a look." Bai Yi and Lei Zi were about to go upstairs to have a look, when Qi Xie came down, holding one in each hand, it was a man and a woman who went up just now, they only heard voices but did not see Looks, looking at it now, Lei Zi is happy, this woman looks like a matchmaker, with a mole on the corner of her mouth, she looks really good, she is not too old, she is in her 30s, she is dressed like a bonus Willow, as for this man, he has a shaved head, dark skin, he is not big, but he is quite strong.

As soon as Qixie lost his hands, he threw the two people to the ground, the pain made the woman scream like a butchered pig, Lei Zi felt angry, and stepped on the black man's hand: "Say, come on!" What medicine?"

"It's just... just a little drug." The man was so painful that tears were about to fall out: "We are just seeking money, and we dare not do anything else...Brother, brother, let's talk if we have something to say..."

"Speak well?" Lei Zigui laughed: "You almost murdered your grandfather, how dare you tell your grandfather well?" He put some force on his feet, and the man burst into tears: "Help! !"

"By the way, where's the boss?" Bai Yi asked.

"I tied it up with a bed sheet." Qixie said, "How to deal with these people?"

"No, don't call the police." The woman cried out, "We're just making some money to spend."

"Get some money?" Lei Zi roared, "You dare to use medicine. If my brother can't wake up, you have to be careful! Besides, if you get money, don't kill yourself!"

"How dare we do it? We only dare to do it because we see it as a guest from another place. Besides, if a guest loses something, we say it was done by outsiders. The medicine was also obtained by outside thieves. Well, they don't have any evidence that we did it, and they usually let it go, we are really just trying to make some money, and we won't kill people." The woman actually got angry when she mentioned it, and Lei Zi "slapped" She gave her a big slap in the face: "Dare you treat us as idiots?"

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