Fortunately, I knew that there were many mosquitoes here. Everyone was dressed in long clothes and trousers, and jumped down one by one. Lei Zi was at the front, groaning secretly. It will save a lot of trouble if you can walk through the traces next to it, but it is also possible to bump into the three unknown people. Judging from the fact that they came to this Guizigou deliberately, they are obviously not ordinary tourists. Before the end, it's better not to hit it.

Poor Lei Zi, after a while, he was panting again and again, and asked Qi Xie for help: "No, Qi Xie, I'm about to pass out, this is too tiring."

This mountain is a bit cooler than the outside, but the temperature is not low. This is the case in the south. Sooner or later, you have to wear a coat, but at noon, the sun is extremely strong and a bit poisonous. This is eleven I started working at the beginning of the month, and the sun shone on my neck. After a long time, it became red.

Qixie and Leizi changed positions, and just like that, several people took turns walking inside, looking for the "hole" that Wang Wei fell into. Walking, walking, Tang Sancheng felt a little bit. It is clearly a maze. It will be difficult to find the center point when you enter, and it will be difficult to find the exit. These trenches have nothing to do with Feng Shui, they are just a maze, and the idea of ​​designing a maze as a trench is really innovative.

"It turned out to be a maze." Bai Yi stopped and began to study again: "Wang Wei should go to the most central place. The child at this time is really smart, he directly found the central place."

Bai Yi asked Qixie to carry himself on his shoulders, looked at the terrain here, and sighed as he looked at it, the exact location of the trench is really uncertain, could it be luck?

"I have no choice but to walk forward and take a look." It was the first time Bai Yi encountered such a dumbfounding situation.

Facing the sun, a group of people walked forward in the trench. As they walked, they encountered a dead end. They had to retreat and choose another direction. After walking for an unknown amount of time, they suddenly heard a scream, Tang Sancheng's ears immediately perked up, and he pointed to the front left: "It came from there."

"Front right?" Bai Yi became more energetic: "It seems that it is the team of three. I really want to thank them for showing us the way. Now I know how to get there."

Judging from the sound, those people are at most ten meters away from them, and they have a direction. They just need to find the way to get there. The screams, Lei Zi said: "I think they probably did what Wang Wei did. The mistakes of the past have fallen, and now there is a lot of fun to watch."

Bai Yi shook his head: "If they came prepared and they still fall, it can only mean one thing. The hole is not obvious, and they entered by mistake. We have to work hard."

"You really don't let up at all." Lei Zi said helplessly, "Thinking about so many things every day, doesn't your brain hurt?"

"Stop talking nonsense." Xiao Ning finally seized the opportunity to choke Lei Zi: "Those who have no brains don't think about things every day."

"Cut." Lei Zi looked at Tang Sancheng: "Tang Sancheng, this girl is no good, you didn't teach her well."

The two were still bickering, and Qi Xie suddenly pushed aside the branches in front of him: "There is a road here, it seems to lead to that direction."

"Damn, I finally have some hope." Lei Zi sighed, "I'm about to be sun-dried."

Walking along that road, Qixie's eyes were sharp, and he saw a figure in front of him, who was anxiously rushing up and down there. Before Qixie moved, the hill rushed over like an arrow, and fell to the ground all of a sudden. On that person's back, that person was born thin and small, and the strength of the hill was so strong, this pounce almost threw that person directly under the hole! !

Fortunately, Qi Xie had a sharp eye and quick hands, and grabbed the two of them. The man had just experienced a shock, and suddenly this group of people appeared in front of him. He was a little panicked: "Who are you?"

This person looks like a thin monkey, "Hey, what are you doing?" Lei Zi saw the hole in front of the person, no wonder he fell in, the hole was covered with a layer of vines, and now it was naturally pierced A hole, it seems that when Wang Wei came, it fell in the same way, and the vines that were destroyed grew up again, covering up the hole, and this group of people accidentally bumped into it.

"Looking at the situation, you should answer our question first." Lei Zi said dismissively.

Xiao Shan suddenly drew a knife from the man's waist: "Look, he has this!!"

"Xiaoshan..." Tang Sancheng quickly snatched the knife over: "Don't mess around, this will hurt you."

This person was carrying a knife. Bai Yi saw that the blade was very sharp, and knew that the three of them were definitely not simple things. The man was suppressed by Qixie, and now he has calmed down: "If you have something to say, it seems that I didn't tear you apart. Your bridge, doesn’t it cross your river?”

Bai Yi answered irrelevantly: "The person who fell does not know what happened."

There was a hint of anxiety on the man's face. He was already jumping in a hurry just now, but now when he heard Bai Yi mentioning the safety of his companion, his expression became serious: "Going together?"

"I don't know." Bai Yi suddenly tore off the backpack on the man's back, saw the Luoyang shovel inside, and smiled: "What a coincidence, it's not that enemies don't get together, everyone says that colleagues are enemies, and we are indeed enemies. "

The man glanced at Qixie: "Brother, but you are plotting first."

Qixie glanced at Bai Yi, and Bai Yi nodded: "Let him go."

The man got rid of Qixie: "It seems that you also came here with a purpose. The ugly words are the first, and colleagues are enemies. After you go down, everyone will use their abilities."

"Naturally." Bai Yi liked this man so frankly: "However, right now, you should go down and see how your companion is doing?"

"I took a look. It's about ten meters away. If it falls, I'm afraid..." The man said with a serious face, "It's more ominous."

"Not necessarily." Bai Yi said confidently, "Go down and have a look and you'll know."

"Go down, how do you go down, can't you just jump down?" The man suddenly smiled: "Or you are willing to help me, I have prepared a rope here."

"What's your name?" Bai Yi asked out of the question.

"Skinny Monkey." Thin Monkey, the name fits him very well, he is thin and small, doesn't he look like a monkey?

Bai Yi smiled: "Go down."

Lei Zi smiled and took out the improved Luoyang shovel and rope from his backpack, and first used the rope to put Qixie down. This reason is perfect, the two people below will be as safe as Wang Wei, and those two will It's hard to say that you can't make a surprise attack. If Qixie goes down, you don't need to worry about anything.

Then put Bai Yi down, there is also a tactic in it, Bai Yi and Qixie go down, two to two, in terms of strength, there must be no problem, then Xiao Ning is put down, and then let go That skinny monkey went down, now it's all right, three to three, Lei Zi looked at Tang Sancheng: "Tang Sancheng, it's your turn.

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