"It's a coincidence that one of those masked men has a high status. Everyone looked at his face. Brother Xiao's ancestors heard whether people stopped talking, and called him General Rengong. The Yellow Turban Army is here. The common people are still very prestigious, and we still know who this general is, so the identities of these people's Yellow Turban Army can't be concealed."

"Is it the team led by the hero general Zhang Liang?" Bai Yi was still surprised, the robbery hole over there was almost finished. When the thin monkey turned his head, he couldn't hide the surprised expression on his face. When he looked at Xiao Ning , there is more content in the eyes, and I keep reading it in my mouth, I can't think of it, I can't think of it.

Xiao Ning was a little proud, he could vaguely see a step below, because he already knew that the bottom was poisonous, so no one dared to go down rashly, Bai Yi said: "Put on a gas mask."

Thin Monkey actually put it on, and he was prepared!

Everyone put on gas masks. Xiao Shan was used to being free and unrestrained, but he was not used to such masks, so he clamored to take them off. Tang Sancheng was frightened to death, and pressed him down: "You can't take it, you will die. If you die, you will die." I saw you and your sister Xiao Ning."

Xiaoshan is not afraid of heaven and earth, he is really afraid that Tang Sancheng will not be seen, so he becomes honest immediately, and obediently follows Tang Sancheng's buttocks. Shouhou's gas mask is bulkier than Bai Yi's, and Bai Yi Thinking of Liu Zhixi again, this guy is still a bit capable, a thin monkey is thin, and wearing such a bulky gas mask is a bit silly, like a big head on a small body, completely out of proportion.

"Go down." Bai Yi's voice came out from behind the mask, a little husky.

The rope was lowered, everyone reached the bottom one by one, Bai Yi was the first, then Xiao Shan and Lei Zi, then Shouhou, and finally Xiao Ning and Tang Sancheng, Qixie stayed at the end and used Luoyang to shovel down, The thin monkey was clamped back and forth, and there was nothing he could do even if he wanted to.

After a while, everyone felt as if their throats were being choked, and a gust of hot air swirled around. Sure enough, the ground was poisonous. Although they were separated by a gas mask, they still didn't dare to gasp for the smell of the edge of death. After a breath, the air has rushed in, and the hot air slowly disappeared. Tang Sancheng tried to open his mouth, took a breath, and confirmed that he didn't feel any discomfort, then put his heart back into his stomach, and turned his head , seeing Xiao Shan staring at it curiously: "Brother, what is that?"

There is a brazier on the wall, watching everyone quietly under the light of the flashlight. How long has it been lit by someone?Bai Yi lit the brazier, and the scene here shocked everyone...

The room is full of skeletons. Lei Zi counted them, and there were as many as thirty. Qi Xie squatted down and checked: "There is a wound on the neck bone, it seems that the throat was cut to death, the killer The man is fast, the incision is very neat, and there is no deviation."

"It's really ruthless and accurate. It's okay, these people die more quickly." Lei Zi shrugged his shoulders. For him, death should have been a routine for a long time.

There are also some fabrics, which are very dirty and incomplete. These were originally from these corpses. The skin and flesh corroded, and the skeleton could not support the clothes, so they fell off and mixed with the dust. After so many years, they became Now that the virtue is gone, Lei Zi picked up one of them with a sharp stone: "Whose clothes are these people wearing?"

Bai Yi squatted down, and carefully identified the lines on it: "This... this is the train."

"What's Qu Ju?" Tang Sancheng must have been stunned when he heard such a professional term: "What does this mean?"

"In the early years, the clothes of the Han nationality did not have crotch-covered trousers, so there must be protective measures at the hem. Curved trains appeared, which can be worn by both men and women. The hem of men's curly trains is wider, so that For walking, women's ones are tighter and narrower, which will emphasize the body shape." Bai Yi glanced at the thin monkey: "This kind of curved train was mainly popular between the pre-Qin and Han dynasties."

The thin monkey's spirit lifted: "So it's true!"

"This is just a preliminary verification." Bai Yi said, "It's too early to make a conclusion."

"These people are just civilians." Qi Xie said suddenly: "The bones of their hands are somewhat deformed, which should be left over from long-term heavy work."

"It may also be the peasant army." The thin monkey said suddenly: "The Yellow Turban Army was originally from peasants. If their corpses are found, there is evidence."

"What's the matter with the Yellow Turban Army?" Tang Sancheng was a little curious, everyone was helping Xiao Ning just now, but they didn't hear the conversation between the two, Bai Yi had to repeat what Shouhou said just now, Looking at Tang Sancheng's appearance, he knew that he had no concept of the Yellow Turban Army, so he sighed.

"The Yellow Turban Army was a peasant uprising army that appeared at the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty. There is no need to explain this, right? Tang Sancheng?" Bai Yi gave Tang Sancheng a white look: "Because at that time, the authorities were very corrupt and there were many natural disasters, so The life of the common people is very difficult. A large number of peasants fled everywhere and starved to death. Even in Luoyang, the capital of the Eastern Han Dynasty, there were groups of dead people lying on the streets, so there appeared multiple peasant uprisings, and the Yellow Turban Army was one of them. one."

"Isn't this place really left by the Yellow Turban Army?" Lei Zi went around here: "This place is more like a torture chamber. So many people have been executed here. It's a bright weapon. I haven't even seen a scumbag. There are only these tattered clothes left, which are useless if you pick them up."

What Lei Zi said is very straightforward, but it is also true. These fabrics are from the Eastern Han Dynasty, and they are worth a little money in theory, but when looking at things in the antique market, they pay attention to their appearance, and they are more valuable if they are of good appearance, just like an ancient vase. , one complete, and one missing a mouth, the value is not at the same level. These fabrics have been broken into countless pieces, and there is no value at all.

The thin monkey said suddenly: "According to the content of the notes, there are other tombs here, and this is just one of them. Let's go, let's go and have a look."

There is really a door next to the tomb, it is a wooden door, it is already damaged, Lei Zi pushed it through and pierced it, pushed it again, creaked, bang, the wooden door swayed and fell down, this is a stone building The workmanship of the corridor is not exquisite, it is not tightly assembled, and there are mud coming out, with deep rut marks on it, which seems to be left over from the construction of that year. There is also a tomb on the left and right of this tomb.

"Left or right?" Lei Zi touched his nose, "Or is it decided by guessing fist?"

"Get lost." Bai Yi squeezed out a word, did he forget the lesson of the last time he guessed punches so quickly?

Bai Yi squatted down and checked the ruts: "These ruts are quite deep. It seems that there are a lot of things loaded. The ruts facing the left are deeper, indicating that the load is heavier. In this way, let's go to the room on the left first, and then come back. On the right, are you okay?"

He didn't dare to make decisions when there was a problem, Lei Zi said, "I'll listen to you this time."

Bai Yi led the way to the tomb on the left, and when he got close, Bai Yi suddenly stopped, turned around and said, "Something's wrong!"

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