When he got out of the cliff coffin, Bai Yi didn't even turn his head. It's not that he doesn't love his sons and daughters. Fu Yu was right. The sooner he finds Qiwu, the two have hope of reuniting. Xiao Ning didn't change at all after being put under the protection gu. Still unconscious, but fortunately his pulse is normal, his breath is weak, but he still has a breath, Tang Sancheng feels relieved a lot, although he doesn't understand the mystery of Gu, but he believes that with Fu Yu's current ability, every step is justified Followable and trustworthy.

"Let's go back to Beijing first. As Fu Yu said, if the rhinoceros fruit grows easily underground in a land without water, we can only go to the desert. Also, Qin Ling, we only have one clue now, which is you—Tang Sancheng. " Bai Yi's words made Tang Sancheng startled, he pointed to his nose: "You mean me?"

"You have forgotten, Xiao Ning said that his father confessed two things before he died, one of which was to find the person with the tiger mark on his body. Xiao Tianyi was outstanding among the captains of Mojin. Apart from the fact that he was being plotted against, the other thing is the person with the tiger talisman mark on his body." Bai Yi said: "The tiger talisman mark on your body belongs to Qin Dynasty, so I have reason to suspect that Xiao Tianyi has been looking for Qin Ling, and he Know something about Qinling, such as the man with the tiger symbol on his body."

"How do you know that the tiger talisman imprint on my body must belong to Qin Dynasty?" Tang Sancheng couldn't believe it: "How could there be such a coincidence?"

"You don't know this. The shape of the tiger talisman changed in different dynasties, and the Qin and Han dynasties were different." Bai Yi was very confident: "The tiger talisman, as a military talisman, was first invented by Jiang Ziya. To ensure that the king does not make mistakes when conveying orders to mobilize the army, a token is needed as evidence. Jiang Ziya believes that the tiger is the king of beasts and is invincible in the jungle struggle. It is carved in the shape of a tiger, so it is also called a tiger talisman. In fact, besides the tiger talisman, there are also eagle talismans and dragon talismans, but they are not used much.”

"The tiger talismans issued after the unification of Qin Shihuang were short and easy to hide. The inscriptions on the tiger talismans of the Qin Dynasty were inscribed on the left and right sides of the talisman. In the middle seam, only after matching can you know the complete inscription on it, as for yours..."

Bai Yi stopped talking, just stared at Tang Sancheng, Tang Sancheng nodded: "I know, the inscriptions on the tiger talisman imprint on my body are located on the left and right sides, and you can read them without matching them, so you would have known me earlier. The tiger talisman on his body belongs to the Qin Dynasty."

"That's right." Bai Yi said: "But what's the use of knowing this? I was also at a loss. It wasn't until Qiqiao Linglongsuo appeared that I had a bold idea in my heart. What Xiao Tianyi was looking for had a tiger talisman on him. The imprint is not you."

"Who is that?" After Tang Sancheng asked, he also had a bold idea: "Could it be that man with the same blood as me, that box..."

Tang Sancheng didn't dare to continue thinking.

"Yes, I have thought about it. The box contains things that are likely to be used when a baby was born. It is even stained with the mother's blood. Judging from the age of the fabric..." Bai Yi Looking straight into Tang Sancheng's eyes: "It's about the same time as you were born, that box should have been poured out when Xiao Tian was in a fight, and at that time, he must have fought with the person with the tiger talisman mark on his body Face to face, otherwise how do we know that the other party has a mark? Unfortunately, Xiao Tianyi has passed away, and there is no way to verify many things. There is a huge crowd, and we just met his daughter. Unfortunately, if we meet Xiao Tianyi , everything will be different.”

"Don't talk about it anymore." Tang Sancheng shook his head: "It confuses me more and more."

"Think about it for yourself, why you were able to open the Qiqiao Linglong lock, and what happened to the ballad that came to your mind?" Bai Yi asked him, "You must also find it strange, right? Why did you see that lock and only Can you remember that ballad and find the combination to open the lock, is there such a coincidence in the world?"

Qixie stopped suddenly: "There are indeed many coincidences."

"It's a coincidence." Bai Yi said again: "This time it was an accident, because this witch, like Fu Yu said, was most likely murdered by her peers. By accident, she was under Zhang Jiao's tomb, but One thing is not an accident, right? The trip to the ancient Kunlun, who is the person who guided Wang Shen to the ancient Kunlun?"

Tang Sancheng had no way to escape: "He came after me, I know it."

"But why is it aimed at you? We can't guess his intentions. We only know that before we entered the ancient Kunlun, someone went in, met Di Jun, and brought Di Jun a message from outside. Think about us In the embarrassment of the ancient Kunlun, that person came and went freely, he must not be an ordinary person." Bai Yi said: "This person seems to care about you very much to a certain extent, why? What is his relationship with you?"

The more Bai Yi analyzed, the more he felt that he was getting closer to the truth, and unconsciously, his attitude became a little aggressive. Under his aggressive aura, Tang Sancheng broke out: "Don't ask me, if I know, I will I’m guessing riddles with you here, what can I do if he doesn’t show up, and I’m more anxious and nervous than you!!”

Realizing his gaffe, Bai Yi immediately calmed down: "I'm sorry, I just buried these things in my heart for too long, I was too excited."

"It's okay." Tang Sancheng said angrily: "Who told us to be together."

Qi Xie said: "At least one thing is useful, that is, the imprint on your body may be related to Emperor Qin. However, there are not many clues about this Qin Ling. Bai Yi, what are your plans?"

"My plan is to go to the desert to find the Lingxi fruit first." Bai Yi said: "Then focus on finding Ye Mingzhu. Even if Qin Ling can't be found, Tang Sancheng, you choose your treasure cave, and we will try our luck one by one. You must find it!"

A sense of pride welled up in his heart, Tang Sancheng nodded heavily: "Yes!"

After making up their minds, the three of them took Xiao Ning back to Beijing first. Bai Yi was also worried that Lei Zi and Xiao Shan would attract others' attention and cause trouble with so many artifacts. The way back was quite smooth, although from time to time there were people who were very interested in Xiao Ning who was in a coma, but it was much better than when Wang Shen took Wang Wei with him. Besides, the temperament of Bai Yi and the other three were also on the side of good people, not at all. People have doubts about what is bad about them.

As soon as he got back to the courtyard, Bai Yi called Lei Zi, and Xiao Shan lived there temporarily, and Lei Zi was very excited when he heard Bai Yi's voice: "My mother, you are finally back! "

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