When the four of them returned to the Bai family's house, the other team hadn't come back yet, and the four of them were not in a hurry. Bai Yi came to the door with double happiness, and took Fu Yu to his trading company and antique shop to show off. He couldn't wait to show everyone Announcing that Fu Yu is the proprietress, let everyone know that Bai Yi is finally with his beloved.

Seeing Bai Yi's excitement, Tang Sancheng and Qi Xie were very calm. The two had even reached an agreement to keep a close eye on Fu Yu. Finally, one night, Tang Sancheng heard some movement in the yard. He stood by the window, opened the curtains, and under the moonlight, he saw Fu Yu standing alone in the yard, although he couldn't see her face clearly. The above expression, but Tang Sancheng has a feeling that Fu Yu at this moment is not Fu Yu.

Fu Yu was looking up at the moon in the sky, her chin looked extraordinarily smooth and sad under the moonlight, and this word suddenly appeared in Tang Sancheng's mind. At this moment, Fu Yu seemed to be immersed in sadness, that is Focusing on this point, Tang Sancheng also felt that the current Fu Yu was not Fu Yu, and that the current Fu Yu was at a time of happiness, so how could he be so sad?

Fu Yu suddenly raised his head and looked at Tang Sancheng's direction. Tang Sancheng's side was hiding beside the curtain, his heart beating non-stop...

I don't know how long it took, Tang Sancheng looked carefully into the yard, and Fu Yu's figure had disappeared. While Tang Sancheng heaved a sigh of relief, he felt uneasy, what was she doing just now?Can't sleep in the middle of the night and get up for a stroll?Tang Sancheng touched his chest, and returned to the bed. He suddenly missed other people, and he didn't know what was going on with them...

Xiao Ning and the others finally came back. Ten days later, their faces were completely exhausted, and Xiao Shan's condition was slightly better. Xiao Ning was completely shocked when he saw Fu Yu appear, and when it was over, he hugged Fu Yu and refused to let go. Fu Yu was originally a quiet girl, not as lively as Xiao Ning, and living alone in the cliff coffin for many years, she became more taciturn, and under Xiao Ning's leadership, she talked more.

Bai Yi was very happy to see Fu Yu gradually adapting to the life outside. After Xiao Ning and Lei Zi packed up their things, they sat together in the yard. Now is the warm spring and everything is recovering. Ushering in his new life, now it's Tang San's turn.

The three of Xiao Ning and the others suffered a lot there. After all, it had been several decades, and they were not sure where Tang Sancheng's mother was from.

"Since you're back, you must have gained something?" After Bai Yi finished asking, Tang Sancheng's eyes were fixed on Xiao Ning.

"Probably." Xiao Ning said: "But there are too few insiders, and we don't have much confidence. We visited many places in the local area, and finally heard about something in a small town. Coincidentally, when the old man was young, there was an event that he would never forget, and he always remembered that when he heard that we were inquiring about a woman who had given birth back then, he took the initiative to come to us."

The old man's beard and hair were completely white. When asked about his age, he was already in his eighties, but he was still very eloquent. Speaking of which, this old man had some background. He was originally an officer of the Kuomintang. He also worked as an official for a while, and finally returned to his hometown to retire, but what he wanted to say had nothing to do with his later experience. He was only 16 years old that year. Because his family was relatively good and his parents paid attention to education, they sent him to the city. to study.

"What's the old man's name?" Tang Sancheng asked suddenly.

"Ren Zhiyuan." Xiao Ning said: "You can tell from the name, how is his family, isn't it?"

If it were placed in 16, the name did come from a wealthy family. Ren Zhiyuan was 21 years old, studied in the county seat, abided by etiquette, and was completely free from outside influence. The female teacher, only [-] years old, heard that she was invited from the city of Beijing. Regardless of her culture, her elegant temperament set off a storm among the male students.

In that era, there were few female students and few female teachers. In that special era when "women are virtuous without talent", they all lived in their boudoirs and followed the stereotypes and dogmas set for them by the secular world. Her Arriving, even set off a storm of discussion in the entire county.

Ren Zhiyuan was not affected at first, he was very clear about his future plans, until that day, when it suddenly started to drizzle, Ren Zhiyuan, without an umbrella, stood in the corridor in front of the classroom, looking at the scene downstairs, The teacher suddenly appeared in the rain, she was wearing a lake blue cheongsam, her hair was tied into two braids, she did not hold an umbrella, she stood on the path, suddenly raised her head, looked at the direction of the rain, and stretched out Holding out a hand to let the raindrops fall into her palm, Ren Zhiyuan watched the scene intently, perhaps feeling that someone was watching her, she turned her head and saw Ren Zhiyuan leaning against the railing, and smiled...

It was that smile that made Ren Zhiyuan worry. A seed was planted in the heart of the 16-year-old boy. It was the seed of love that germinated quietly. He was still ignorant about feelings, but that smile made him look forward to the time of class and became more devoted. The first budding feelings are always extraordinarily precious, even at the dying moment, they still feel fresh forever, Xiao Ning is very moved by his appearance when recalling, the cherished and careful memory makes people feel that this memory is in the past. How heavy is the weight in his heart.

"What's that teacher's name?" Tang Sancheng's heart ached. If such a beautiful person is his mother, how honored he would be.

"Qizhen." Xiao Ning said: "This is very important, how could I forget that her surname is Xie, and her name is Xie Qizhen."

Qizhen, Tang Sancheng silently read this name in his heart, the name is also very beautiful, is it her?Could it be her?The place is right, but what about the experience?How was the experience?

"Later, what happened later, why do you think this teacher and Tang Sancheng could be related?" Bai Yi asked for Tang Sancheng.

Ren Zhiyuan had a crush on his teacher, which was something that he could never say at that time. He knew this truth very well, so he just paid attention to Xie Qizhen silently, so he saw with his own eyes that Teacher Qizhen often went to a teahouse. He even followed him several times, and what made him disappointed was that Teacher Qizhen was not alone, but with a man. This made the young Ren Zhiyuan sad for a while, but after all, he was young, and he comforted himself in his heart, maybe That man is Teacher Qizhen's brother or a normal friend...

When he saw that man holding an umbrella for Teacher Qizhen and carefully holding her hand, Ren Zhiyuan's weak heart finally broke. Even if he was young, he knew that Teacher Qizhen was different from that man, When looking at Teacher Qizhen, there is more content in the eyes.

Maybe Teacher Qizhen noticed Ren Zhiyuan's strangeness, and let Ren Zhiyuan stay that day, not in the classroom, nor in the teacher's office, but took Ren Zhiyuan to a secluded place, that place, Rhododendrons are in full bloom.

"Unfortunately, if there is rain today, it will definitely look better." Xie Qizhen's voice was very soft: "Zhiyuan, you have been distracted in class recently, what's wrong? Your father came here yesterday."

Ren Zhiyuan was startled: "My father?"

"He is very worried about you." Xie Qizhen hesitated for a moment: "Your father has a lot of worries."

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