He told them about the ghost ditch, Tang Sanguo really responded: "It is impossible for this ordinary ditch to have such a powerful effect, this ghost ditch is a Taoist formation at all, to trap the enemy inside, Ordinary people will definitely get lost when they go in, and this is normal.”

"Isn't it? I'll find out when I go in tomorrow." Bai Yi said: "It's just that the three people who are more advanced than us don't know the origin. They must not be colleagues. I heard that they are also very cautious types. Compared with the fierce type Colleagues, this kind is more difficult to deal with."

Fortunately, Lei Zi wasn't there, otherwise he would have thought too much. Back then, his combination was a typical aggressive type. Didn't Bai Yi mean that they were easy to deal with?

When Lei Zi came back, he not only brought back food, drinks and a map, but also brought a piece of news that made Bai Yi not very happy: "I asked about the three people who went into the mountain yesterday, and many people have seen them and bought them. After reading the map, the direction to go in is also east. Judging from their equipment described by everyone, there is a high probability that they are traveling together. There are three men, one tall and two medium-sized, and they are all thin. When you mention it, everyone thinks They're pretty gloomy."

"Tomorrow we have to be more careful." Bai Yi said, "A colleague is an enemy."

Lei Zi immediately thought of his encounter with Bai Yi and the others, and patted his head in embarrassment: "Well, it depends on the person. Some people are cruel to their colleagues, and some people..."

He couldn't go on, he had no position to talk about. At the beginning, it was the type of direct fire. Later, he wanted to play tricks. Lei Zi smiled: "Stop talking, let's eat first, by the way, we never It really takes an hour to go into the mountains from here, but it’s not far, but the road is winding, I rented a car and made an appointment to come here at seven o’clock tomorrow.”

As expected of a veteran, Bai Yi nodded: "Everyone have a good rest tonight."

After going out just now, the night was safe and sound. The three people had learned how powerful they were, and they did not dare to act rashly. As soon as it was dawn, everyone packed up their things and set off. The car came on time. A car with a trailer at the back, which is used for agriculture, is quite practical. Everyone climbed into the rear trailer, and the space was large enough. The car was driving fast on the stretching mountain road, and Tang Sancheng's heart skipped a beat. The surrounding mountains seemed to spread towards them with claws and claws. He looked up at the mountains and muttered: "There is something missing in this place."


"Water." Tang Sancheng said: "The sand is surrounded by water, but there is no water."

"What is that?" Xiao Shan pointed to a small ditch on the side of the road and Bai Yi explained: "This is a canal. The county town is in the mountains, and the land is also in the mountains, so we need to divert water to irrigate the fields."

"No wonder." Tang Sancheng didn't see these canals just now: "The water bureau has been broken, it has been dug to pieces, and it is useless at all."

Shanzi stopped at the foot of the mountain. The south of the mountain is good. The road leads directly to the foot of the mountain, which saves everyone a lot of energy. Everyone jumped out of the car, Lei Zi paid the driver, and the driver looked very happy. A sincere person looked at them and said, "Go into the mountains, and you must not go to Guizigou."

It’s Guizigou again. It seems that Guizigou is the shadow of the local people. Lei Zi asked him, “Is there any characteristic of Guizigou?”

"It used to be, but now it's covered with grass and covered, so it's hard to tell." The driver thought for a while and said, "However, there are no vegetation growing near Guizigou, only in Guizigou. It’s not clear, but if you’re careful about that area, you can tell the difference.”

Tang Sancheng said: "There are still many good people in the world."

"Naive." Bai Yi threw out two words coldly, hitting Tang San hard: "Look at the driver, how enthusiastic he is, and the old lady in the car."

Bai Yi was speechless. After the driver finished his explanation, he drove away. Bai Yi took out Wang Wei's painting. There should be nothing wrong with entering from here. The east entrance is behind the mountain in front of him. The most eye-catching sign on the painting is the place where Wei got lost, which is a stone tablet, which is a monument to the anti-Japanese martyrs. At the beginning, Wang Wei and his classmates ran here for this point. They almost lost their lives. A group of people walked along a small road towards the back of the mountain. Some people have been here before. The weeds on the road feel like they have been stepped on. Follow the trail and turn left again. , I saw that monument.

"This Wang Wei has practiced art, right? The shape and size of the painting is too vivid." Tang Sancheng was speechless: "I still remember the words on it clearly - Monument to the Anti-Japanese Martyrs."

This stele has been around for some years, the writing on it is mottled and mottled, the stone foundation is already unstable, a little skewed, when Bai Yi touched the stele, he suddenly felt a sticky feeling in his hand, when he picked it up, it was blood!

"What is this?" Lei Zi frowned, "It's dog blood."

"How can you spray dog's blood on the monument, it's too wicked." Xiao Ning was a little annoyed.

"This blood is still very new, it hasn't been sprayed for a long time." Bai Yi walked to the back of the stele, the blood was mainly sprayed on the edge and back.

"Dog blood is usually used to ward off evil spirits." Tang Sancheng said: "It's really strange what relationship this stele has with dog blood."

Even Tang Sancheng couldn't explain such a strange thing, and the others couldn't even think of the reason. Bai Yi wiped his hands, and led everyone towards the ghost ditch. It was very intuitive in the painting, but he didn't know the name. Now he finally I see, the place where Wang Wei disappeared is Guizigou!

Guizigou is actually a trench. When the enemy and us are at war, when the belligerents are in a confrontation, they dig a trench to prevent bullets and artillery shells from attacking from the front. Think about it, compared to standing tens of meters away from the enemy and shooting at each other, Without obstructions, this trench adds a bit of security, at least it can be used to block bullets and reduce a bit of danger.

"Isn't this a trench?" Lei Zi said, "However, there is such a big trench."

This trench is much lower than the terrain they are standing on. Now it is no longer a bare earth trench. Countless valuables protrude from the trench. They are green and lush and can't be seen at a glance. These plants grow out of order, pure It was the reason for the free growth of nature. Tang Sancheng glanced over and didn't know how the trenches were arranged, and he was a little confused.

Lei Zi jumped down suddenly. These plants were as tall as a person. Bai Yi took out the drawing and checked again. There was nothing wrong here. But Wang Wei didn't fall here in the first place. After being separated, he came here alone and saw Guizigou. The youth's curiosity was at its peak, so he jumped down, just like Leizi now, and then he wandered around in Guizigou...

"It seems that someone has already gone down." Bai Yi said.

Except for Leizi below, everyone can see that on the left side of Leizi, these plants are swaying here and there, obviously someone has passed through here, Tang Sancheng is a little worried: "Could it be that the shop owner said Those three people, what a coincidence, they also came for this ghost ditch?"

Bai Yi supported his head: "Looks like we can't be exempt, since we're here, let's go down."

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